CS 39: Symmetry & Topology
Lecture #12 -- Mon. 4/29, 2019.
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Compare your own findings with
this solution sheet:
Wallpaper Symmetries:
Back to Two Dimensions, but
with Lots of Symmetry!
the worksheet of different wall-paper patterns.
How to find the elements of Wallpaper
Symmetries ?
How many different Wallpaper
Symmetries are there?
(Try to find a good lower and upper bound...)
From "The Symmetry of Things": 1, 2.
Wallpaper Symmetries
Tiling Patterns
the above relationships . . .
Sculptures, Lego
Knots, "Cubist Approximations" . . .
A first presentation by Sophie
Chen on Chinese Architecture.
Future Project Presentations:
Meta Skills:
Discussion: What does it take to
succeed at UC Berkeley?
Learning some essential skills:
-- Giving an oral presentation with good visuals (PPT).
-- Preparing an "elevator speech" (60-90 seconds).
-- Writing an extended abstract (2-4 pages).
-- Building your Portfolio.
New Homework Assignments:
Modular construction of a "cubist Moebius band"
from square paper tiles parallel to one of the tree
coordinate axes.
(Or if this is too easy, do a "cubist Klein bottle".)
Here are some explanations and hints
concerning this assignment.
Due in next class.
Prepare your Course Project presentations.
(You can see some presentations of previous years at:
Think about your Elevator Speech.
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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin