CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #25 -- Wed 11/25, 2009.
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Modelling with Implicit Surfaces that Interpolate
Discuss with your neighbors:
What kinds of models would be difficult to create with the method below ?
What are the problems with the "blobby sphere" approach that are overcome with this new method ?
How do the authors convert their implicit surface into a B-Rep ?
What methods are used in this paper for interactive visualization of the surface during the modeling process ?
Next Lecture: December 07, 10:40 am -- The first five Project Presentations
No more Reading Assignments!
Hand in this important Programming Assignment:
It is time to wrap up your genus-4 texture mapping assignment. -- Do this before December 2.
Here are some results I have received so far ...
If you can tell where the triangle boundaries are, then the real design objective has not been reached yet.
The next phase will be your project presentations on December 7 and 9, 2009.
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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin