10/21/11 | Assignment 7 posted, due 11/20. |
10/21/11 | Assignment 6 posted, due 11/9. |
10/28/11 | Corrected Assignment 5 posted (removed requirement for fixed weights in 1(c) and (d)). |
10/21/11 | Assignment 5 posted, due 10/30. |
10/14/11 | Assignment 4 due date extended to due 10/23. |
10/14/11 | Revised Assignment 4 posted (including testing code, new submission instructions), due 10/21. |
10/14/11 | Assignment 4 posted (including training data), due 10/21. |
10/6/11 | Midterm solutions posted. |
9/9/11 | Assignment 0 solutions and Assignment 2 solutions posted. |
9/9/11 | Assignment 3 posted, due 10/3. |
9/11/11 | Corrected version of Assignment 2 posted (fixes typos in Q2 and Q4(c)). |
9/9/11 | Assignment 2 posted (including training data), due 9/19. |
9/1ish/11 | Assignment 1 posted, due 9/9. |
9/1/11 | submit is not working, due to 194-10 being just a section of 194; for the time being, email your solutions as firstname.lastname.tar.gz or firstname.lastname.zip to Avital at cs194-tc@imail.eecs.berkeley.edu. |
8/25/11 | Corrected version of Assignment 0 posted, fixes typos in Q.3. |
8/22/11 | Assignment 0 posted, due 9/2. |
8/16/11 | Discussion sections WILL be held in Week 1, i.e., on Aug 24 before the first class; they will be in 310 Soda instead of the usual rooms. |
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F |
[90 -- 100]% [85 -- 90)% [80 -- 85)% [75 -- 80)% [70 -- 75)% [65 -- 70)% [60 -- 65)% [55 -- 60)% [50 -- 55)% [45 -- 50)% [40 -- 45)% [35 -- 40)% [0 -- 35)% |
A course grade of F will be assigned if the midterm or final is skipped.
Reading assignments for each week (to prepare for lecture, or review for assignments) appear here.
Each assignment will include a combination of problems to solve and programs to write and test. Assignments should be turned in using the submit program from an instructional (named or class) account, as described here.
If necessary, solutions to the homework problems can be turned in on paper in the homework box in 283 Soda, or they may be turned in online (e.g., as pdfs produced from LaTeX) using submit, as part of your overall submission.
Except for Assignment 0, which must be done individually, assignments can be done individually or in pairs. (This goes for both problem-solving and programming parts.)
If done in pairs, each partner should be involved in all the work!!
The usual rule about free-riding applies: the more you free-ride, the lower will be your score on the midterm and final.
Discussion of assignments among students is permitted and encouraged, but solutions
and programs may not be copied. I would recommend NOT mixing inter-group discussion
with writing up of solutions or code. See the
EECS Department Policy on Academic Dishonesty
and Kris Pister's policy for further explanation and examples.
Finding solutions on the web: It is becoming increasingly
difficult to give homework problems whose solutions are not already
available in some form on the web. This does not mean that your first
response to any homework is to type the question into Google. The EECS
policy begins "Copying all or part of another person's work, or using
reference material not specifically allowed, are forms of cheating."
For the purposes of this course, the allowed reference materials are
the reading materials listed on the course web page and any additional materials specified in the homework;
in addition, you may use Wikipedia for background reference.
It is a good idea to start your programming assignments as soon as you can; computers have a tendency to go down the night before an assignment is due. There is evidence from past courses that students who start working well before the due date take about one third the time to complete their work compared to students who wait until the last minute. In general, it will be worth your while to spend more time away from the screen thinking about programs than struggling with them on-line.
The class newsgroup is suitable for asking general questions about what the homework questions mean, how the course software works, etc. Do not ask or answer specific questions about homework solutions, e.g., "What's the right answer for number 2?" One of the course GSIs will be checking the newsgroup fairly regularly, but for "official" answers to important questions you might want to email your own GSI directly, AFTER you have checked to see if the question has already been answered on the newsgroup!