Reverse Engineering of Population Dynamics
Lewis ER (1972) Delay-line models of population growth. Ecology 53: 797-807. open pdf file
Lee KL, Lewis ER (1976) Delay time models of population dynamics with application to schistosomiasis control. IEEE Trans Biomed Engrg 23 225-233.
Lewis ER (1976) Applications of discrete and continuous network theory to linear population models. Ecology 57 33-47. open pdf file
Lee KL. Lewis ER (1977) Prediction of schistosome cercarial shedding with a physiological-time model. Int J Epidemiol 6: 161-167. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1977) Linear population models with stochastic time delays. Ecology 58 738-749. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1977) Network Models in Population Biology, (Vol. 7 in Biomathematics Series), New York, Springer-Verlag, pp 1-299.
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER (1972) Modeling the effects of time delays on population dynamics. Proc Int'l Conf Syst Sci 5 38-40.
Lewis ER, KL Lee (1973) Engineering-type models of infectious diseases. WESCON Papers 7 1-9.
Lewis ER (1973) Rationalizing transitions in population models. Proc Int'l Conf Syst Sci 6 18-20
Lewis ER (1979) Deterministic and stochastic time delays in biological systems. Proc Int'l Conf Circ Syst pp 1028-1031.
Reverse Engineering of Neurons and Small Neural Nets, Philosophy of science
Lewis ER (1963) The locus concept and its application to neural analogs. IEEE Trans Biomed Engrg 10 130-137.
Lewis ER (1964) An electronic model of the neuron based on the dynamics of potassium and sodium ion fluxes. In Neural Theory and Modeling, RF Reiss (ed), Stanford, Stanford University Press, pp. 154-189.
Lewis ER (1965) The ionic hypothesis and neural models. In Self-Organizing Systems, JE Garvey (ed), Washington, ONR, pp. 1-18.
Lewis ER (1965) Neuroelectric potentials derived from an extended version of the Hodgkin-Huxley model. J Theoret Biol 10 125-158.. open pdf file
Harmon LD, Lewis ER (1966) Neural modeling. Physiol Rev 46 513-591. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1966). Some biological modelers of the past. In Natural Automata and Useful Simulations, HH Pattee, EA Edelsack, L Fein, AB Calahan (eds) pp 109-126.
Lewis ER (1967) Some early simulations. Simulation 8 v-vii.
Lewis ER (1968) An electronic model simulating neuroelectric point processes. Kybernetik 5 30-46.
Lewis ER (1968) The iron wire model of nerve, a review. In Cybernetic Problems in Bionics, HL Oestreicher (ed), New York, Gordon and Breach, pp. 697-723.
Lewis ER (1968) Synchronization in small groups of neurons, a study with electronic models. In Cybernetic Problems in Bionics, HL Oestreicher (ed), New York, Gordon and Breach, pp. 775-787.
Lewis ER (1968) Using electronic circuits to model simple neuroelectric interactions. Proc IEEE 56 931-949. open pdf file
Harmon LD, Lewis ER (1968) Neural modeling. In Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, SN Levine (ed), New York, Wiley, pp. 119-239.
Lewis ER (1970) Neural subsystems-- goals, concepts and tools. In The Neurosciences, FO Schmitt (ed), New York, Rockefeller Univ. Press, pp. 384-396.
Murray MJ, Lewis ER (1974) Sensory control of prey capture in Navanax inermis. The Veliger 17 156-158.
MacGregor RJ, Lewis ER (1977) Neural Modeling, New York, Plenum.
Lewis ER (1983) The elements of single neurons: a review. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cyb 13 702-710.
Lewis ER (1986) Biological sensors. Sensors and Actuators 9 9-17.
Lewis ER (1987) Neural nets, modeling. In G Adelman (ed) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Boston: Birkhauser, 756-757.
Lewis ER (1999). Neural nets, modeling. In G Adelman, B Smith (eds) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elsevier, New York, pp 1316-1317.
Lewis ER (2004) Neural nets: modeling, In G Adelman, BH Smith (eds) Encyclopedia of
Neuroscience, Elsevier, New York.
Lewis ER, MacGregor RJ (2006) On determinism, chaos, and small-number particle systems in the brain. J. Int Neurosci 5 223-247. open pdf file
Lewis ER, MacGregor RJ (2010) A natural science approach to consciousness. J. Int Neurosci 9 153-191. open pdf file
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER (1968). Relationships of elements to systems in brains and computers. IEEE Int'l Conv Dig, New York, IEEE, p 160.
Lewis ER, Charlton JS (1972). Systems models of visual transduction. Proc Int'l Conf Syst Sci 5 146-148.
Lewis ER(2010). Philosophical notes on reductionism and related matters: for BMSR meeting on neural ensembles. open file
Morphology and Physiology
Lewis ER, Zeevi YY, Werblin FS(1969) Scanning electron microscopy of vertebrate visual receptors. Brain Res
15 559-562. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Everhart TE, Zeevi YY (1969) Studying neural organization in Aplysia with the scanning electron microscope. Science 165 1140-1143. open pdf file
Hillman DE, Lewis ER (1971) Morphological basis for a mechanical linkage in otolithic receptor transduction in the frog. Science 174 416-419.
Lewis ER, YY Zeevi (1971) Studying neuronal architecture and organization with SEM. Scan Electr Microscp (I) 1971 281-288.
Lewis ER, Nemanic P (1972) Scanning electron microscope observations of saccular ultrastructure in the mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus). Z Zellforschung 123 441-457.
Lewis ER, Li CW (1975). Hair cell types and distributions in the otolithic and auditory organs of the bullfrog. Brain Res 83 35-50. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1976) Surface morphology of the bullfrog amphibian papilla. Brain Behav Evol 13 196-215.
Lewis ER, Pawley JB (1979) SEM freeze-fracture studies of the otoconial membrane of the frog lagena. Scan Electr Microscp 1979 955-962.Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Koyama H (1980) Mapping functionally-identified auditory afferents from their peripheral origins to their central terminations. Brain Res 197 223-229. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Pawley JB (1981) Direct SEM study of frozen inner ear. Scanning 4 131-140. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Koyama, H (1982) The tonotopic organization of the bullfrog amphibian papilla, an auditory organ lacking a basilar membrane. J Comp Physiol A 145 437-445. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Baird RA, Leverenz EL, Koyama H (1982) Inner-Ear: dye-injection reveals peripheral origins of specific sensitivities. Science 215 1641-1643. open pdf file
Koyama H, Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Baird RA (1982). Acute seismic sensitivity in the bullfrog ear. Brain Res 250 168-172. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1983) Dual acoustic sensitivity in frogs. In Hearing-- Physiological Bases and Psychophysics, R Klinke, R Hartmann (eds), New York, Springer-Verlag, pp 61-69.
Narins PM, Lewis ER (1984), The vertebrate ear as an exquisite seismic sensor. J Acoust Soc Am 76 1384-1387. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Bialek W (1985) The Vertebrate Inner Ear, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 248 pp.
Baird RA, Lewis ER (1986) Correspondences between afferent innervation patterns and response dynamics in the bullfrog utricle and lagena. Brain Res 369 48-64.
van Dijk P, Lewis ER, Wit HP (1989) Temperature effects on auditory nerve fiber response in the American bullfrog. Hearing Res 44 231-240. open pdf file
Myers SF, Lewis ER (1990) Hair cell tufts and afferent innervation of the bullfrog crista ampularis. Brain Res 534 15-24. open pdf file
Yu X, Lewis ER, Feld D (1991) Seismic and auditory tuning curves from bullfrog saccular and amphibian papillar axons. J Comp Physiol A 169 241-248. open pdf file
Myers SF,Lewis ER (1991) Vestibular afferent responses to micromotional stimuli. Brain Res 543 36-44. open pdf file
Henry KR, Lewis ER(1992), One-tone suppression in the cochlear nerve of the gerbil. Hearing Res 63 1-6. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1992) Modulation of cochlear nerve spike rate by cardiac activity in the gerbil. Hearing Res 63 7-11. open pdf file
Della Santina CC, Kovacs GTA, Lewis ER (1997) Multi-unit recording from regenerated bullfrog eighth nerve using implantable silicon-substrate microelectrodes. J Neurosci Meth 72 71-86.
