Lecture #10 -- Nov. 3, 2000.

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Experience with WebCAD (cont.)

You did great work last week -- it gave important feedback to WebCAD team.

The Use of WebCAD

Design for Manufacturability

Bad Machining Practices
Operations to avoid:

Tests for Manufacturability
Operations that WebCAD will catch for you:

Advanced Features in WebCAD

More Details on Microplanning

Preparing for the Z-Corp 3D printer

. . . and its special characteristics:

Homework Assignment:

A#10: Design a colored part for fabrication with the Z-Corp 3D printer

I understand it wants a VRML description, but can handle only eight colors ...
Zcorp Color File Format Example

Watch further postings and e-mail as we learn what is needed.

Start designing your part in SLIDE. (We will work a on a VRML converter).
Stick with bold color designs; since the colors are somewhat pale,
and we don't yet know how good the color resolution is.

Think about what "show-piece" (= course-project) you want to do for CS294-3.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin