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Information Sheet

All labs are in Room 143 Cory Hall.


This semester there will be seven self-conducted hands-on laboratory experiments to help make the classroom material clear and give some exposure to equipment and experimental techniques. Completion consists of being able to show the lab TA that you are able to observe the intended or other interesting results of your choice. The labs will begin the third week of the semester and each has a completion due date for full credit. This semester we may add a new experiment on cross talk. The description of this experiment will be available in the laboratory.


  1. Resistive Paper Electrostatics Analog
  2. Magnetic Measurements and Faraday's Law
  3. Pulse Propagation and Dispersion
  4. Microwave Measurement Instruments
  5. Reflection Coefficient and Matching
  6. Plane Waves
  7. Antenna Measurements


  1. Sign up for a one hour time slot outside 143 Cory. Be sure to write down the time you selected. You should work with a partner or partners. If you do not have one, sign up anyway and let some one else sign up with you later.
  2. Read the demonstration write-up in preparation.
  3. Come to your demonstration time slot no later than 10 minutes after the hour. Bring pencils, calculator, textbook and the demonstration write-up.
  4. Follow the instructions in the demonstration write-up, take data, do analyses, etc. You can have a lively dialog with the TA but be sure it is your hands on the equipment. You might think of this experiment as getting to the point that you can demonstrate to the TA the important observations.
  5. Text references are to Ramo, Whinnery and Van Duzer (RWVD), Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, 3rd Edition, J. Wiley and Sons, 1994; and to Steven E. Schwarz (SES), Electromagnetics for Engineers, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1990.

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Michael Lieberman
Sat Aug 15 16:52:53 PDT 1998