CS 301 -- GSI Practicum
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Friday, September 9, 2005, 2:10pm-3:30pm,
in 320 Soda Hall.
Informal Discussion: How did it go this week?
Discussion of your experiences in your sessions.
Rights and Responsibilities of a GSI
GSIs' rights and benefits under the contract bargained between UC and UAW 2865.
The collective bargaining agreement between the University and the United Auto Workers (UAW)
A presentation by a representative of the
Academic Student Employee Union (UAW 2865) -- Delayed till next week.
Standards and Ethics Issues
A Reminder:
As a GSI you must complete the online “Professional Standards and Ethics” course within the first three weeks of classes.
Promoting Learning through Diversity: The Inclusive Classroom
Avoid stereotypes, treat all students equally as individuals,
accommodate different backgrounds and learning styles, solicit feedback;
You, as an instructor, should not only obey and enforce the laws against discrimination, but actively serve as a role model.
Test case: When you form the groups for a class project, you get complaints from some members of one team
that they cannot communicate effectively with one of the team members, because that student speaks English so poorly.
-- What should you do ?
Teaching Students with Disabilities
"Academic requirements should be modified, as necessary and appropriate,
to ensure that they do not discriminate or have the effect of
discriminating, on the basis of disability, against qualified
applicants or students with disabilities."
Accepted terminology. What accommodations should be made.
Resources you can draw upon. Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Test case: The night before an exam, a student tells you that s/he has a disability and needs extra time
-- but that the Letter of Accommodation has not yet been issued because of an administrative delay.
-- Should you grant extra time ?
Creating an Educational Environment Free of Sexual Harassment
Recognizing sexual harassment. Laws and policies. Types of
harassment. Preventative teaching strategies. Reporting
Do not date a student in your class !
Test case 1: Your professor (instructor of record for your class) asks you to join him for drinks at a local bar at the of the working day.
-- Should you accept ?
Test case 2: It is individual project demonstration and evaluation time at the end of the semester.
A student shows up to give this project demo in highly provocative clothing that makes you uncomfortable.
-- How should you react ?
got to here -- more discussions at a later time ...
Fostering Academic Integrity
Help making students aware and understanding of the Code of Student Conduct
Academic dishonesty: Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty.
Test cases: is this "cheating" ? ... Your views: ... YES, NO, Borderline.
Minimizing the
opportunities for cheating. Minimizing the impact of
cheating. Handling academic misconduct.
GSI Responsibilities and Ethics
Be prepared. Establish
clear policies on all class-related matters. Know the safety/emergency
rules/procedures in your building.
Maintaining professional boundaries.
Test case: A dominant gang of 5 in a class of 20 invites you to a Halloween party at their Frat house.
-- Should you accept invitation ?
Fair evaluation of student
performance. Student information and privacy rights.
Professional respect for students.
Students with difficulties. Students who cause difficulties.
Enhance student learning and advance your professional abilities.
Two options:
- via e-mail to ppj@eecs and sequin@cs for more personal notes
- sent to a newsgroup for points that you would not mind seeing discussed (on-line or in class).
In Preparation for Next Meeting:
Read handout: "Essential Elements: What Makes it Work?"
from: "Approaches to Implementing Cooperative Learning" by D.W Johnson and R.T. Johnson.
A more readable version of the handout is available in my OUT-box at 639 Soda Hall.
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin