S. Shankar Sastry

List of Publications



1.      Saurabh Amin, Alvaro Cardenas, S. Shankar Sastry,” Safe and Secure Networked Control Systems Under Denial-of-Service Attacks.”Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 31-45, 30, April, 2009 [PDF]

2.      Alvaro Cardenas, Tanya Roosta,  S. Shankar Sastry, Rethnking Security Properties, Threat Models and the Design Space in Sensor Networks : A case study in SCADA systems, Ad Hoc Networks, in publication, May, 2009 [PDF]

3.      Hoam Chung, Elijah Polak, and S. Shankar Sastry, "An External Active-Set Strategy for Solving Optimal Control Problems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.54, No.5, pp1129 - 1133, 2009. [PDF]

4.      Milosh Drezgich, Andrew P. Hines, Mohan Sarovar, Shankar Sastry, “Complete characterization of mixing time for the continuous quantum walk on the hypercube with markovian decoherence model” Quantum Information and Computation, Vol. 9, No. 9&10 (2009) 0856–0878 [PDF]

5.      J. Mikael Eklund, Jonathan Sprinkle and S. Shankar Sastry. "Switched and Symmetric Pursuit/Evasion Games With Online Model Predictive Control." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (tbd):(under review), 2009.

6.      P. J. From, V. Duindam, J. T. Gravdahl, S. Sastry, “Modeling and Motion Planning for Mechanisms on a Non-Inertial Base” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)May 2009 [PDF]

7.      Kirak Hong, Posu Yan, Phoebus Chen, Songhwai Oh, and Shankar Sastry, "Multihop routing in camera sensor networks  - an experimental study (poster)" in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2009. [PDF]

8.      YuLun Huang, Alvaro Cardenas, Saurabh Amin, Song-Zyun Lin , Hsin-Yi Tsai, S. Shankar Sastry Understanding the Physical and Economic Consequences of Attacks Against Control Systems International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, in publication, 2009 [PDF]

9.      E.J. Lobaton, P. Ahammad, and S.S. Sastry, "Algebraic Approach for Recovering Topology in Distributed Camera Networks," ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2009), San Francisco, CA, April, 2009. [PDF]

10.  E J Lobaton, R Vasudevan, S S Sastry, R Bajcsy, “Robust Construction of the Camera Network Complex for Topology Recovery” International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), Como, Italy; 2009 [PDF]

11.  Songhwai Oh, Stuart Russell, and Shankar Sastry, "Markov chain Monte Carlo data association for multi-target tracking," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 3, pp 481-497, Mar. 2009. [PDF]

12.  J. Sprinkle, J. M. Eklund, H. Gonzalez, E. I. Grøtli, B. Upcroft, A. Makarenko, W. Uther, M. Moser, R. Fitch, H. Durrant-Whyte and S. S. Sastry. Model-based design: a report from the trenches of the DARPA Urban Challenge. Software and Systems Modeling, 2009. [PDF]



1.      A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry. "Probabilistic Reachability and Safety for Controlled Discrete Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems" .Accepted to Automatica, 2008.

2.      A. Abate, A. D'Innocenzo, M.D. Di Benedetto, and S. Sastry. "Markov Set-Chains as abstractions of Stochastic Hybrid Systems".  Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2008.

3.      A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry. "Approximation of General Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Switching Diffusions with Random Hybrid Jumps."  Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2008

4.      Allen Yang, John Wright,  Yi Ma, and Shankar Sastry. Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images via Lossy Data Compression”.  Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2008.

5.      Alvaro A. Cárdenas, Saurabh Amin, Shankar Sastry."Secure Control:Towards Survivable Cyber-Physical Systems". First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (WCPS2008). Beijing, China. June 2008. (To appear.)

6.      Alvaro A. Cárdenas, Tanya Roosta, Gelareh Taban, Shankar Sastry. “Cybersecurity: Basic Defenses and Attack Trends”. In Giorgio Franceschetti and Marina Grossi Eds. Homeland Security. A multi-facet technological challenge. Artech House. (To appear.) TBA 2008

7.      Annarita Giani, Tanya Roosta, Shankar Sastry."Integrity Checker for Wireless Sensor Networks in Health Care Applications". 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, January 2008, Tampere, Finland.

8.      Gonzalez, H., Grøtli, E. I., Templeton, T. R., Biermeyer, J. O., Sprinkle, J. and Sastry, S. S. "Transitioning control and sensing technologies from fully-autonomous driving to driver assistance systems". Automatisierungs-, Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel, Braunschweig, Germany, Februar 13-14, 2008.

9.      Hoam Chung, Elijah Polak, and Shankar Sastry, "An Accelerator for Packages Solving Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems". IFAC 2008 (to appear).

10.  Hoam Chung, Elijah Polak, and Shankar Sastry. "Enhancements for Contractive Receding Horizon Control" IFAC 2008 (to appear).

11.  Jerry Ding, Jonathan Sprinkle, S. Shankar Sastry, Claire Tomlin. “Reachability Calculations for Automated Aerial Refueling.” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, (submitted), December, 2008.

12.  John Wright, Allen Yang, Arvind Ganesh, Shankar Sastry, and Yi Ma. Robust face recognition via sparse representation”.  IEEE Transcations on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2008.

13.  Jonathan Sprinkle, J. Mikael Eklund, Humberto Gonzalez, Esten Grøtli, Pannag R Sanketi, Michael Moser, S. Shankar Sastry. "Recovering Models of a Four-Wheel Vehicle Using Vehicular Systems Data". IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, (submitted), December, 2008.

14.  Sameer Pai, Marci Meingast, Tanya Roosta, Sergio Bermudez, Stephen Wicker, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Shankar Sastry. "Confidentiality in Sensor Networks: Transactional Information". To be published in IEEE Security and Privacy magazine, 2008.

15.  Tanya Roosta, Martin J. Wainwright, Shankar Sastry."Convergence Analysis of Reweighted Sum-Product Algorithms". To be published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2008.

16.  Tanya Roosta, Wei-Chieh Liao, Wei-Chung Teng , Shankar Sastry."Testbed Implementation of A Secure Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol". IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008.

17.  Vincent Duindam, Ron Alterovitz,  Shankar Sastry, and Ken Goldberg."Screw-Based Motion Planning for Bevel-Tip Flexible Needles in 3D Environments with Obstacles". Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2008.



1.      C. Harmon, P. Ahammad, A. Hammonds, R. Weiszmann, S. Celniker, S. Sastry, and G. Rubin, “Comparative analysis of spatial patterns of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster imaginal discs”, Intern. Conf. Research in Computational Molecular Biology ( RECOMB), (to appear 2007).

2.      Oh, S.,  L. Schenato, P. Chen and S. Sastry. “Tracking and coordination of multiple agents using sensor networks: system design, algorithms and experiments”. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 95 (1): pp. 234-54. Jan. 2007.

3.      S. Pai, T. Roosta, S. Sastry, S. Wicker. “Using Social Network Theory Towards Development Of Wireless Ad hoc Network Trust".  In: the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems (SSNDS-07), Canada. May 2007.

4.      T. Roosta, M. Wainwright and S. Sastry. “Convergence Analysis of Reweighted Sum-Product Algorithms”.  In: the proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2007, Hawaii, USA.

5.      T. Roosta, M. Manzo, S. Sastry.”Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor Networks",  In: Poovendran, Wang, Roy (ed.), Advances in Information Security series, Vol. 30, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-32721. 2007.

6.      T. Roosta, S. Pai, P. Chen, S. Sastry, S. Wicker. “Inherent Security of Routing Protocols in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks”.  IEEE Globecom 2007. (Submitted).

7.      Zhu, B. B. Sinopoli, K. Poolla and S.Sastry. “Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network”. Proceedings of the 26th American Control Conference. July, 2007.



1.      P. Ahammad, R. Bajcsy and S. Sastry. “A framework for characterization and comparison of event related neuronal activity”, Tech. Report no EECS-2006-128, EECS Dept. UC Berkeley 2006. [pdf]

2.      P. Ahammad, R. Bajcsy, G. Simpson, and S. Sastry, “Tools for characterization and classification of brain activity via magnetoencephalography”, Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Conf. on Engineering Principles in Biological Systems.(CSHL-BioSys). 2006.

3.      P.Chen, Songhwai Oh, M. Manzo, B. Sinopoli, C. Sharp, K.Whitehouse, Gi.Tolle, J. Jeong, P. Dutta, J. Hui, S. Schaffert, S. Kim, J. Taneja, B. Zhu, T. Roosta, M. Howard, D. Culler, and S. Sastry  "Experiments in Instrumenting Wireless Sensor Networks for Real-Time Surveillance (video)," in Proc. of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Orlando, FL, May 2006

4.      Abate, A. A. Ames and S. Sastry. “A priori detection of Zeno behavior in communication networks modeled as hybrid systems”, Proc. 25th  IEEE Am. Control Conf. , Minneapolis, MN June 2006. [.pdf]

5.      D. Ames, P. Tabuada, and S. Sastry, “On the stability of zeno equilibria,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin, vol. 3927, pp. 34-48, 2006 [.pdf]

6.      S. Amin, A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Reachability analysis for controlled time stochastic hybrid systems,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin, vol. 3927, pp. 49-63, 2006. [.pdf]

7.      J. Fern, J. Kempe, S. N. Simic, and S., “Generalized performance of concatenated quantum codes—A dynamical systems approach”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol51(3), pp. 448 – 459, March 2006. [.pdf]

8.      Geyer, T. Templeton, M. Meingast and S. Sastry, “The recursive multi-frame parallax algorithm”, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on 3D data Processing”, 2006.

9.      M. Meingast, C. Geyer and S. Sastry. “Geometric models of rolling-shutter cameras’,  6th Int.workshop on Omnidirectional vision, Camera networks, and non-classical cameras. 2005. [.pdf]

10.  T. Roosta, M. Menzo and S. Sastry, “Probabilistic geographic routing protocol for ad hoc and sensor networks”. Proc. Int. WorkshopWireless Ad Hoc Networks, May 2005, (publ.2006). [.pdf]

11.  Harmon, P. Ahammad, A. Hammonds, G. Rubin, and S. Sastry, “Building an atlas of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster imaginal discs”, Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Conf. on Genome Informatics ( CSHL-GI),2006.

