Lecture #12 -- Monday, Oct. 10, 2011

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Preliminary Results on Assignment #6: Bell Design

What comes off the FDM machine:

What are the two most important insights you learned while preparing your .SML files?

Could you make a bell (of traditional shape) without the use of any support material?
(Answer: YES -- keep the slopes of overhangs steeper than 45 degrees!)

Paper Presentation by:  Pardeep Kumar

FD86:  Sederberg and Parry: "Free-Form Deformation of Solid Geometry Models"

Paper Presentation by:  Jeremy Williams

SD06:  Yoon and Kim: "Sweep-based Freeform Deformations"

Prepare for a presentation lasting about 20 minutes -- if there were no interruptions or questions.

Future Paper Presentations . . .

Rest of Class:  How to efficiently and effectively read a paper to prepare for in-class discussions:

Continuing Assignment #7 Team-based Puzzle Design

Each team should design a viable B-rep of their puzzle parts based on our discussions in class and individual feedback received.

Due: 2pm Wednesday, October 12, 2011.

Finishing Assignment #6: Bell Fabrication

Clean up your FDM parts and bring them back for another "photo-op".

Due: Wednesday, 10/12/2011, 4pm

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin