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From a systems perspective, In the near term we see a number of SOC microarchitectures emerging or under evaluation. They include a mixed hardware-software programmable style, where standard software-programmable cores are augmented by FPGA and memory. Such microarchitectures are likely to be augmented over time with additional blocks that provide specific, large power/performance advantages for certain common classes of application-oriented tasks.
We see a fully-reprogrammable style, based largely on FPGA, and a memory-dominated style as also playing potentially important roles in the future.
We believe that from a military as well as a broader US competitiveness perspective, investment in the discovery and evaluation of new microarchitectural styles, that are well-suited to long-range DSM technologies, and their implications to software and systems is a critical research area.
Without such investment and perspective on future hardware architectures, a clear understanding of the long-term implications of significant investment in software in general is not possible.