Lecture #27 -- Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011

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Some self-test questions about today's paper:

What information, in addition to the distance to the reflecting surface point do Curless and Levoy take into account when the build the best possible model of the scanned surface?

How do they make use of the statistical uncertainties of the distance estimation process?

What is the key idea to filling in missing patches in the surface that were never analyzed by the scanner?

Check your answers against the material presented in the presentation.

Paper Presentation by:   Yasuhide Okamoto

RS96:  Curless and Levoy: "A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models"

Assignment #9: Some test parts fabricated for:    Team S;   Team R;   Team P;   Team T;   Team Q;

and a minimalist approach inspired by teams R and S.

Final Project Presentations:

Monday, December 12, 4pm - 6pm:

Wednesday, December 14, 4pm - 6pm:

This should be a short (10 or 15 minutes for project teams of 1 or 2 students, respectively), formal, audio-visual presentation,
-- like for a "short paper" talk at a major conference.

The goal is to leave a lasting positive impression with your sponsors, peers, or teacher.

These may be key elements of your presentation:
Some more hints for a good project presentation ...

Final Project Reports -- Due Thursday, December 15, before midnight

These should be formal reports about 4 to 6 pages in lenght,
electronically submitted in either MS-Word or in PDF format.
These reports should explain
to an audience that was not part of CS285
what problem you addressed and what you have achieved.
Please address the same issues as in the list above for your oral presentation.
Inclusion of several pictures is highly encouraged.

Ongoing Assignments:  Work on your projects!

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin