What is the 4th Dimension? Does it
exist? -->> Conceptually, there are infinitely
many spatial dimensions
How many mutually orthogonal coordinate axes are there in 4D
space? -->> Four: x,
y, z, w.
How many mutually orthogonal coordinate planes are
there in 4D space?
-->> Six: xy, xz, xw, yz, yw, zw.
Shapes in Higher Dimensions -- Numberphile
What makes a valid 4D "corner"?
Can a 4D polytope be seen as a 3D polyhedron evolving over time?
How would we
experience a 4D sphere passing through our 3D
How can we best
visualize 4D objects?
-- By analogy! Use "Flatland"
example to see how to understand 3D from a 2D world.
Understanding higher dimensions step by step
-- one dimension at a time. (Extrusion Pantomime)
Polytopes in (Four and) Higher Dimensions
(second half: slide 28)
If you are brave enough, look at: "A
10-Dimensional Jewel" PPT
Is there a practical application for the regular 4D polytopes?
A good example for training your abstract
thinking and reasoning by analogy.
(Consider going from 2D to 3D, and then use this to go from 3D
to 4D).
Check the web for possible responses,
e.g.,: Applications of Higher Dimension Formulas
The regular 4D polytopes are a piece of
pure mathematics.
Often it takes several decades before a mathematical construct
finds an application.
Minkowski Spaces (a combination of 3D Euclidean space & time)
were found to be a good model for General Relativity.
Mathematics can also be "beautiful"!
By strict
logical reasoning one can derive new mathematical insights
that are irrefutably true and not subject to later change.
By analogy
from 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional spaces, we can derive 4- and
higher-dimensional spaces.
And then we can show unambiguously that in
4D-space there are exactly six totally regular polytopes.
No science or religion has this kind of
internal consistency and permanence.
Due: Monday, April 29,