CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #7 -- We 9/20, 2000.
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Rockwood: pp 105-117
Main Lecture Topics
B-Splines; 3D Curves
Review: Multi Segmented B-Splines
- Concentrate on one dimension of a B-Spline curve: Y(t)= piecewise m-degree polynomial.
Assemble that function from m-degree polynomial pieces, joined with C-(m-1) continuity.
How to construct such basis functions: Repeated convolution
m=1 : triangular hat functions
m=2 : three parabolic pieces
m=3 : four cubic pieces
- The limited support of these basis functions
- Comparison with Bezier Basis Functions
The Behavior of B-Splines
- Reviewing the standard seven properties
- Degrees of Continuity
- Comparing B-Splines of different degrees
- - Study their behavior using the panes on pages 101,102.
- The Use of B-Splines
- - B-Spline Curves of degree 3 (p 97)
- - Periodic (closed) B-Spline Curves (p 105)
- - What can you do with a given number of segments ?
- - How many does it take to make a knot ?
- The legal range for a parameter
- - Page 103, bullet 3.
- What do we gain from this restriction ?
- What do we pay -- if anything ?
- - Page 103, bullet 4.
Non-uniform B-Splines
Discussion of Homework Assignment
Handout about Differential Geometry of Curves and B-Splines and its Derivatives
Differential Geometry of (3D) Curves (Handout: Ch5, Mortenson)
- Analysis of Curves (as compared to "Design" or "Data Fitting")
- Intrinsic Curve Properties -- defined at each local point on the corve)
- - Vectors: Tangent, Normal, Binormal;
- - Planes: Osculating, Normal, Rectifying;
- - Scalars: Curvature, Torsion.
- Extrinsic Curve Properties (overall, global values)
- - Arc-length;
- - Planarity, Linearity;
- - Closedness, Turning Number, Knot Type;
- - Highest polynomial degree, lowest continuity type, # of inflection points.
Construction of the Frenet Frame
- Finding the Tangent
- Normal Plane
- Osculating Plane
- Normal vector
- Binormal
- Difference between Normal and second derivative
- The three coordinate planes and their relations to the 3 vectors.
Serret - Frenet Relations
- What is Curvature ? -- 1/r of the osculating circle
- What is Torsion ? -- rate of rotation of osculating plane (around tangent)
- Inflection points -- where curvature = 0.
- Which unit vectors serve as indicators ?
- Which unit vectors serve as local rotation axis ?
New Homework Assignment: (to be done individually)
Programming de Casteljau in Java
See information on the instructional pages.
DUE: WED 9/27/00, 9:10am.
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Follow submission instructions on the instructional pages.
Next Reading Assignment:
Handout about Differential Geometry of Curves and B-Splines and its Derivatives
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Page Editor:
Carlo H. Séquin