12.  Songhwai, Oh, P. Chen, M. Manzi and S. Sastry, “Instrumenting wireless sensor networks for real-time surveillance” , Proc. Int. Conf. Robotics & Automation, May 2006, (accepted) [.pdf]

13.  Oh, S., I. Hwang, and S. Sastry, "Distributed multi-target tracking and identity management," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (accepted), 2006.

14.  Oh, S. and S. Sastry, "Distributed Networked Control System with Lossy Links: State Estimation and Stabilizing Communication Control," in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, Dec. 2006.

15.  R. Vidal, Y. Ma, S. Soatto, and S. Sastry, ”Two-view multibody structure from motion”, Int. J. Computer Science, (On line version), 2006. [.pdf]

16.  Yeo, P. Ahammad, K. Ramchandran and S. Sastry, “Compressed domain real-time action recognition”, Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing ( MMSP) 4pp. 2006.



1.      Abate, A.D. Ames and S.Sastry,. “Stochastic approximations of hybrid systems,” Proc.2005 IEEE American Control Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1557-62, 2005. [pdf]

2.      Abate, M. Chen and S. Sastry, “New congestion control schemes over wireless networks: delay sensitivity analysis and simulations”, Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, CZ. July 2005 [.pdf]

3.      P. Ahammad, C.L. Harmon, A. Hammonds, S. Sastry and G. Rubin, “Joint nonparametric alignment for analyzing gene expression patterns in drosophila imaginal discs,” Proc. 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2, pp. 755-60, 2005. [.pdf]

4.      D. Ames, A. Abate and S. Sastry, “Sufficient conditions for the existence of Zeno behavior: Diagonal first quadrant hybrid systems”, Proc. 44th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Seville, Spain Dec. 2005. [.pdf] REQUESTED PDF

5.      D. Ames and S. Sastry, “A homology theory for hybrid systems: Hybrid homology”. in: Hybrid systems: Computation and Control. 8th International Workshop, Proc., HSCC 2005, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3414, pp. 86-102. 2005. [.pdf]

6.      D. Ames and S. Sastry, “Characterization of zeno behavior in hybrid systems using homological methods,” Proc. 2005 American Control Conference, vol. 2, pp. 1160-5, 2005. [.pdf]

7.      D. Ames and S. Sastry, “Rethinking hybrid systems: A categorical app.roach,” Proc. 10th Intern. Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Zurich, April 2005.

8.      D. Campolo, L. Schenato, E. Guglielmelli and S.S. Sastry, “A Lyapunov-based app.roach for the control of biomimetic robotic systems with periodic forcing inputs,” IFAC World Conf. on Automatic Control. Prague, Czech Republic July 2005. [.pdf]

9.      M. C. Cavusoglu, J. Rotella, W. Newman, S. Choi, J. Ustin and S. Sastry, “Control algorithms for active relative motion canceling for robotic assisted off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery”, 12th International IEEE Conference on Advanced Robotics., (ICAR), Seattle, WA July 18-20, pp. 431-6, 2005. [.pdf]

10.  M.Chen, A. Abate and S. Sastry, “New congestion control schemes over wireless networks: stability analysis”, Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, CZ. July 2005 [.pdf]

11.  J. M. Eklund, T. R. Hansen, J. Sprinkle and S. Sastry, “Information technology for assisted living at home: Building a wireless infrastructure for assisted living,” Proc. 27th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB),pp 3931-3934, 2005. [.pdf]

12.  J. M. Eklund, J. Sprinkle and S. Sastry, “Implementing and testing a nonlinear model predictive tracking controller for aerial pursuit/evasion games on a fixed wing aircraft,” Proc. 2005 American Control Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1509-14, 2005. [.pdf]

13.  J. Hu, M. Prandini and Sastry, S, “Aircraft conflict prediction in the presence of a spatially correlated wind field,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,.vol. 6 (3), pp.326-40, 2005. [.pdf]

14.  Makadia, C. Geyer,  S. Sastry and K. Daniilidis, « Radon-based structure from motion without correspondences »  Proc. 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Comput. Soc., Los Alamitos, CA, USA, vol. 1, pp. 796-803, 2005, [.pdf]

15.  S. Oh, I. Hwang, K. Roy and S. Sastry, “A fully automated distributed multiple target tracking and identity management algorithm,” Proc. AIAA Conf. on Guidance, Navigation and Control, San Francisco, August 2005. [.pdf]

16.  S. Oh and S. Sastry, “A polynomial time app.roximation algorithm for joint probabilistic data association,” Proc. 2005 IEEE American Control Conference, vol. 2, pp. 1283-8, 2005. [.pdf]

17.  S. Oh, L. Schenato, P. Chen and S. Sastry, “A scalable real-time multiple-target tracking algorithm for sensor networks,” Memorandum, No UCB/ERL M05/9 2005. [.pdf]

18.  L. Schenato, S. Oh, S. Sastry and P. Bose, “Swarm coordination for pursuit evasion games using sensor networks,” IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 2005. [.pdf]

19.  Sharp, A. Schaffert, N. Woo, C. Sastry, S. Karlof, S. Sastry, and D. Culler, “Design and implementation of a sensor network system for vehicle tracking and autonomous interception,” Proc.2nd IEEE European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 93-107, 2005. [.pdf]

20.  H. Shim, H. Chung, H.J. Kim and S. Sastry, “Autonomous exploration in unknown urban environments for unmanned aerial vehicles, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2005. [.pdf]

21.  J. Sprinkle, A. Ames, M. Eklund, J. Mitchell, and S. Sastry, “Online safety calculations for glide slope recapture,” Innovations in Systems Software, vol. 1, pp. 157-175, 2005. [.pdf]

22.  J. Sprinkle, A. Ames, A. Pinto, H. Zheng and S. Sastry, “On the partitioning of syntax and semantics for hybrid system tools,” 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pp. 4694-4699, 2005. [.pdf]

23.  J. Sprinkle, M. Eklund and S. Sastry, “Deciding to land a UAV safely in real time,”. Proc. IEEE American Control Conference, Portland, OR June 8-10, vol. 5, pp. 3506-11, 2005. [.pdf]

24.  M. Meingast, C. Geyer and S. Sastry. “Geometric models of rolling-shutter cameras’,  6th Int.workshop on Omnidirectional vision, Camera networks, and non-classical cameras. 2005. [.pdf]



1.      Abate, L. Shi, N. Simic and S. Sastry, “A stability criterion for stochastic hybrid systems,” Proc. 16th Intern. Symposium on Math. Theory of Networks and Systems. Leuven July 2004. [.pdf]

2.      D. Ames and S. Sastry, “Affine hybrid systems,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. 7th International Workshop, Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2993, pp. 16-31, 2004. [.pdf]

3.      D. Ames and S. Sastry, “Blowing up affine hybrid systems,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,  vol. 1, pp. 473-8, 2004. [ pdf]

4.      M. C. Cavusoglu, T. G. Goktekin, F. Tendick and S. Sastry. “GiPSi: An open source /open architecture software development framework for surgical simulation,” Proc. of Medicine Meets Virtual R XII (MMVR 2004). Newport Beach, Ca. Jan 14-17. pp. 46-48, 2004. [.pdf]

5.      X. Deng, L. Schenato, W. C. Wu and S. Sastry, “Flapping flight for biomimetic robotic insects, Part I: System Modeling,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics. 2004. (submitted) [.pdf]

6.      X. Deng, L. Schenato, W. C. Wu and S. Sastry, “Flapping flight for biomimetic robotic insects. Part II: Flight Control Design,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics. 2004. (submitted). [.pdf]

7.      J. Fern, J. Kempe, S. N. Simic and S. Sastry, “Fault-tolerant quantum computation - a dynamical systems app.roach,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.(accepted for publication) 2004. [.pdf]

8.      Geyer, R. Bajcsy and S. Sastry, “Euclid meets Fourier: applying harmonic analysis to essential matrix estimation in omnidirectional cameras,”. Proc.of Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras, June, Prague. 2004. [.pdf]

9.      T. G. Goktekin, M. C. Cavusoglu, F. Tendick and Sastry, S, “GiPSi: An open source /open architecture software development framework for surgical simulation. Framework for surgical simulation,” ISMS 2004  Proceedings Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. Berlin, Germany. Springer-Verlag vol. 3078, pp.240-8, 2004. [.pdf]

10.  J. Hu, W-C Wu and S. Sastry, “Modeling subtilin production in Bacillus subtilis using stochastic hybrid systems,” Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control. 7th International Workshop, HSCC 2004. Proceedings.. Springer-Verlag., Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. vol .2993, pp.417-31, 2004. [pdf]

11.  Y. Ma, K. Huang, R. Vidal, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Rank conditions on the multiple view matrix,” Intern. J. of Computer Vision, October vol. 59(2), pp. 115-137, 2004. [pdf]

12.  M. Meingast, C. Geyer and S. Sastry, “Vision based terrain recovery for landing unmanned aerial vehicles,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp.1670-5, 2004. [pdf]

13.  Y. Ng, H.J. Kim, M. I. Jordan and S. Sastry, “Autonomous helicopter flight via reinforcement learning,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . 2004. [pdf]

14.  S. Oh, J. Kim and S. Sastry, “A sampling-based approach to nonparametric dynamic system identification and estimation,” Proc. IEEE American Control Conference, vol. 1, pp. 873-9, 2004. [pdf]

15.  S. Oh, S. Russell and S. Sastry, “Markov chain Monte Carlo data association for general multiple-target tracking problems,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 735-42, 2004. [pdf]

16.  L. Schenato, W-C Wu and, S. Sastry, “Attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect via sensor output feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, vol. 20 (1), pp. 93-106, 2004. [pdf]

17.  L. Shi, A. Abate and S. Sastry, “Optimal control for a class of stochastic hybrid systems,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Piscataway, NJ, USA, vol. 2, pp. 1842-7, 2004. [pdf]

18.  Sinopoli, L. Schenato, M. Franceschetti, K. Poolla and S.S. Sastry, ”Time varying optimal control with packet losses,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1938-43, 2004. [pdf]

19.  Sinopoli, L. Schenato, M. Franceschetti, K. Poolla, M. I. Jordan and S. S. Sastry, “Kalman filtering with intermittent observations,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49 (9), pp. 1453-64, 2004. [pdf]

20.  J. Sprinkle, M. Eklund, H. J. Kim and S. Sastry, “Encoding aerial pursuit/evasion games with fixed wing aircraft into a nonlinear model predictive tracking controller,” 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control vol. 3, pp.. 1938-43, 2004. [pdf]

21.  J. Sprinkle, J. M. Eklund and S. S. Sastry, “Toward design parameterization support for model predictive control,” IEEE 4th Int. Conf. Intelligent Systems Design and App.lications Conf. Budapest Aug. 2004. [pdf]

22.  R. Vidal, O. Shakernia and S. Sastry, “Following the flock. Distributed formation control with omnidirectional vision-based motion segmentation and visual servoing,” IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. December 2004. [pdf]

23.  J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry and K. B. Whaley, “Optimal quantum circuit synthesis from controlled-unitary gates,” Physical Review A. vol. 69(4), pp.. 42309-1-6, Publisher: APS through AIP, USA. 2004 [pdf]

24.  J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry and K. B. Whaley, “Minimum construction of two-qubit quantum operations,” Physical Review Letters, Publisher: APS, USA.vol. 93(2), pp..  020502/1-4, 2004. [pdf]


1.      Antoniades, H. J. Kim, S. Sastry, “Pursuit-evasion strategies for teams of multiple agents with incomplete information,” Proc. 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp.756-761, 2003. [pdf]

2.      M. Cavusoglu, W. Williams, F. Tendick and S. Sastry, “Robotics for telesurgery: second generation, Berkeley/UCSF laparoscopic telesurgical workstation and looking towards the future app.lications,” The Industrial Robot, Publisher: Emerald, UK vol. 30(1), pp.22-9, 2003.

