Lecture #15 -- Mo Mar. 13, 2000.

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  • Think about how to snap tiles together

    Implementation of Gear Clusters

  • First manufacturing results on gear wheels

    What Lies Ahead ?

  • Results of mid-term feedback survey
  • Discussion of future plans
  • What are the concerns about the project ?
  • Motivation -- the foundation for learning
  • Review of the course goals

    Assignment #5 - Phase 1

  • Questions on Snap-together N-gon Tiles ?
  • Hints for Wednesday's presentations

    Assignment #5 - Phase 2

  • Design constraints
  • Fabrication issues
  • Presentation by Jianlin Wang on SIF-Booleans, Slicing, 2D-Booleans, L-SIF, and SSL

    Current Homework Assignment:

    A#5: Snap-together Parts

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin