Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

The Intelligent Agent Book

by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

The leading textbook in Artificial Intelligence: definitive, comprehensive, and readable. Used in over 600 schools.

The third edition is out now, so you probably want to buy that edition instead of the first one, and visit the AIMA 3rd edition web page instead of this one.

What's in the book

Table of Contents | Preface | Introduction | Figures | Terminology | Bibliography | Index

Commentary on the Book

Reader Comments | Summary | Clarifying remarks | Errata Corrections

For Students and Instructors

Instructors' Pages | Other Intro AI Texts | Course Syllabi | School Adoption List | Slides | AIMA-talk discussion list

AI Resources on the Web

AI On the Web
[Book Cover]

Resources For Programmers

(We provide the Lisp and Python code; other authors provide partial implementations in other languages.)
Lisp: Downloading and Installation | Overview
Python: preliminary version
C++: (L. Holder) Course | Code File
Prolog: (L. Holder) Course | Code File
Java: (D. Harada) preliminary version

Getting the Book

At | In Bookstores | Translations | Prentice Hall | Series in AI

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