Lecture #6 -- Friday 10/2, 1998.

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Lecture Topics

SFF Fabrication Methods

  • SLA
  • SLS
  • FDM
  • 3D printing
  • LOM

    The Kind of Thinge We Want to Do With SFF

  • Schwarz Surface
  • Boy Surface
  • and others

    Interchange Formats for SFF

  • .STL

    The Next Design

  • Procedural Object Definition
  • Review of tentative designs
  • Comments on Maze Generation

    New Homework Assignment:
    DUE: FRIDAY 10/9/98, 9:45am.

    A valid file for a maze-based design that can be realized either in a 1 inch thick plate of plastic stock using CyberCut, or in a 2 inch cube of SFF material.

    Hand in:

  • A detailed description of your project (0.5 - 1 page),
  • The procedurally generated maze for your project that you plan to submit.

  • A half-page "Product Plan" on how to make an inexpensive modular element from which various constellations of the Schwarz Surface can be assembled (and disassebled for reuse of the parts).

    Put your name on your hand-ins.

    Next Reading Assignment:

    Study the web pages associated with the 294 Projects Page.

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin