Lecture #7 -- Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011
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Brain teaser: -- Why does an ordinary wall mirror reverse left and right, but not up and down ?
RE: Design-Level (CAD-Model) Representations (see Lecture #6)
If you could have only ONE of the above paradigms -- which one would you choose ?
How to convert between these different representations ?
Questions ? Clarifications ?
Data Structures for CAD/Graphics Systems (Overview)
Non-hierarchical Boundary Representations
- Winged-edge data structure for orientable 2-manifolds (Baumgart)
- -- every edge connects to exactly two polygons, one on each side.
- Radial-edge data structure for non-manifolds (Weiler, UniGrafix)
- -- edges can connect to arbitrarily many polygons.
- Half-edge data structure (e.g. http://www.flipcode.com/articles/article_halfedge.shtml)
- -- a lean and regular variant for 2-manifolds..
- Quad-edge data structure (Guibas and Stolfi)
- -- a dual/symmetric treatment of vertices and faces.
- Polygon soup ( .STL)
- -- not really a "data structure" -- but useful for "display lists"
- -- or for sending a part description to an RP machine.
- Subdivision Surfaces (Subdivision Curves and Surfaces, PPT)
-- recursively refined and rounded/smoothed.
-- Catmull-CLark: Meshes of quadrilaterals (approximating).
-- Loop: Triangle meshes (approximating).
- Cellular/Simplex Decompositions
-- the 3D equivalent of a triangulated 2D polygon.
-- finite-element meshes for structural analysis.
-- (possible project: generate these directly in SLIDE for sound analysis, e.g., bells).
Voxel-based Representations
-- for 3D raster data from ultra-sound or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
"Tabulates" spatial occupancy. For efficient encoding use:
- Run-length encoding
- Octrees
-- also important as a general spatial reference frame when data is unevenly distributed.
- Wavelet-based (kD-tree-based) generalizations
Implicit Surfaces
- Defined as a threshold (or level-set) surface in a 3D scalar field.
Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields
- An indirect representation of a B-rep by a judiciously placed set of sample points,
each recording the distance to the closest surface point.
- Hierarchical Combinations of the above with Instancing and with Boolean Operations
Which is the right one -- for what purpose ?
Modeling with SLIDE -- and (later) building it on the FDM!
Due: First draft: Monday, 9/26/2011: 4pm
Final Design: Wednesday, 9/28.2011: 10am
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Carlo H. Séquin