3.      N. Cowan, O. Shakernia, R. Vidal, S. Sastry, “Vision-based follow-the-leader,” IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems, December 2003. [pdf]

4.      X. Deng, L. Schenato and S. Sastry, “Model identification and attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect including thorax and sensor models,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, September 14-19, vol. 1, pp. 1152-7, 2003. [pdf]

5.      Horowitz, J. Liebman, C. Ma, T. J. Koo, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and S. Sastry, “Platform-based embedded software design and system integration for autonomous vehicles,” IEEE Proceedings, vol. 91(1), pp. 198-211, 2003. [pdf]

6.      J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, “Optimal coordinated motions for multiple agents moving on a plane,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 42(2), pp.637-68, 2003. [pdf]

7.      J. Hu, and S. Sastry, “Optimal sojourn time control within an interval,” IEEE Proc. Amer. Control Conf. vol. 4, pp.3478-83, 2003. [pdf]

8.      J. Hu; S. N Simic, and S. Sastry,How should a snake turn on ice: a case study of the asymptotic isoholonomic problem” Proc. 42nd. Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2908-2913, 2003. [.pdf]

9.      H. J. Kim, D. H. Shim and S. Sastry, “A flight control system for aerial robots: algorithms and experiments, “IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice, vol. 11(12), pp. 1389-1400, 2003. [pdf]

10.  J. Lygeros,  K. H. Johansson, S. N. Simic, J. Zhang and S. Sastry, “Dynamical properties of hybrid automata,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. vol. 48(1), pp.2-17, 2003. [pdf]

11.  M. Mitchell, and S. Sastry, “Continuous path planning with multiple constraints”, Proc. 42nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 5, pp. 5502-5507, Dec. 2003. [.pdf]

12.  A Ng, H. J. Kim, V. Jordan and S. Sastry, “Autonomous helicopter flight via reinforcement learning,” 16th Neural Information Processing Systems, December 2003. [pdf]

13.  L. Schenato and S. Sastry, “Analysis and control of flapp.ing flight: from biological to robotic insects,” Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M04/6. 18 December 2003.

14.  L. Schenato, D. Campolo, S. Sastry, “Controllability issues in flapp.ing flight for biomimetic micro aerial vehicles (MVAs)”. Proc. 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 6, pp.6441-7, 2003. [pdf]

15.  O. Shakernia, R. Vidal and S. Sastry, “Multibody motion estimation and segmentation from multiple central panoramic views,”. IEEE Intern.Conf. Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan,. vol. 1, pp. 571-576, 2003. [pdf]

16.  O. Shakernia, R. Vidal, S. Sastry, “Omnidirectional vision-based egomotion estimation from backprojection flow,” CVPR Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, OMNIVIS'03, June 2003. [pdf]

17.  O. Shakernia, R. Vidal and S. Sastry, “Structure from small baseline motion with central panoramic cameras,” CVPR Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, OMNIVIS'03, June 2003. [pdf]

18.  H. Shim, H. J. Kim, S. Sastry, “Decentralized nonlinear model predictive control of multiple flying robots,” in Dynamic Environments. Proc. 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3621-3626, 2003. [pdf]

19.  S. N. Simic and S. Sastry, “Distributed environmental monitoring using random wireless networks,” 2nd Intern. Workshop Information Processing in Sensor Networks. PARC Palo Alto, CA. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany Proc. Comp. Science, vol. 2634, pp. 582-92, 2003. [pdf]

20.  B. Sinopoli, C. Sharp, L. Schenato, S. Schaffert and S. Sastry, “Distributed control applications within sensor networks,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 91(8), pp. 1235-1246, 2003. [pdf]

21.  R. Vidal and S. Sastry, “Optimal segmentation of dynamic scenes from two perspective views,” Oral presentation (6.5%) at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. II, pp. 281-286, June 2003. [pdf]

22.  R. Vidal, A. Chiuso, S. Soatto and S. Sastry, “Observability of linear hybrid systems,” in: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, vol. 2623, pp. 526-539, 2003. [pdf]

23.  R. Vidal, Y. Ma and S. Sastry, “Generalized principal component analysis (GPCA),” Oral presentation (6.5%) at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 621-628, June 2003. [.pdf]

24.  R. Vidal, O. Shakernia, H.J. Kim, H. Shim and S. Sastry, “Multi-agent probabilistic pursuit-evasion games with unmanned ground and aerial vehicles,” IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation. (to appear 2003).

25.  R. Vidal, O. Shakernia and Sastry, S, “Formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots with omnidirectional visual servoing and motion segmentation,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, vol. 1, pp. 584-9, 2003. [pdf]

26.  R. Vidal, S. Soatto and S. Sastry, “An algebraic geometric approach to the identification of linear hybrid systems,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2003. [pdf]

27.  S. Zelinski, T. J. Koo and S. Sastry, “Optimization-based formation reconfiguration planning for autonomous vehicles,” IEEE Inter. Conf. Robotics and Automation, vol. 3, pp.. 3758-63, 2003. [pdf]

28.  S. Zelinski, T. J. Koo, and S. Sastry,Hybrid system design for formations of autonomous vehicles” Proc. 42nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2003. [.pdf]

29.  J. Zhang, J. Vala, B. K. Whaley and S. Sastry, “A geometric theory of non-local two qubit operations,”Physical Review A 67, pp.. 042313, 2003. [pdf]


1.      J. P. Aubin, J. Lygeros, M. Quincampoix , S. Sastry and N. Seube, “Impulse differential inclusions: a viability app.roach to hybrid systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 47(1) pp. 2-20, 2002 [pdf]

2.      M. Cavusoglu, T. Goktekin, F. Tendick and S. Sastry, “Framework for open source software development for organ simulation in the digital human,” Intern. Conf. on High Performance Computing ( HIPC 2002) Bangalore, India. Dec., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany vol. 2552 pp. 713-14, 2002. [pdf]

3.      X. Deng, L. Schenato, and S.S. Sastry, “Model identification and attitude control scheme for a micromechanical flying insect,”. 7th Intern. Conf. Control Automation Robotics and Vision. ICARCV. December Singapore, 2002. [pdf]

4.      B. Horowitz, J. Liebman, Y. Ma, R. Tal, T.J. Koo, T.A. Henzinger and S.S. Sastry, “Hardware-in the-loop ( HIL). Simulation of multi-vehicle multi-modal embedded systems,” IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain. July 2002. (no record)

5.      J. Hu, M. Prandini, and S. Sastry, S. “Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution”. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 25(5), pp. 888-900, 2002. [pdf]

6.      J. Hu, and S. Sastry, “Symmetry reduction of a class of hybrid systems,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Lecture Notes in Computer Science. HSCC: vol. 2289, pp. 267-280, 2002. [pdf]

7.      H.J. Kim, D.H. Shim and S. Sastry, “Flying robots: Modeling, control and decision making,” Intern. Conf. Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 66-71, 2002. [pdf]

8.      T. J. Koo, J. Liebman, C. Ma, B. Horowitz, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and S. Sastry, “Platform-based embedded software design for multi-vehicle multi-modal systems” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2491, pp. 32-45. 2002 [.pdf]

9.      T. J. Koo, Y. Ma and S. Sastry, “Nonlinear control of a helicopter base unmanned aerial vehicle model,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Jan. 2002.( no record).

10.  T. J. Koo, G. J. Papp.as and S. Sastry, “Multi-modal control of constrained nonlinear systems,". Software-Enabled Control: Information Technology for Dynamical Systems, T. Samd and G. Balas, (Eds.). IEEE Press 2002.

11.  T. J. Koo and S. Sastry, “Bisimulation-based hierarchical system architecture for single-agent multi-modal systems,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Lecture Notes in Computer Science. HSCC. Springer Verlag, vol. 2289, pp. 281-293, 2002. [pdf]

12.  S. Kumar, and S. Sastry, “Biocomputation. Computing in Science and Engineering. Jan-Feb 2002, vol. 4(1), pp. 18-19, 2002.

13.  L. Schenato, X. Deng, and S. Sastry, “Hovering flight for a micromechanical flying insect: Modeling and robust control synthesis”. 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control. Barcelona, Spain. July, 2002.[pdf]

14.  L. Schenato, W-C. Wu and S. S. Sastry, “Attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect via sensor output feedback,”7th Intern. Conf. Control Automation Robotics and Vision. ICARCV 2002. Singapore. Vol. 2 pp. 1031-6, 2002. [pdf]

15.  O. Shakernia, R. Vidal, C. S. Sharp, Y. Ma and S. Sastry, “Multiple view motion estimation and control for landing an unmanned aerial vehicle,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. On Robotics and Automation.  vol. 3, pp. 2793-8, 2002. [pdf]

16.  D. H Shim, H. J. Kim, H. Chung and S. Sastry, “A flight control system for aerial Robots: algorithms and experiments,” 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control. July 2002. [pdf]

17.  D. H. Shim, H. J. Kim, H. Chung and S. Sastry, “Nonlinear model predictive tracking control for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles” Amer. Control Conf., Alaska, May 2002.

18.  S. N. Simic, K. H. Johansson, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Hybrid limit cycles and hybrid Poincaré-Bendixson,” IFAC World Congress, Barcelona Spain. July 2002. [pdf]

19.  S. N. Simic and S. Sastry, “Distributed gradient estimation using random sensor networks,”.1st ACM Intern. Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and App.lications (WSNA) Atlanta, Georgia, 2002. Memorandum UCB/ERL M02/25. 2002

20.  S. N. Simic and S. Sastry, “Distributed localization in wireless ad hoc networks,” 1st ACM Intern. Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and App.lications ( WSNA) Atlanta, Georgia, 2002.

21.  R. Vidal, O. Shakernia, H. J. Kim, D. H. Shim and S. Sastry, “Probabilistic pursuit-evasion games: theory, implementation, and experimental evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, vol. 18 (5), pp. 662-9, 2002. [pdf]


1.      J. P. Aubin, J. Lygeros, M. Quicampoix, S. Sastry and N. Seube, “Viability and invariance kernels of impulse differential inclusions,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. On Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1639-1644, 2001. [pdf]

2.      M. C. Cavusoglu, F. Tendick and S.Sastry, “Telesurgery and surgical simulation: Haptic interfaces to real and virtual surgical environments,” in: Touch in Virtual Environment, McLaughlin, M. L., Hespanha, J. P. and Sukhatme, G. (Eds.) IMSC Series in Multimedia. Prentice Hall. Ch 13, pp.217-238, 2001.

3.      M. C. Cavusoglu, W. Williams, F. Tendick, and S. Sastry. “Robotics for telesurgery: second generation,” Berkeley/UCSF Laparoscopic Telesurgical Workstation and Looking Towards Future App.lications. Proc. 39th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Oct. 2001 (Invited paper), pp. 962-971, 2001.

4.      X. Deng, L. Schenato and S. Sastry, “Hovering flight control of a micromechanical flying insect,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 235-240, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

5.      J. Hu and S. Sastry, “Optimal collision avoidance and formation switching on Riemannian manifolds,” Proc. IEEE 40th Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1071-1076, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

6.      J. Hu, M. Prandini, K. H. Johansson and S. Sastry, “Hybrid geodesics as optimal solutions to the collision-free motion planning problem,” Proc. 4th Intern. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2034, pp. 305-318, March 2001. [pdf]

7.      J. Hu, M. Prandini, A. Nilim, and S. Sastry, “Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, AIAA Paper 2001-4294. Montreal Canada, August 2001. [pdf]

8.      H. J. Kim, R. Vidal, D. H. Shim, O. Shakernia and S. Sastry, “A hierarchical approach to probabilistic pursuit-evasion games with unmanned ground and aerial vehicles,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 634-639, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

9.      T. J. Koo, J. Liebman, C. Ma and S. Sastry, S. Hierarchical approach for design of multi-vehicle multi-modal embedded software,” Embedded Software, T.A. Henzinger and C.M. Kirsch (Eds.). in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2211, pp. 344-360, 2001. [pdf]

10.  T. J. Koo, G. J. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Mode switching synthesis for reachability specifications,” Proc. 4th Intern. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 2034, pp. 333-346. March 2001. [pdf]

11.  T. J. Koo, G. J. Pappas and S. Sastry, “Multi-modal control of systems with constraints,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2075-2080, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

12.  E. S. Lemch, S. Sastry and P. E. Cairns, “Global controllability of hybrid systems with controlled and autonomous switchings,” 4th Intern. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2034, pp. 375-386, March 2001[.pdf]

13.  J. Lygeros, K. H. Johansson, S. N. Simic, J. Zhang and S. Sastry, “Continuity and invariance in hybrid automata,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 340-345, 2001. [pdf]

14.  Y. Ma, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Optimization criteria and geometric algorithms for motion and structure estimation,” “Intern. J. Computer Vision, vol. 44 (3), pp. 219-249, Sept-Oct 2001. [pdf]

15.  Y. Ma, R. Vidal, S. Hsu and S. Sastry, “Optimal motion estimation from multiple images by normalized epipolar constraint,” Communications in Information and Systems, vol. 1(1), pp. 51-74, January 2001 [pdf]

16.  Sastry, S, “Control of networks of unmanned vehicles,” Concur 2001. Concurrency Theory. 12th International Conference Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2154, pp. 36. 2001. [.pdf’]

17.  L. Schenato, X. Deng and S. Sastry, “Flight control system for a micromechanical flying insect,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2, pp. 1641-1646, May 2001. [pdf]

18.  L. Schenato, X. Deng, W. C. Wu and S. Sastry, “Virtual insect flight simulator(VIFS): a software testbed for insect flight,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 4, pp. 3885-3892, May 2001. [pdf]

19.  O. Shakernia, G. J. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Semi-decidable synthesis for triangular hybrid systems,” 4th Intern. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2034, pp. 487-500, March 2001. [pdf]

20.  C. S. Sharp, O. Shakernia and S. Sastry, “A vision system for landing an unmanned aerial vehicle,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2, pp. 1720-1727, May 2001. [pdf]

21.  D. H. Shim, H. J. Kim, H. Chung and S. Sastry, “Multi-functional autopilot design and experiments for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles,” Proc. IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, vol. 1, pp. 3C41-3C48, April 2001. [pdf]

22.  S. N. Simic, K.H. Johansson, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Structural stability of hybrid systems,” European Control Conference (ECC), Porto Portugal 2001. [pdf]

23.  R. Vidal, Y. Ma, S. Hsu and S. Sastry, “Optimal motion estimation from multiview normalized epipolar constraint,” Proc. 8th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision, vol. 1, pp. 34-41, July 2001. [pdf]

24.  R. Vidal, S. Rashid, C. Sharp , O. Shakernia, J. Kim and S. Sastry, “Pursuit-evasion games with unmanned ground and aerial vehicles,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 3, pp. 2984-2955, May 2001. [pdf]

25.  R. Vidal, S. Schaffert, O. Shakernia, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Decidable and semi-decidable controller synthesis for classes of discrete time hybrid systems,” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1243-1248, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

26.  J. Zhang and S. Sastry, “Aircraft conflict resolution: Lie-Poisson reduction for game on SE(2),” Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Contro, vol. 2, pp. 1663-1668, Dec. 2001. [pdf]

27.  J. Zhang, K. H. Johansson, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Zeno hybrid systems,” Intern. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 11(5), pp. 435-451, April 2001. [pdf]


1.      J. P, Hespanha, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, “Probabilistic pursuit-evasion games: a one-step Nash app.roach,” Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2272-2277, Dec. 2000. [pdf]

2.      J. Hu, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Towards a theory of stochastic hybrid system,” Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (HSCC) in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1790, pp. 160-173, 2000. [pdf]

3.      J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, “Optimal maneuver for multiple aircraft conflict resolution: a braid point of view,” Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 4164-4169, Dec. 2000. [pdf]

4.      K. H. Johansson, J. Lygeros, J. Zhang and S. Sastry, “Hybrid automata: a formal paradigm for heterogeneous modeling,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, pp. 123-128, Sept. 2000. [pdf]

5.      H. J. Kim, D. H. Shim, S. Rashid and S. Sastry, “Hierarchical systems for multi-agent systems,”. IEEE. Conf. on Decisions and Control. Sydney, 2000. (submitted, no record)

6.      J. Kosecka, Y. Ma and S. Sastry, “Optimization criteria, sensitivity and robustness of motion and structure estimation,” Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, Triggs, Zisserman, Szeliski and Berlin (Eds.) Springer Verlag, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1883, pp. 166-182, 2000. [pdf]

7.      G. Lafferierre, G. J. Papp.as, and S. Sastry, “O-minimal hybrid systems,” Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. 13(1), pp. 1-21, March 2000. [pdf]

8.      E. S. Lemch, S. Sastry and P. E. Caines, “On the global controllability of hybrid systems: hybrifolds and fountains,” Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on  Decision and Control, vol. 1, pp. 981-986, Dec. 2000. [pdf]

9.      Y. Ma, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Linear differential algorithm for motion recovery: a geometric app.roach,” Intern. J. of Computer Vision, vol. 36(1), pp. 71-89, Jan 2000. [pdf]

10.  Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Euclidean reconstruction and reprojection up to subgroups,” Intern. J. Computer Vision, vol. 38(3), pp. 219-229. July 2000. [pdf]

11.  Y. Ma, R. Vidal, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Kruppa equation revisited: its renormalization and degeneracy,” European Conf. Computer Vision, vol. 2 pp. 561-577, 2000. [pdf]

12.  G. J. Pappas, G. Lafferierre and S. Sastry, “Hierarchically consistent control systems,”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45(6), pp. 1144-1160, June 2000. [pdf]

13.  M. Prandini, J. Hu, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “A probabilistic approach to aircraft conflict detection,”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 1(4), pp. 199-220, Dec. 2000. [pdf]

14.  O. Shakernia, G. J. Pappas and S. Sastry, “Semidecidable controller synthesis for classes of linear hybrid systems,” Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1834-1839, Dec. 2000. [pdf]

15.  O. Shakernia, S. Sastry and G. Pappas, “Decidable controller synthesis for classes of linear systems,” “Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control” pp. 407-420, March 2000. [pdf]

16.  D. H. Shim, H. J. Kim and S. Sastry, “Control system design for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles using time-domain system identification,” Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf on Control App.lications, Anchorage, AK, vol. 1 pp. 808-813, Sept. 2000. [pdf]

17.  D. H.Shim, H. J. Kim and S. Sastry, “Hierarchical control system synthesis for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles,”. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf. Denver, CO., August 2000. [pdf]

18.  S. N. Simic, K. H. Johansson, S. Sastry and J. Lygeros, “Towards a geometric theory of hybrid systems,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. 3rd International Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, March. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1790, pp. 421-436, 2000. [pdf]

19.  C. J. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “A game theoretic approach to controller design for hybrid systems,” Proc. IEEE., vol. 88(7), pp. 949-970, July 2000. [pdf]

20.  R. Vidal, S. Schaffert, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Controlled invariance of discrete time systems,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, in Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol. 1790, pp. 437-450. 2000. [pdf]

21.  R. Vidal, O. Shakernia and S. Sastry, “Controlled invariance of discrete time systems by robust semidefinite programming,”39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1834-1839, Sydney, Australia, December 2000..( no record)

22.  J. Zhang, K. H. Johansson, S. Sastry, and J. Lygeros, “Dynamical systems revisited: hybrid systems with zeno executions,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, , B. Krogh and N. Lynch, (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1790, pp. 451-464, 2000. [pdf]


1.      P. Antsaklis, W. Kohn, A. Nerode and S. Sastry, (Eds.)Hybrid Systems V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, July 1999.

2.      M. C. Cavusoglu, F. Tendick, M. Cohn and S. Sastry, “A laparoscopic telesurgical workstation,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 15(4), pp. 728-739, Aug. 1999. [pdf]

3.      M. C.Cavusoglu, F. Tendick, M. Cohn and S. Sastry, “A laparoscopic telesurgical workstation,”IEEE Transactions on Automation and Control, vol. 15(6), pp. 1146-1160, Dec. 1999.

4.      M. Egerstedt, K. Johansson, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “Behavior-based robotics using regularized hybrid automata,” Proc. 38th Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3400-5, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

5.      M. Egerstedt, T. J. Koo, F. G. Hoffmann and S. Sastry, “An integrated algorithm for path planning and flight controller scheduling for autonomous helicopters”, 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, Haifa, Israel, June 1999.

6.      M. Egerstedt, T. J. Koo, F. G. Hoffmann and S. Sastry, “Path planning and flight controller scheduling for an autonomous helicopter” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. F.W. Vaandrager and J.H. van Schupp.en (Eds.), in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1569, pp. 91-102, 1999. [.pdf]

7.      J. M. Godhavn, A. Balluchi, L. S. Crawford and S. Sastry, “Steering of a class of nonholonomic systems with drift terms”, Automatica, vol. 35 (5), pp. 837-847, 1999. [.pdf]

8.      J. P. Hespanha, H. J. Kim; and S. Sastry, “Multiple-agent probabilistic pursuit-evasion games,” Proc. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2432-37, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

9.      J. Hu, J. Lygeros, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, S. “Aircraft conflict prediction and resolution using Brownian motion,” Proc. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2438-2443, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

10.  J. Hu, J. Lygeros, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, “A probabilistic framework for highway safety analysis,” Proc. 38th Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3734-3739, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

11.  K. H. Johansson, M. Egerstedt, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, “On the regularization of zeno hybrid automata,”, Systems & Control Letters, vol. 38 (3), pp. 141-50, 26 Oct. 1999. [pdf]

12.  K. H. Johansson, J. Lygeros, S. Sastry and M. Egerstedt, “Simulation of zeno hybrid automata,” Proc. 38th Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3538-3543, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

13.  T. J. Koo, F. Hoffmann, H Shim, B.Sinopoli and S. Sastry, “Hybrid control of an autonomous helicopter,” Motion Control. Proc. IFAC Workshop. Elsevier Sci, pp. 265-70, 1999

14.  T. J. Koo and S. Sastry, “UAV trajectory generation with switching on flat outputs,” IEEE Hong Kong Symposium on Robotics and Control, Hong Kong, June 1999.

15.  T. J. Koo and S. Sastry, “Differential flatness-based full authority helicopter control design,” Proc. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1982-87, Dec 1999. [pdf]

16.  T. J. Koo, B. Sinopoli, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli; and S. Sastry, “A formal approach to reactive system design: Unmanned aerial vehicle flight management system design example,” Proc.1999 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, pp. 522-27, August, 1999. [.pdf]

17.  J. Kosecka, Y. Ma and S. Sastry, “Optimization criteria, sensitivity and robustness of motion and structure estimation,” Proc. ICCV Workshop on Vision Algorithms, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1883, pp. 166-182, Sept. 1999.

18.  G. Lafferriere, G. J. Papp.as and S. Sastry, “A new class of decidable hybrid systems”, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1569, pp. 137-151, March 1999. [.pdf]

19.  G. Lafferierre, G. J. Pappas and S. Sastry, Hybrid Systems with Finite Bisimulations. Hybrid Systems V, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1567, pp. 186-203, Springer-Verlag, 1999. [.pdf]

20.  J. Liu, X. Liu, T. J Koo, B. Sinopoli, S. Sastry and E. Lee, ”A hierarchical hybrid system model and its simulation,” Proc. 38th Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3508-13, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

21.  J. Lygeros, K. H. Johansson, S. Sastry and M. Egerstedt, “On the existence of executions of hybrid automata,” Proc. 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2249-2254, Dec. 1999. [pdf]

22.  J. Lygeros, G.J. Pappas and S. Sastry, “An introduction to hybrid system modeling, analysis, and control,”. Preprints of the First Nonlinear Control Network Pedagogical School, Athens, Greece, Sept., pp. 307-329, 1999. [pdf]

23.  J. Lygeros, G. J. Papp.as and S. Sastry, “Large scale systems issues in automated highway and air traffic management systems,” in Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications 1998 (LSS’98). Proc. 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMAC/IFIP Symposium, vol. 2, pp. 701-706, 1999.

24.  J. Lygeros, C. Tomlin and S. Sastry, “Controllers for reachability specifications for hybrid systems”, Automatica, vol.35 (3) pp. 349-370, Mar. 1999. [.pdf]

25.  Y. Ma J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “A differential geometric approach to camera self-calibration,” Conf. on Computer Vision(IJCV) 1999. ( no record)

26.  Y. Ma, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Vision guided navigation for a nonholonomic mobile robot” IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation., vol. 15(3), pp. 521-536, June 1999. [.pdf]

27.  Y. Ma, O. Shakernia, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “A Lie theoretic app.roach to structure and motion in computer Vision, Proc. 14th World Conf. of Intern. Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), July 1999.

28.  Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry, “Euclidean reconstruction and reprojection up to subgroups,” Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, vol. 2, pp. 773-80, Kerkyra, Greece, Sept., 1999. [pdf]

29.  M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, A. Nilim, and S. Sastry, “A probabilistic framework for aircraft conflict detection”, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, August 1999.

30.  M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, A. Nilim, and S. Sastry, “Randomized algorithms for probabilistic aircraft conflict Detection”, Proceedings from 38th Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 1999, vol.3. pp. 2444-49. [.pdf]

31.  S. Sastry, “Nonlinear systems: Analysis, stability and control”, Lecture Notes in Interdisciplinary and App.lied Mathematics. Springer Verlag vol. 10. 1999.

32.  S. Sekhavat, and S. Sastry, “Towards an automatic air traffic controller”, in: Evolutionary Computing for Knowledge Acquisition and Information Retrieval, vol. 55, pp. 142-147, 1999.

33.  O. Shakernia, Y Ma, T. J. Koo, J. Hespanha, and S. Sastry, “Vision guided landing of an unmanned air vehicle. Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision and Control, Dec., Vol. 4: 4143-4148. 1999 [.pdf]

34.  O. Shakernia, Y. Ma, T. J. Koo, and S. Sastry, “Landing an unmanned air vehicle: Vision based motion estimation and nonlinear control. Asian J. of Control vol. 1(3), pp. 128-145, Sept. 1999.

35.  C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Computation of controllers for nonlinear hybrid systems”, in: Proceedings of the 14th World Congress. International Federation of Automatic Control. vol. 6, pp. 19-24, 1999.

36.  C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Computing controllers for nonlinear hybrid systems”. in: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. HSCC.vol. 1569, pp. 238-256.1999 [.pdf]

37.  C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Controller Synthesis for Hybrid Systems: The Hamilton-Jacobi Approach”. Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling Analysis and Control of Discrete Plus Continuous Systems. in AAIA Symposium (TR SS-99-05), pp. 192-197, 1999.


1.      M. C. Cavusoglu, M. Cohn, F. Tendick, and S. Sastry, S. “Laparoscopic telesurgical workstation”, Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biological Optics (BIOS '98), San Jose, CA, January 24-30, 1998.

2.      T. Henzinger, and S. Sastry, S. (Eds.). “Hybrid systems: Computation and control”, First Intern. Workshop. HSCC ’98, Berkeley, CA.  Proceedings. April 13-15, 1998. New York, Springer-Verlag. 1998.

3.      T; J; Koo and S. Sastry, “ Output tracking control design of a helicopter model based on app.roximate linearization,” Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control. vol. 4, pp. 3635-40, 1998.[.pdf]

4.      J. Kosecka, C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and Sastry, S.;2½D conflict resolution maneuvers for ATMS”. Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol.3. pp. 2650 – 2655, Dec. 1998. [.pdf]

5.      G. Lafferriere, G. J. Pappas, and S. Sastry,.Subanalytic stratifications and bisimulations”, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. First International Workshop, HSCC'98 Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, . Berlin, Germany, vol. 1386, pp. 205-20. 1998. [.pfd]

6.      G. Lafferriere, G. J. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Reachability analysis of hybrid systems using bisimulations”, Proc. 37th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1623 – 1628, Dec. 1998.[.pdf]

7.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry, “A verified hybrid controller for automated vehicles” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Special Issue in Hybrid Systems, vol. 43(4), pp. 522-539, April 1998.[.pdf]

8.      J. Lygeros, C. Tomlin and S. Sastry, “On controller synthesis for nonlinear hybrid systems,” Proc. 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 2 pp. 2101-2106, 1998.[.pdf]

9.      Y. Ma, J. Kosecka, and S. Sastry,  Motion estimation in computer vision: Optimization on Stiefel manifolds”, Proc. 37th Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3751-3756. Dec 1998. [.pdf]

10.  G. J. Pappas, G. Lafferriere, and S. Sastry,  Hierarchically consistent control systems”, Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol 4, pp. 4336 – 4341, Dec. 1998. [pdf]

11.  G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Straightening rectangular inclusions”, Systems and Control Letters, vol. 35(2), pp. 79-85, 1998. [.pdf]

12.  G. Pappas, C. Tomlin, and S. Sastry, “Conflict resolution in multi-agent hybrid systems”, Proc. 35th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 1184-1189, December 11-13, 1996.[.pdf]

13.  H. Shim, T. J. Koo, F. Hoffmann, and S. Sastry,  A comprehensive study of control design for an autonomous helicopter”. Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control. vol. 4, pp. 3653-8. 1998. [pdf]

14.  F. Tendick, R. Fearing, M Cohn, and S. Sastry, “Applications of micromechatronics in minimally invasive surgery”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 3(1), pp. 34-42, March 1998 [.pdf]

15.  C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Aerodynamic envelope protection using hybrid control”, Proc. 1998 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June. vol. 3, pp. 1793-1796, 1998.

16.  C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Synthesizing controllers for nonlinear hybrid systems”, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1386. Eds.T. Henzinger and S.Sastry, New York, Springer-Verlag, April 1998.

17.  C. Tomlin, Y Ma, and S. Sastry, “Free flight in 2000: Games on Lie groups”, Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 2234-2239, Dec. 1998. [.pdf]

18.  C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, J. Kosecka, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Advanced air traffic automation: A case study in distributed decentralized control”, Control Problems in Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, December 1997. Edited by B. Siciliano and K.P. Valavanis, Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 261-295, 1998.

19.  C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Conflict resolution for air traffic management: A study in multi agent hybrid systems”, IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control, vol. 43(4), pp. 509-521, April 1998 [.pdf]

20.  C. Tomlin, and S. Sastry, “Switching through singularities” Systems and Control Letters, vol. 38: pp. 145-154, 1998.


1.      M. C. Cavusoglu, J. Yan, and S. Sastry, “A hybrid system approach to contact stability and force control in robotic manipulators”, Proc. 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.143-148. July 1997.[.pdf]

2.      J. M. Godhavn, A. Balluchi, L. Crawford, and S. Sastry. “Path planning for nonholonomic systems with drift”. Proc.1997 American Control Conference American Autom. Control Council. Evanston, IL, USA, vol. 1, pp. 532-6 [.pdf]

3.      J. Kosecka, C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Generation of conflict resolution maneuvers for air traffic management”, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS '97 Grenoble, France,  vol. 3, pp. 1598-1603, September 1997 [pdf]

4.      J. Lygeros, D. N. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Hybrid controller design for multi-agent systems, in: Control using logic-based switching, Block Island, RI, Fall 1995. Edited by: A.S. Morse, London, England, Springer-Verlag, pp. 59-78, 1997.

5.      J. Lygeros, C. Tomlin, C. and S. Sastry, “Multi-objective hybrid controller synthesis: Least restrictive controls”, Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, CA,  vol. 1, pp. 127-132, December 1997 [.pdf]

6.      J. Lygeros, C. Tomlin, C. and S. Sastry, “Multi-objective hybrid controller synthesis, in Hybrid and Real-Time Systems. International Workshop, HART '97 Proceedings, Grenoble, France, (Ed, O. Maler),Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 109-123, March 1997.

7.      Y. Ma, J. Kosecka, and S. Sastry, “Vision guided navigation for a nonholonomic mobile robot”, Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pp. 3069-3074, December 1997[.pdf]

8.      G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Towards continuous abstractions of dynamical and control systems”. In: Hybrid Systems IV: Proc. of Hybrid Systems ’96: 4th Intern. Conf., Ithaca, NY. Antsaklis, Kohn, Nerode, Sastry, (eds).  Berlin, Germany. Springer Verlag. pp. 329-341. 1997.

9.      G. J. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Towards continuous abstractions of dynamical and control systems”, Hybrid Systems IV, Ithaca, NY, October 12-14, 1996. Edited by: Antsaklis, P., Kohn, W., A. Nerode and Sastry, S., Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 329-41, 1997.

10.  G. Pappas, C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, J. Kosecka, and S. Sastry, “A next generation architecture for air traffic management systems”, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pp. 2405-2410, December 1997[.pdf]

11.  S. Sastry, “Hybrid control issues in air traffic management systems”, in Hybrid and Real-Time Systems. International Workshop, HART '97 Proceedings, Grenoble, France, March 26-28, 1997. Edited by O. Maler, Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, p.108, 1997.

12.  S. Sastry, M. B. Cohn, and F. Tendick, “Milli-robotics for remote, minimally invasive surgery, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 23(3), pp. 305-316, 1997. (Also in ”, Proc. of International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics (ISIR), Singapore, October 1995)

13.  S. Sastry, and R. Full, “Analysis, control and adaptation of dynamical systems in biology”, NSF Report, 1996-97.

14.  C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Hybrid control models of next generation air traffic management”, Hybrid Systems IV, Ithaca, NY, October 12-14, 1996. Edited by: Antsaklis, P., Kohn, W., A. Nerode and Sastry, S., Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 378-404, 1997.

15.  C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Hybrid control in air traffic management systems”, Proc. 13th World Conf. Intern. Fed. Automatic control Systems, Engineering and Management. Pergamon. pp.127-32, 1997.

16.  C. Tomlin, G. Pappas, and S. Sastry, “Non-cooperative conflict resolution for air traffic management”, Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pp. 1816-1821, December 1997. [.pdf]

17.  C. Tomlin, and S. Sastry, “Bounded tracking for nonminimum phase nonlinear systems with fast zero dynamics”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 68(4), pp. 819-847, November 1997. ( also in: Proc. 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 2058-2063, December 11-13, 1996. [.pdf].


1.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “A game-theoretic app.roach to hybrid system design”, Hybrid Systems III. Verification and Control, New Brunswick, NJ, October 22-25, 1995. (Eds. R. Alur, T.A. Henzinger, E.D. Sontag), Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-12, 1996.

2.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Multiagent hybrid system design using game theory and optimal control”, Proc. 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. vol 2., pp. 1190-5. 1996. [.pdf]

3.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Optimal control approach to multiagent, hierarchical system verification”, IFAC, 13 th Int.World Congress, vol. J, Identification II, Discrete Event Systems, Pergamon, Oxford, UK., pp. 389-394. 1996.

4.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole and S. Sastry, “A verified hybrid controller for automated vehicles,” Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, vol. 2, pp. 2289-2294, Japan, Dec.11-13, 1996.[.pdf]

5.      G. Pappas, C. Tomlin, and S. Sastry, “Conflict resolution in multi-agent hybrid systems”, Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 1184-1189, December 11-13, 1996 [.pdf]

6.      J. M, Wendlandt, and S. Sastry, “Recursive workspace control of multibody systems: a planar biped example”, Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, vol. 3, pp.. 3575-3580, Dec. 1996.[.pdf]


1.      P. Antsaklis, W. Kohn, A. Nerode, and S. Sastry, (Eds.). “Hybrid Systems II”, (book), Lecture Notes on Computer Science, vol. 999, Springer-Verlag, 1995.

2.      Bicchi, D. Prattichizzo, and S. Sastry, “Planning motions of rolling surfaces”, Proc. 34th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA., vol. 3, pp.. 2812-2817. Dec. 1995. [.pdf]

3.      S. Burgett, R. T. Bush, S. S. Sastry, and C. Sequin, “Mechanical design synthesis from sparse, feature based data”. Proc. of SPIE, vol. 2442, pp.. 280-291. 1995.

4.      S. R. Burgett, R. T. Bush, S.S. Sastry, and C. H. Sequin, “Shape synthesis from sparse, feature-based input”. Proc. Product and Porcess Engineering Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Manufacturing Eng. Div., Med , New York, vol. 1 pp.. 307-318. 1995.

5.      G. Bushnell, D. M. Tilbury, and S. Sastry, “Steering three-input nonholonomic systems - the firetruck example”, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 14 (4), pp.. 366-381, August 1995.

6.      M. Cohn, L. Crawford, J. Wendlandt, and S. Sastry, “Surgical applications of milli-robots”, Journal of Robotic Systems, vol. 12 (6), pp. 401-416, June 1995.

7.      L. S. Crawford, and S. S. Sastry, Biological motor control approaches for a planar diver”, Proc. 34th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, vol 4, pp.. 3881-3886. Dec. 1995. [.pdf]

8.      D. Godbole, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Hierarchical hybrid control: A case study”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 999, pp. 166-190, 1995. [.pdf]

9.      D. N. Godbole, and S. S. Sastry, “Approximate decoupling and asymptotic tracking for MIMO systems”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 40(3), pp.. 441 - 450 March 1995 [.pdf]

10.  S. Sastry, G. Meyer, C. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and G. Pappas, “Hybrid control in air traffic management systems”. Proc. 34th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp.. 1478-83. 1995.[.pdf]

11.  D. Tilbury, R. M. Murray, and S. S. Sastry, “Trajectory generation for the N-trailer problem using Goursat normal form”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 40(5), pp. 802 – 819, May 1995. [.pdf]

12.  D. Tilbury, and S. Sastry, “The multi-steering N-trailer system: a case study of Goursat normal forms and prolongations”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 5 (4), pp.. 343-364, July 1995.

13.  D, Tilbury, O. J. Sordalen, L. Bushnell, and S. S. Sastry, “A multisteering trailer system: conversion into chained form using dynamic feedback”, IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11(6): 807-818. 1995 [.pdf]

14.  Tomlin, J. Lygeros, L. Benvenuti, and S. Sastry, “Output tracking for a non-minimum phase dynamic CTOL aircraft model”, Proc. 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 2, pp.. 1867-1872. 1995. [.pdf]

15.  G. Walsh, and S. Sastry, “On reorienting linked rigid bodies using internal motions”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 11, pp.. 139-146, February 1995. [.pdf]


1.      D. Godbole, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “Hierarchical hybrid control: an IVHS case study”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, vol. 2, pp. 1592-1597, December 1994. [.pdf]

2.      J. Lygeros, D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Simulation as a tool for hybrid system design”, Proc. the 5th Annual Conf. on AI, Simulation, and Planning, in High Autonomy Systems. Distributed Interactive Simulation Environments. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, pp. 16-22.1994.

3.      R. Murray, Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “A mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation”, (book) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.

4.      D. Tilbury, and S. Sastry, “On Goursat normal forms, prolongations, and control systems”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, vol. 2, pp.. 1797-1802, December 1994. [.pdf]

5.      G. Walsh, R. Montgomery, and S. Sastry, “Optimal path planning on matrix lie groups”, Proc. 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, vol. 2, pp.. 1258-1263, December 1994 [.pdf]

6.      G. Walsh, R. Montgomery, and S. Sastry, “Orientation control of the dynamic satellite”, Proc. 1994 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, pp. 135-142, June 1994.

7.      G. Walsh, D. Tilbury, S.  Sastry, R. Murray, R. and J. P. Laumond, “Stabilization of trajectories for systems with nonholonomic constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,  vol. 39 (1), pp. 216-222, January 1994. [.pdf]

8.      J. Wendlandt, and S. Sastry, “Design and control of a simplified Stewart platform for endoscopy”, Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, vol. 2, pp.. 357-362, December 1994. [.pdf]


1.      L. G. Bushnell, D. Tilbury, and S. Sastry, “Extended goursat normal forms with app.lications to nonholonomic motion planning”, Proc. 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, vol. 4, pp. 3447-3452, Dec. 1993. [.pdf]

2.      L. G. Bushnell, D. Tilbury, and S. Sastry, “Steering three input chained form nonholonomic systems: the fire truck example”, Proc. 1993 European Control Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands, pp. 1432-1437, July 1993.

3.      M. Di Benedetto, and S. Sastry, “Adaptive control for MIMO nonlinear systems”, Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control, vol. 3 (1), pp.. 73-105. 1993.

4.      D. Godbole, and S. Sastry, “Approximate decoupling and approximate tracking for MIMO systems of Goursat normal and prolongations”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 2754-2759, December.1993. [.pdf]

5.      R. M. Murray, and S. S. Sastry; “Nonholonomic motion planning: steering using sinusoids”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 38(5), pp. 700 - 716 May 1993. [.pdf]

6.      R. M. Murray, G. Walsh, and S. Sastry, “Stabilization and tracking for systems using time-varying state feedback”, Nonlinear Control Systems Design 1992, Selected papers from the 2nd IFAC Symposium, (Ed. M. Fliess), Pergamon Press, UK, pp. 109-114, 1993.

7.      Sarti, G. Walsh, and S. Sastry, “Steering left invariant control systems on matrix lie groups”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, vol. 4, pp. 3117-3121, Dec.1993. [.pdf]

8.      D. Tilbury, R. Murray, and S. Sastry, “Trajectory generation for the N trailer problem using Goursat normal form”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, pp.. 971-977, Dec. 1993. [.pdf]

9.      G. Walsh, A. Sarti, and S. Sastry, “Algorithms for steering on the group of rotations”, Proc. American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 2, pp.. 1312-1316, 1993.


1.      G. Burgio, M. Di Benedetto, and S. Sastry, “Adaptive linearization by dynamic state feedback: a case study”, Proc. of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Bordeaux, France, pp.. 594-600, June 1992.

2.      Cole, P. Hsu, and S. Sastry, ‘Dynamic control of sliding by robot hands for regrasping “, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 8: 142-152, February 1992. [.pdf]

3.      D. C. Deno, R. Murray, K. Pister, and S. Sastry, “Fingerlike Biomechanical Robots”, Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France, vol. 1, pp. 566-572, May 1992. [.pdf]

4.      D. C. Deno, R. M. Murray, K. S, J. Pister, and S. Sastry, “Control primitives for robot systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 22, pp.. 183-193, June 1992.

5.      J. Hauser, S. Sastry, and P. Kokotovic, ”Nonlinear control via approximate input-output linearization: The ball and beam Example, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 37: 392-398, 1992. [.pdf]

6.      J. Hauser, S. Sastry, and G. Meyer, “Nonlinear control design for slightly nonminimum phase systems: Application to V/STOL aircraft”, Automatica, vol. 28 (4), pp., 665-679, February 1992. [.pdf]

7.      K. Hollerbach, R. Murray, and S. Sastry, “An experimental study of hierarchical control laws for grasping and manipulation using a two-fingered planar hand, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France, vol. 3, pp.. 2770-2775, May 1992. [.pdf]

8.      Isidori, S. S. Sastry, P. V. Kototovic, and C. I. Byrnes, “Singularly perturbed zero dynamics of nonlinear systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 37(10), pp. 1625-1631, April 1992. [.pdf]

9.      S. Sastry, and R. Montgomery, “The structure of optimal controls for a steering problem”, Proc. of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS), Bordeaux, France, June 1992.

10.  D. Tilbury, L-P. Laumond, R. Murray, S. Sastry, and G. Walsh, “Steering car-like systems with trailers using sinusoids”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France, vol. 3, pp.. 1993-1998, May 1992.[.pdf]

11.  G. Walsh, D. Tilbury, S. Sastry, R. Murray, and L-P Laumond, “Stabilization of trajectories for systems with nonholonomic constraints”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nice, France, pp. 1999-2004, May 1992.[.pdf]

1991 and Earlier (alphabetical)

1.      Arapostathis, S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “Global analysis of swing dynamics”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 927-929, Chicago, IL, April 1981, also IEEE Transactions on CAS, Vol. CAS-28, pp. 673-679, 1982.

2.      Arapostathis, S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “Analysis of the power flow equation”, International Journal of Power Systems, vol. 3 (3), pp.. 115-126, July 1981. ( also in UCB, ERL Memo No. M80/35, July 1981.

3.      START HERE


4.      Arapostathis, S. Sastry, and P. P, Varaiya, “Bifurcation analysis of the load flow equations”, Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 641-644, Albuquerque, NM, December 1980.

5.      Arapostathis, S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “On the solutions of the load flow equations in power systems”, Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 152-153, Albuquerque, NM, December 1980

6.      E. Bai, L.C. Fu, and S. Sastry, “Averaging analysis for discrete time and sampled data adaptive systems”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, pp.. 137-149, February 1988.

7.      E. Bai, and S. Sastry, “Adaptive stabilization of sampled systems”, Systems and Control Letters, vol. 8, pp.. 389-395, 1987.

8.      E. Bai, and S. Sastry, “Global stability proofs for continuous-time indirect adaptive control schemes”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 32 (6), pp. 537-543, June 1987. [.pdf]

9.      E. W. Bai; and S. Sastry, “Discrete-time adaptive control utilizing prior information, IEEE Trans Automatic Control, vol. 31(8), pp. 779-782, Aug 1986. [pdf]

10.  E. Bai, and S. Sastry, “Parameter Identification Using Prior Information, International Journal Of Control, Vol. 44 (2), pp.. 455-473, September 1986.

11.  S. Behtash, and S. Sastry, “Stabilization of nonlinear systems with uncontrollable linearization”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 33 (6): pp. 585-590. June 1988. [.pdf]

12.  M. Bodson, and S. Sastry, “Robustness for model reference adaptive control schemes”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, December 12-15, 1984.

13.  M. Bodson, S. Sastry, B. D. O. Anderson, I. Mareels, and R. Bitmead, “Nonlinear averaging theorems and the determination of parameter convergence rates in adaptive control”, Systems and Control Letters, September 1986.

14.  S. Boyd, and S. Sastry, “Necessary and sufficient conditions for parameter convergence in adaptive control, Automatica, Vol. 22 (6): 629-639, September 1986. [.pdf] ( also: Proc. American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1984 and Proc. Berkeley-Ames Symposium on Non-linear Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Control, pp. 81-103, Math. Sci. Press, Brookline, MA, August 1984).

15.  M. Coderch, S. Sastry, A. Willsky and D. Castanon, “Hierarchical aggregation of singularly perturbed finite state Markov processes, L.I.D.S., M.I.T. Paper No. P 1198, April 1982; Stochastics, vol. 8. pp.. 259-289. 1983.

16.  M. Coderch, A. Willsky, S. Sastry, and D. Castanon, “Hierarchical aggregation of linear systems with multiple time scales, L.I.D.S., M.I.T. Paper No. P 1187, February 1982; IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 28(11), pp.. 1017 – 1030. Nov. 1983. [.pdf]

17.  Cole, J. Hauser, and S. Sastry, “Kinematics and control of multifingered hands with rolling contact,; IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 34(4), pp.. 398-404. April 1989. [.pdf]. (Also Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 228-233, 1988).

18.  Cole, P. Hsu, and S. Sastry, “Dynamic regrasping by coordinated control of sliding for a multifingered hand”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Phoenix, AZ, vol 2, pp. 781-786, May 1989. [.pdf]

19.  J. Craig, P. Hsu, and S. Sastry, “Adaptive control of mechanical manipulators", International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 6(2), pp.. 16-28, 1987.

20.  D. C. Deno, R. M. Murray, K. S, J. Pister, and S. Sastry, ”Control primitives for robot systems, Conf. Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, July 1989, published by Birkhauser, 1990.

21.  D. C. Deno, R. M. Murray, K. S, J. Pister, and S. Sastry, “Control primitives for robot systems”, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 1866-1871. May 1990.

22.  L. C. Fu, and S. Sastry, “Frequency domain synthesis of optimal inputs for on-line identification and control”, IEEE Transactions on Auto Control, vol. 36 (3), pp.. 354-358, March 1991.

23.  L. C. Fu, and S. Sastry, “Slow drift instability in model reference adaptive systems an averaging analysis”, International Journal of Control, vol. 45 (2), pp., 503-527, 1987.

24.  L. C. Fu, E. Bai, and S. Sastry, “ Averaging analysis for discrete time and sampled data systems”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pp.. 1411-1416, December 1986.

25.  L. C. Fu, M. Bodson, and S, Sastry, ”New stability theorems for averaging and their app.lication to the convergence analysis of adaptive identification and control schemes, singular perturbations and asymptotic analysis in control systems, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, New York, Vol. 90, pp.. 374-417, 1986.

26.  J. Hauser, S. Sastry, and P. Kokotovic, “Nonlinear control via approximate linearization: the ball and beam example”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, pp.. 1987-1993, December 1989. [pdf]

27.  J Hauser, S. Sastry, and G. Meyer, “Linearization techniques for tight control systems”, Proceedings of IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design, Capri, Italy, pp.. 136-142, 1989.

28.  P. Hsu, M. Bodson, S. Sastry, and B. E. Paden, “Adaptive identification and control without using joint accelerations”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, NC, pp. 1210-1216, April 1987.

29.  P. Hsu, J. Hauser, and S. Sastry, “Dynamic control of redundant manipulators”, Journal of Robotics Systems, vol. 6 (2), pp.. 133-148, 1989. ( also in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 183-187, 1988).

30.  P. Hsu, Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “On grasping and coordinated manipulation by multifingered robot hand”, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 8, pp.. 33-50, 1989. ( also in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 384-389, 1988).

31.  P. Hsu, and S. Sastry, “The effect of discretized feedback in a closed loop system”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.. 1158-1523, Los Angeles, CA, December 1987.

32.  E. Kappos, and S. Sastry, “Lyapunov controllability and global optimal control”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pp. 973-975, December 1986.

33.  J. Krause, S. Sastry, M. Athans, and L.Valavni, “Adaptive control in the presence of high frequency modeling errors”, Proc. Control and Decision Conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 1983.

34.  Z. Li, J. F. Canny, and S. Sastry, “On motion planning for dexterous manipulation I. The problem formulation”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Phoenix, AZ, vol. 2, pp.. 775-780. May 1989.[.pdf]

35.  Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “Conditioned invariant subspaces, disturbance decoupling and solutions of rational matrix equations” , International Journal of Control, vol. 43, pp.. 91-108. 1986.

36.  Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “Task-oriented optimal grasping by multifingered robot hands, IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol 4(1), pp.. 32-44, February 1988.

37.  Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “Task-oriented optimal grasping by multifingered robot hands, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 389-395, Raleigh, NC, April 1987.

38.  Z. Li, and S. Sastry, “A unified approach for the control of multifingered robot hands”, American Mathematical Society, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 97, pp.. 217-239. 1989.

39.  R. S. Madriz, and S. Sastry, “Input-output description of linear systems with multiple time scales”, International Journal of Control, vol. 40 (4), pp.. 699-721, August 1984.

40.  R. S. Madriz, and S. Sastry, “Multiple time scales in nonlinear systems”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 5(1), pp.. 153-169, March 1986. ( also Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, December 12-15, 1984).

41.  J. Mason, E. Bai, , L.C. Fu, M. Bodson, and S. Sastry, “Analysis of adaptive identifiers in the presence of unmodelled dynamics: averaging and tuned parameters” IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 33 (10), pp. 969-976, Oct. 1988. [.pdf]

42.  R. Murray, and S. Sastry, “Mathematical problems in grasping and manipulation”, Mathematical Questions in Robotics, AMS Lecture Notes, Short Course Series, 1990.

43.  R. Murray, and S. Sastry, “Steering controllable systems using sinusoids”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1121-1126, December 1991.[.pdf] ( also same title IEEE D&C Conf. Hawaii, 1990).

44.  R. M. Murray, and S. Sastry, “An introduction to nonholonomic motion planning”, Proc. of the Workshop on Nonholonomic Motion Planning, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sacramento, CA, 1991.

45.  R. M. Murray, and S. Sastry, “Control experiments in grasping”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Phoenix, AZ, vol. 1, pp.. 624-629, May 1989.

46.  N. Nordstrom, and S. Sastry, “Persistency of excitation in possibly unstable continuous time systems and parameter convergence in adaptive identification”, Proc. 2nd IFAC Workshop, Lund, Sweden, July 1-3, 1986.

47.  Packard, and S. Sastry, “Solution of rational matrix equations in the state space and its app.lication to computer aided control systems design”, International Journal of Control, Vol.3, pp.. 65-90, 1986. (also Proc.Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Santa Barbara, CA, March 29-30, 1985.

48.  E. Paden, and S. Sastry, “A calculus for computing Filipp.ov's differential inclusion with app.lication to the variable structure control of robots”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-34 (1), pp.. 73-82, January 1987.

49.  E. Paden, and S. Sastry, “A calculus for computing Fillipov's differential inclusion, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pp. 578-583, December 1986.

50.  E. Paden, and S. Sastry, “Optimal kinematics for 6R robot manipulators”, International Journal of Robotics, March 1986.

51.  F. M. A Salam, and S. Sastry, “The complete dynamics of the Josephson junction: regions of chaos”, ERL Memo No. H83/69, September 1983. (also Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Montreal, Canada, May 1984; Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, J. Chandra (Ed.), SIAM Philadelphia, PA, pp. 43-56, 1984.

52.  S. Sastry, “Asymptotic behaviour of stochastic dynamical systems”, Proc. 9th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Hungary, July 1984.

53.  S. Sastry, “Effects of small noise on implicitly defined non-linear dynamical systems”, Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 139-145, Newport Beach, CA, May 1983.

54.  S. Sastry, “Effects of small noise on implicitly defined systems of differential equations”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, October 1983.

55.  S. Sastry, “Model reference adaptive control stability, parameter convergence and robustness”, IMA Journal of Control and Information, vol. 1, pp.. 27-66, July 1984.

56.  S. Sastry, “Small random perturbations of dynamical systems”, Proc. Control and Decision Conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 1983.

57.  S. Sastry, “Tracking control for non-linear systems using sliding modes”, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Bombay, India, June 1984.

58.  S. Sastry, “A microwave phase locked FM receiver”, IEEE Student Papers, pp. 235-240, 1977. IEEE Region X, Undergraduate Students' Paper Contest, First Prize Winner, TTO112-3.

59.  S. Sastry, A. Arapostathis, and P. P. Varaiya, “Global behavior or interconnected power systems: Part I”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol.... 29, November 1982. ( also UCB, ERL Memo No. M81/3, 1981).

60.  S. Sastry, and M. Bodson, “Adaptive control: stability, convergence and robustness”, (book), Prentice Hall, 1989.

61.  S. Sastry, and S. Boyd, “On parameter convergence in adaptive control”, Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 3, pp.. 311-319, 1983.

62.  S. Sastry, M. Coderch, A. Willsky, and D. Castanon, “Hierarchial aggregation of linear systems with multiple time scales”, Proc. Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, December 1981.

63.  S. Sastry, M. Coderch, A. Willsky, and D. Castanon, “Hierarchical aggregation of linear systems with multiple time scales, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Large Scale Systems, pp. 381-385, Virginia Beach, VA, October 1982.

64.  S. Sastry, and C. A. Desoer, “Asymptotic unbounded root loci by the singular value decomposition”, UCB, ERL Memo No. M79/57, August 1979; NATO-AMS Advanced Study Institute on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Linear Systems Theory, Harvard University, June 1979.

65.  S. Sastry, and C. A. Desoer, “Asymptotic unbounded root loci: formulae and computation”, IEEE Trans.on Automatic Control, Vol.(5), pp. 557-569, May 1983  [.pdf] ( also L.I.D.S., M.I.T. Paper No. P 4609, 1982, also ERL Memo

66.  S. Sastry, and C.A. Desoer, “The robustness of controllability and observability of linear time-varying systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.27(4), pp. 933-940, August 1982. [.pdf]

67.  S. Sastry, and C.A, Desoer, “Robustness of controllability and observability of linear time varying systems, Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Houston, Texas, pp. 698-701, April 1980. (also UCB, ERL Memo No.M79/79, October 1979).

68.  S. Sastry, C. A. Desoer, and P. P. Varaiya, “Asymptotic unbounded root loci-formulae and computation”, Proc. Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 120-122, San Diego, CA, December 1981.

69.  S. Sastry, C.A. Desoer, and P. P. Varaiya, “Jump behavior of circuits and systems”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 28: 1109-1125. December 1981 (also UCB, ERL Memo No. M80/44, 1980)..

70.  S. Sastry, C.A. Desoer, and P. P. Varaiya, “Jump behavior of circuits and systems”, Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 451-454, Chicago, IL, April 1981.

71.  S. Sastry, C.A. Desoer, and P. P. Varaiya, “Jump behavior of circuits and systems”, Proc. 22th Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 539-544, Albuquerque, NM, June 1981.

72.  S. Sastry, J. Hauser, and P. Kokotovic. “Zero dynamics of regularly perturbed systems may be singularly perturbed”, Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 13, pp.. 299-314, 1989.

73.  S. Sastry, and O. Hijab, “Bifurcation in the presence of small noise”, Proc. 3rd Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 252-256, Santa Monica, CA, August 1981.

74.  S. Sastry, and O. Hijab, Bifurcation in the presence of small noise”, Systems and Control Letters, vol. 1, pp.. 159-167, November 1981. ( alsp L.I.D.S., M.I.T., Paper No. P 1089, 1981).

75.  S. Sastry, and O. Hijab, “Filtering and singular perturbation for a class of Markov processes”, Proc. Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, December 1981.

76.  S. Sastry, and O. Hijab, “Singular perturbations and filtering for a class of Markov processes, L.I.D.S., M.I.T. Paper No. P 1143, September 1981.

77.  S. Sastry, and A. Isidori, “Adaptive control of linearizable systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 34(11). pp. 1123-1131, November 1989 [.pdf]

78.  S. Sastry, and P. V. Kokotovic, “Feedback linearization in the presence of uncertainties”, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vo. 2, pp.. 6, 1988.

79.  S. Sastry, and Z. Li, “Robot motion planning with nonholonomic constraints”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, vol. 1, pp. 211-216, December 1989 [.pdf]

80.  S. Sastry, J. E. Mardsen, and P. J. Holmes, “Dynamical systems and invariant manifolds”, New app.roaches to nonlinear problems in dynamics”, pp. 3-25, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1980.

81.  S. Sastry, and B. E. Paden, “Non-linear systems and control problems in robotics”, Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-7, 1985.

82.  S. Sastry, and J. J. Slotine, “Robustness issues in the sliding control for non-linear systems”, Proc.Control and Decision Conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 1983.

83.  S  Sastry, S. and J. J. Slotine, “Tracking control for non-linear systems using sliding modes with app.lication to the control of robot manipulators”, International Journal of Control, pp. 465-492, August 1983.( also Proc.Automatic Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 1983.

84.  S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “Coherency and alert states for interconnected power systems”, Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 709-713, Houston, Texas, April 1980.

85.  S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “Coherence and alert states for interconnected power systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 26, pp.. 218-226, February 1981 (also UCB, ERL Memo No. M79/45, August 1979).

86.  S. Sastry, S., and P. Varaiya, “Coherency for interconnected power systems”, IEEE Trans, Automatic Control, vol. 26(1), pp. 218-226, 1981 (.pdf)

87.  S. Sastry, and P. P. Varaiya, “Hierarchial stability and alert state steering control of inter-connected power systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 27, pp. 1102-1112, November 1980. (also UCB, ERL Memo No. M79/81, December 1979).

88.  S. Sastry, P. P. Varaiya, and C.A. Desoer, “Jump behavior of systems and circuits”, Proc. Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1043-1047, San Diego, CA, December 1981.

89.  R. Silva-Madriz, and S. S. Sastry, “Multiple time scales for nonlinear systems”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. vol. 5(1), pp. 153-169, 1986 [.pdf]

90.  Teel, R. Kadiyala, P, Kokotovic, and S. Sastry, “Indirect techniques for adaptive input-output linearization”, International Journal of Control, vol. 52, pp.. 193-222, 1991.

91.  Teel, R. Kadiyala, P. Kokotovic, and S. Sastry, “Indirect techniques for adaptive input output linearization”, American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 79-81, May 1990.

92.  G. Walsh, and S. Sastry, “On reorienting linked rigid bodies using internal motions”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1190-1195, December 1991  [.pdf]