Lecture #11 -- Nov. 17, 2000.

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Discussion of the Designs for the ZCorp 3D Printer

Discussion of Plans for Course Projects

An Introduction to VRML

Hints in Preparing Files for the ZCorp 3D Printer

As we try to run the various designed parts, we are learning several things:

Homework Assignments:

A#11: DUE before Thanksgiving

Please resubmit your webCAD designs again.

The CyberCut team reports that they have fixed several of the discovered problems
and made the whole pipeline more robust.
Please give the system another try and report back your experiences to me and to:
pwright@robocop.me, ahn@kingkong.me, vsundar@kingkong.me, ashish@kingkong.me, roshan@kingkong.me

NEW A#12: DUE in Next Class, Dec. 1, 2000

Prepare a formal 6-minute per person presentation
of your course project, i.e., your demonstration "show-piece".
Give a description of your object and of your design approach;
show preliminary sketches or test structures.
The use of foils and computer projection is encouraged.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin