CS 39R:  Symmetry & Topology
Lecture #14 -- Mon. 12/4, 2017.

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Think about the following two questions:

What did you learn in this course?
What does it take to succeed as a student at UC Berkeley?

Prepare some answers and/or question for a later discussion.

Presentation of  "Elevator Speeches"

Your 90-seconds oral summary should present some interesting aspect of you project
and entice the listener to want to hear more about it.
--> On the evaluation sheet indicate how enticing the various presentations looked to you.

Review of Some Key Concepts Presented in this Course

Higher dimensional spaces, symmetry classifications, topological invariants . . .

Some "Meta-Skills"  for Continued Success at UC Berkeley

Good Project Presentations!

Clear story lines; beautiful images!

Elevator Speeches . . .

Keep it short and inspiring.  Don't try to summarize all aspects of your project.
Mention something that personally got you inspired.  Avoid technical details.

Project Report still to be done  (Due Dec. 11, 2017).

Summarize in 2 to 4 pages the issue you studied in your project and your most important findings.
Re-use some of the (color) images that you had in your PowerPoint presentation.
Make this a suitable handout to carry in your "Portfolio" when you need to explain what you did at UCB.
E-mail me a PDF file.

What does it take to succeed as a student at U C Berkeley?


Final Homework Assignments:

Due: Dec. 11, 2017

E-mail me a PDF of a 2-4-page report about your course project.

Please take the Course Evaluation survey.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin