Lecture #16 -- We Mar. 15, 2000.

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  • Prepare and rehearse your "venture capitalist rally" presentation.

    The Design of Snap-together Tiles

    Presentations by representatives the following "toy companies":

    Open discussions of the proposed schemes

  • Will they work ?
  • Can they be prototypesd with the FDM machine ?
  • Could they be injection molded ?
    - - -

    Remarks on Semiregular Polyhedra

  • Polyhedron transformation
  • Relationships between the different (semi-)regular polyhedra
  • The polyhedra generator of George Hart, the artist of "Rainbow Bits"
  • Jitterbug mechanisms
  • Hoberman Spheres
  • -- seeing the "big" connections ...

    Current Homework Assignment:

    A#5: Snap-together Parts -- Phase 2: Fabrication

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin