2022 Publications



1.Amay Saxena, Chih-Yuan Chiu, Joseph Menke, Ritika Shrivastava, Shankar Sastry. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: 7, Issue: 3, July 2022). [PDF]

2.Sanjit A Seshia, Dorsa Sadigh, S Shankar Sastry. Toward verified artificial intelligence. Communications of the ACM (Volume 65, Issue 7, Pages 46-55). [PDF]

3.Chinmay Maheshwari, Eric Mazumdar, Shankar Sastry. Decentralized, Communication-and Coordination-free Learning in Structured Matching Markets. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.02344. [PDF]

4.Chinmay Maheshwari, Manxi Wu, Druv Pai, Shankar Sastry. Independent and Decentralized Learning in Markov Potential Games. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14590. [PDF]

5.Chinmay Maheshwari, Chih-Yuan Chiu, Eric Mazumdar, Shankar Sastry, Lillian Ratliff. Zeroth-Order Methods for Convex-Concave Min-max Problems: Applications to Decision-Dependent Risk Minimization. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (Pages 6702-6734). [PDF]

6.Michael Wu, Allen Yang, S Shankar Sastry. Full Stack engineering in Robot Open Autonomous Racing. [PDF]

7.Chinmay Maheshwari, Kshitij Kulkarni, Manxi Wu, Shankar Sastry. Inducing Social Optimality in Games via Adaptive Incentive Design. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05507. [PDF]

8.Tyler Westenbroek, Anand Siththaranjan, Mohsin Sarwari, Claire J Tomlin, Shankar S Sastry. On the Computational Consequences of Cost Function Design in Nonlinear Optimal Control. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.01986. [PDF]

9. Ritwik Gupta, Alexander Bayen, Sarah Rohrschneider, Adrienne Fulk, Andrew Reddie, Sanjit A. Seshia, Shankar Sastry, Janet Napolitano. Emerging Technology and Policy Co-Design Considerations for the Safe and Transparent Use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems. arXiv:2212.02795. [PDF]

10. Chih-Yuan Chiu, Kshitij Kulkarni, Shankar Sastry. Towards Dynamic Causal Discovery with Rare Events: A Nonparametric Conditional Independence Test. 5th Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control. [PDF]

11. Tyler Westenbroek, Fernando Castaneda, Ayush Agrawal, Shankar Sastry, Koushil Sreenath. Lyapunov Design for Robust and Efficient Robotic Reinforcement Learning. 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022), Auckland, New Zealand. [PDF]