CS268 is a graduate level course in computer networks. The course involves both a reading/lecture/discussion component and a project component. We will read about 50 research papers on various aspects of computer networking: internetworking principles, LAN/WAN technologies, routing, congestion control, measurement, management, multicast, router design. Students are expected to read papers before the class, submit a short summary for each paper, and participate in the discussion during the class. Lectures will be conducted in an interactive fashion and everyone is expected to participate. You will be graded for both the paper summaries and class discussion.
Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:
A major component of this course, both in terms of your grade and your time, is a term project. The project in CS268 is an open-ended research project. The goal is to investigate new research ideas and solutions. The project requires a proposal, and a final report (both written and presented).
Each student will present and lead the discussion on one reading assignment from the syllabus.
For each paper you read you are required to provide a short review. You will have to review no more than two papers per class. The goal of these reviews is to help you synthetise the main ideas and concepts presented in each paper. Details on when and how to submit your review will be posted to piazza.
This website was created using Dave Andersen and Nick Feamster's coursegen software. Thanks!
Last updated: 2019-01-19 22:38:42 -0800 [validate xhtml]