AdvantechPCL711B - class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B.
Interface to the Advantech PCL-711B I/O board with 8 channel 12-bit A/D, 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs.
AdvantechPCL711B(int) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Creates new MultilabPCL711B.
AdvantechPCL726 - class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL726.
Interface to the Advantech PCL-726 I/O board with 6 channel 12-bit D/A, 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs.
AdvantechPCL726(int, int) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL726
Creates new AdvantechPCL726.


Calibrate - class orthotweezers.Calibrate.
Calibrate is a modal dialog box which performs calibration of the tweezers and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
Calibrate(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.Calibrate
Creates new modal Calibrate dialog box.
calibrateStrainErrors() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This sets xArmStrainError, xTipStrainError, yArmStrainError and yTipStrain error by running a calibration algorithm.
calibrateXArmDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToDeflectionXArm so that the current reading of xArmStrain() will yeild the given deflection.
calibrateXTipDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToDeflectionXTip so that the current reading of xTipStrain() will yeild the given deflection.
calibrateXTipForce(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToForceXTip so that the current reading of xTipStrain() will yeild the given force.
calibrateYArmDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToDeflectionYArm so that the current reading of yArmStrain() will yeild the given deflection.
calibrateYTipDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToDeflectionYTip so that the current reading of yTipStrain() will yeild the given deflection.
calibrateYTipForce(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
This adjusts strainToForceYTip so that the current reading of yTipStrain() will yeild the given force.
CANCEL - Static variable in class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog
cancel() - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
This sets the state to CANCELLED so that the next call to check() from the running thread will throw a CancelException, or if check() is looping in the PAUSED state then it will also throw a CancelException.
CancelException - exception orthotweezers.CancelException.
An exception class for signalling a user cancel of an operation.
CancelException(String) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.CancelException
Creates new CancelException
CancelInteractiveConsole - class orthotweezers.CancelInteractiveConsole.
A CancelInteractiveConsole extends the jython InteractiveConsole to override methods allowing it to handle CancelException while running the interact() method.
CancelInteractiveConsole() - Constructor for class orthotweezers.CancelInteractiveConsole
Creates new CancelInteractiveConsole.
CANCELLED - Static variable in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
CancelThread - class orthotweezers.CancelThread.
A CancelThread extends Thread and allows a mechanism to cleanly pause or cancel the thread.
CancelThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.CancelThread
Creates a new CancelThread as in Thread(Runnable target)
captureComment(String) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Write the given comment to the capture file.
check() - Static method in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
If this thread state is still ENABLED, simply return.
checkScriptChangeOnDisk() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
Compare _scriptLastModified to the real file's modified time, and if the real time is later, give the user a chance to reload from disk.
clearModified() - Method in class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
Sets the modified state to false.
closeCapture() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Stop capturing data to the capture file and close the capture file.
control() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Returns the OrthoTweezersControl object which was passed to the constructor.


daSet(int, int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL726
Set the D/A channel.


ENABLED - Static variable in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
This is called once the Go button is pressed and runs in a new thread.
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.Calibrate
This is called when the new thread is created to execute the procedure.
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.GraspBlock
This is called when the new thread is created to execute the procedure.
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.RunScript
This is called when the new thread is created to execute the procedure.
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.SeekZSurface
This is called when the new thread is created to execute the procedure.
execute() - Method in class orthotweezers.UsePythonConsole
This is called when the new thread is created to execute the procedure.
ExecuteDialog - class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog.
An ExecuteDialog provides a dialog box with a Go and Cancel button.
ExecuteDialog(Frame, String, String, String) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
Creates new ExecuteDialog.
ExecuteDialog(Frame, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
Creates new ExecuteDialog.


flushReader() - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelInteractiveConsole
This can be called before interact() to make sure any previous lines in the input buffer are cleared.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
This is called upon the text area focus gained.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class orthotweezers.ScriptEditor


getDouble(String) - Method in class orthotweezers.Preferences
Return the value of the preferences with the given key, parsing the value as a Double.
getPreferences(Preferences) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Set the relevant fields in the Preferences object, such as STAGE_X, with the values in this object.
getStageXYZ(Point3d) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Set the point to the coordinates of the stage.
GotoProbes - class orthotweezers.GotoProbes.
GotoProbes is a modal dialog box which allows the user to enter probe X and probe Y deflection to go to and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
GotoProbes(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.GotoProbes
Creates new modal form with initial probe deflections read from tools.
GotoXYZ - class orthotweezers.GotoXYZ.
GotoXYZ is a modal dialog box which allows the user to enter stage XYZ coordinates to go to and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
GotoXYZ(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools, double, double, double) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.GotoXYZ
Creates new modal form GotoXYZ with initial stage x, y and z values as given.
grasp(double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Grasp a rectangular object.
GraspBlock - class orthotweezers.GraspBlock.
GraspBlock is a modal dialog box which performs operation of grasping a block and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
GraspBlock(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.GraspBlock
Creates new modal GraspBlock dialog box.


heaterOff(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Turn off the heater specified by heaterNumber.
heaterOn(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Turn on the heater specified by heaterNumber.
heaterState(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Return the state of the heater specified by heaterNumber.


in0() - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Read digital input byte 0.
in1() - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Read digital input byte 1.
isModified() - Method in class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
Return true if the text has been modified since the last save or since being set to new text.
isPaused() - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
Return true if the state of this thread is PAUSED.


lastDASet(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL726
Get the last value sent to the D/A by daSet().
loadFromFile(File) - Method in class orthotweezers.Preferences
Open the given file and load the preferences.
location(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
Return the location object for the given index, or null if i is >= MAX_LOCATIONS.


main(String[]) - Static method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
MAX_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
maybeGetDouble(String, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.Preferences
Return the value of the preferences with the given key, parsing the value as a double.
moveDeltaXY(double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage in X and Y directions relative to the current position.
moveDeltaZ(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage in the Z direction relative to the current position.
moveProbeDeltaX(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the X probe relative to the current position.
moveProbeDeltaY(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the Y probe relative to the current position.
moveProbeX(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move probe X to the position smoothly.
moveProbeXToContact(boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe X until the tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveProbeXToContactBounded(boolean, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe X, bounded by the given range, until the tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveProbeY(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move probe Y to the position smoothly.
moveProbeYToContact(boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Close probe Y until the tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveProbeYToContactBounded(boolean, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe Y, bounded by the given range, until the tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveStageXToContact(boolean, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage in the X direction until the probe X tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveStageYToContact(boolean, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage in the Y direction until the probe Y tip strain gauge detects a contact force, then back off a little until the force drops near zero.
moveToPoint(Point3d) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This just calls moveToXYZ(x,y,z) with the coordinates of the point.
moveToXY(double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move the stage to the x, y position, moving diagonally if necessary.
moveToXYZ(double, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage to the XYZ coordinates.
moveToZ(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move the stage to the z position.


NO - Static variable in class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog


openCapture(String, boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Open the file to which capture data is written.
orthotweezers - package orthotweezers
OrthoTweezers - class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers.
Main window for the OrthoTweezers user interface.
OrthoTweezers() - Constructor for class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
Creates new form OrthoTweezers.
OrthoTweezersControl - class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl.
OrthoTweezersControl interfaces with all the hardware of the orthotweezer system, providing control of the stage, tweezers, strain gauges, etc.
OrthoTweezersControl() - Constructor for class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Creates new OrthoTweezersControl.
OrthoTweezersMonitor - class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor.
Modeless dialog window for monitoring the orthotweezers system and writing to the capture file.
OrthoTweezersMonitor(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Creates new form OrthoTweezersMonitor as a modeless dialog
OrthoTweezersTools - class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools.
OrthoTweezersTools is a utility class for doing more sophisticated operations than are provided by the basic OrthoTweezersControl class.
OrthoTweezersTools(OrthoTweezersControl) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Creates new OrthoTweezersTools which uses the given control object.
out0ClearBits(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Clear bits on digital output 0 with the bits in bitMask.
out0SetBits(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Set bits on digital output 0 with the bits in bitMask.
out1ClearBits(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Clear bits on digital output 1 with the bits in bitMask.
out1SetBits(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Set bits on digital output 1 with the bits in bitMask.


PAUSE_REQUEST - Static variable in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
pause() - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
This sets the state to PAUSE_REQUEST so that the next call to check() from the running thread will convert the state to PAUSED and loop until unpause() or cancel() is called.
PAUSED - Static variable in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
Preferences - class orthotweezers.Preferences.
Preferences keeps a list of key/value pairs where each is a String.
Preferences() - Constructor for class orthotweezers.Preferences
Creates a new Preferences.
probeXPosition() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return the nomalized position of probe X in the range -1 to 1.
probeYPosition() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return the nomalized position of probe Y in the range -1 to 1.
putDouble(String, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.Preferences
Puts the preference with the given key and value in the preferences.


raw_input(PyObject) - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelInteractiveConsole
Write a prompt and read a line.
readAD(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.AdvantechPCL711B
Read a 12-bit A/D channel.
relay1Off() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Set the digital output for relay number 1 to 0.
relay1On() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Set the digital output for relay number 1 to 1.
relay1State() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return true if relay number 1 is on, otherwise false.
reset() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Reset the orthotweezers system to its default state.
resetTipStrains() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This resets the strain offsets for probe X and probe Y tips so that the strain will now read zero.
resetXArmStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Assume that probe X is at the zero position and set strainOffsetXArm so that xArmStrain() will read zero.
resetXTipStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Assume there is no force on the tip of probe X and set strainOffsetXTip so that xTipStrain() will read zero.
resetYArmStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Assume that probe Y is at the zero position and set strainOffsetYArm so that yArmStrain() will read zero.
resetYTipStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Assume there is no force on the tip of probe Y and set strainOffsetYTip so that yTipStrain() will read zero.
result() - Method in class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog
Return the result which is YES, NO or CANCEL.
run() - Method in class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
This is run in a separate thread and calls execute() and catches a possible CancelException.
run() - Method in class orthotweezers.GotoProbes
This is run in a separate thread to go to probe position _x _y.
run() - Method in class orthotweezers.GotoXYZ
This is run in a separate thread to go to _x _y _z.
runcode(PyObject) - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelInteractiveConsole
Execute a code object.
RunScript - class orthotweezers.RunScript.
RunScript is a modal dialog box which runs the given Python script and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
RunScript(Frame, InteractiveConsole, String) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.RunScript
Creates new modal RunScript dialog box.


saveToFile(File) - Method in class orthotweezers.Preferences
Save the preferences to the given file.
ScriptEditor - class orthotweezers.ScriptEditor.
A ScriptEditor extends TextAreaFrame to provide functions specific to editing a script.
ScriptEditor(OrthoTweezers) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.ScriptEditor
Creates new ScriptEditor, overriding methods in TextAreaFrame to interact with the parent OrthoTweezers object.
scriptWindowClosing() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezers
This is called by _scriptEditor.windowClosing().
seekXArmDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe X until its arm deflection is the given value.
seekXArmDeltaDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Seek the X probe arm deflection relative to the current deflection.
seekXTipForce(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This is a simplified version of seekXTipForceBounded which allows the probe to seek for the entire probe range.
seekXTipForceBounded(double, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe X, bounded to the given range, until its tip force is the given value.
seekXYArmDeflection(double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This uses seekXArmDeflection and seekYArmDeflection to seek to the given X and Y deflections.
seekYArmDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe Y until its arm deflection is the given value.
seekYArmDeltaDeflection(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Seek the Y probe arm deflection relative to the current deflection.
seekYTipForce(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This is a simplified version of seekYTipForceBounded which allows the probe to seek for the entire probe range.
seekYTipForceBounded(double, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move probe Y, bounded to the given range, until its tip force is the given value.
seekZAxisAngle(double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Try to rotate a block about the Z axis to the given angle.
SeekZSurface - class orthotweezers.SeekZSurface.
SeekZSurface is a modal dialog box which calls OrthoTweezersTools.seekZSurface() and provides a Cancel button to interrupt it.
seekZSurface(double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Move the stage in the negative Z direction, making tiny sweeps with probe X, until the probe X tip strain gauge detects a contact force when it is moved, Then increase Z until no force is detected.
SeekZSurface(Frame, OrthoTweezersTools) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.SeekZSurface
Creates new modal SeekZSurface dialog box.
setCancelMessage(String) - Method in class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
Usually when the user clicks Cancel, the executing thread will catch it and exit immediately.
setFromPreferences(Preferences) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Initialize control parameters, such as stageX, from the preferences.
setStageXYZ(double, double, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Set the present position of the stage.
setStatus(String) - Method in class orthotweezers.ExecuteDialog
Set the status label to the given text.
STAGE_X - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STAGE_Y - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STAGE_Z - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
stagePoint() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Return a new Point3d containing the stage X,Y,Z position in millimeters.
stageX() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return the X position of the stage in millimeters.
stageY() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return the Y position of the stage in millimeters.
stageZ() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Return the Z position of the stage in millimeters.
startCapture(int) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Start capturing data with the given period and adding to the log file.
stopCapture() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersMonitor
Stop capturing data to the capture file.
STRAIN_ERROR_X_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_ERROR_X_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_ERROR_Y_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_ERROR_Y_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_OFFSET_X_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_OFFSET_X_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_OFFSET_Y_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_OFFSET_Y_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_DEFLECTION_X_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_DEFLECTION_X_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_DEFLECTION_Y_ARM - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_DEFLECTION_Y_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_FORCE_X_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
STRAIN_TO_FORCE_Y_TIP - Static variable in class orthotweezers.Preferences
strainErrorXArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
strainErrorXTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
strainErrorYArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
strainErrorYTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
strainOffsetXArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the offset which is added to the probe X arm strain gauge reading.
strainOffsetXTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the offset which is added to the probe X tip strain gauge reading.
strainOffsetYArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the offset which is added to the probe Y arm strain gauge reading.
strainOffsetYTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the offset which is added to the probe Y tip strain gauge reading.
strainToDeflectionXArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to deflection on the probe X arm.
strainToDeflectionXTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to deflection on the probe X tip.
strainToDeflectionYArm() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to deflection on the probe Y arm.
strainToDeflectionYTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to deflection on the probe Y tip.
strainToForceXTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to force on the probe X tip.
strainToForceYTip() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the parameter to convert strain to force on the probe Y tip.
SWEEP_TO_CONTACT_INCREMENT - Static variable in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
sweepProbeXToContact(boolean, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This calls moveProbeXToContact repeatedly, moving SWEEP_TO_CONTACT_INCREMENT millimeters in the Y direction until contact, or until the maxDeltaY has been reached.
sweepProbeYToContact(boolean, double) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
This calls moveProbeYToContact repeatedly, moving SWEEP_TO_CONTACT_INCREMENT millimeters in the X direction until contact, or until the maxDeltaX has been reached.


textArea() - Method in class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
Return the JTextArea containing the text.
TextAreaFrame - class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame.
A TextAreaFrame provides a text area in a JFrame window for viewing and editing text.
TextAreaFrame() - Constructor for class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
Creates new form ScriptEditor


ungrasp() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Ungrasp an object by releasing both probes to zero force, moving down in Z slightly, opening the probes slightly, and restoring the Z position.
unpause() - Method in class orthotweezers.CancelThread
If the state is PAUSED, this sets the state back to ENABLED so that the check() method in which the other thread is looping can exit and allow the thread to resume.
UsePythonConsole - class orthotweezers.UsePythonConsole.
UsePythonConsole is a modal dialog box which allows the user to type Python commands and view output in the command console which invoked Java.
UsePythonConsole(Frame, CancelInteractiveConsole) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.UsePythonConsole
Creates new modal UsePythonConsole dialog box.


windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class orthotweezers.TextAreaFrame
This is called when the TextAreaFrame receives a windowClosing message.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class orthotweezers.ScriptEditor


xArmDeflection() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the deflection of the probe X arm.
xArmStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the reading of the probe X arm strain gauge and add it to strainOffsetXArm().
xStep(boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move X one step, updating _xSteps.
xTipDeflection() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the deflection of the probe X tip.
xTipForce() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the force on the probe X tip.
xTipStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the reading of the probe X tip strain gauge and add it to strainOffsetXTip().


yArmDeflection() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the deflection of the probe Y arm.
yArmStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the reading of the probe Y arm strain gauge and add it to strainOffsetYArm().
YES - Static variable in class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog
YesNoCancelDialog - class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog.
A YesNoCancelDialog presents a modal dialog box which displays the message and allows the user to click Yes, No or Cancel.
YesNoCancelDialog(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class orthotweezers.YesNoCancelDialog
Creates new modal dialog box which displays the message and allows the user to click Yes, No or Cancel.
yStep(boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move Y one step, updating _ySteps.
yTipDeflection() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the deflection of the probe Y tip.
yTipForce() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the force on the probe Y tip.
yTipStrain() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Get the reading of the probe Y tip strain gauge and add it to strainOffsetYTip().


zAxisAngle() - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersTools
Return the angle in radians of the grip axis as it would rotate around the Z axis.
zStep(boolean) - Method in class orthotweezers.OrthoTweezersControl
Move Z one step, updating _zSteps.