Lewis ER, Narins PM (1998) The acoustic periphery of amphibians: anatomy and physiology. In AN Popper, RR Fay (eds) Comparative Hearing: Fish and Amphibians, Springer Verlag, New York, pp 101-154.
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER, YY Zeevi (1969) Scanning electron microscopy of neural networks. Proc Electr Microsc Soc Amer 27 8-9.
Everhart TE, ER Lewis (1970) New perspectives in biology through the scanning electron microscope. IEEE Int'l Conv Dig, New York, IEEE, pp 158-159.
Lewis ER, Zeevi YY (1970) Fine structure along a single nerve fiber in Aplysia as seen with the scanning electron microscope. Microscopie Electronique, P. Favvard, ed, Paris, Societe Francaise de Microscopie Electronique, vol. 3, pp 481-482.
Zeevi YY, Lewis ER (1970). A new technique for exposing neuronal surfaces for viewing with the scanning electron microscope. Microscopie Electronique, P Favvard (ed) Paris, Societe Francaise de Microscopie Electronique, vol 1, pp 671-672.
Lewis ER (1972) Structural-functional correlations in inner-ear receptors. Ann Proc Electron Microsc Soc Am 6 64-65.
Lewis ER,Baird RA (1981) Physiology and anatomy of a nontectorial acoustic organ. ARO Abstr vol 4 p11.
Lewis ER, Capranica RR (1981). Frequency analysis in the peripheral auditory system of anurans. J Acoust Soc Am 70 S50.
Lewis ER, Narins PM (1981). Seismic sensitivity in VIIIth nerve afferent fibers of the white-lipped frog. Soc Neurosci Abstr 7 148.
Lewis ER (1984) Sensitivity estimates for the seismic sense of the bullfrog sacculus. ARO Abstr vol 7 pp92-93.
Henry KR, Lewis ER (1988) Acoustic splatter does not determine the shape of the cochlear offset action potential masking tuning curve. ARO Abstr 11 11-12.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1988), Analysis of tone bursts and their responses in the time domain. ARO Abstr 11 13-14.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1989) Responses of the mammalian cochlea to waveform singularities. Neurosci Abstr 15 231.
Myers SF, Lewis ER (1989) Vestibular afferent responses to microrotational stimuli. ARO Abstr 15 246.
Sneary MG, Lewis ER (1989) Vestibular receptors of the red-eared turtle-- a structural prelude. ARO Abstr 12 317-318.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1989) Two classes of cochlear responses to rapid modulations of tones: envelope responses and singularity responses. ARO Abstr 12 175-176.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1990) Discharge characteristics of cochlear axons of the Mongolian gerbil in response to single tones at frequencies and intensities within and at the boarders of the FTC. ARO Abstr 13 199.
Developmental Morphology of the Vertebrate Ear
Lewis ER, Li CW (1973). Evidence concerning the morphogenesis of saccular receptors in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). J Morph 139 351-362. open pdf file
Li CW, Lewis ER (1974) Morphogenesis of auditory receptor epithelia in the bullfrog. Scan Electr Microscp 1974 791-798.
Li CW, Lewis ER (1979) Structure and development of vestibular hair cells in larval bullfrog. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 88 427-437.
Neuroethology of the Vertebrate Ear
Lewis ER, Narins PM (1985) Do frogs communicate with seismic signals? Science 227 187-189. open pdf file
Moore SW, Lewis ER, Narins PM, Lopez PT (1989) The call-timing algorithm of the white-lipped frog, Leptodactylus albilabris. J Comp Physiol A 164 309-319. open pdf file
Randall JA, Lewis ER (1997) Seismic communication between the burrows of kangaroo rats Dipodomys spectabilis. J Comp Physiol 181 525-531. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Narins PM Cortopassi KA, Yamada WM, Poinar EH, Moore SW, Yu XL (2001) Do male
white-lipped frogs use seismic signals for intraspecific communication?
Am Zool 41 1185-1199. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Narins PM, Jarvis JUM, Bronner G, Mason MJ (2006) Preliminary evidence for the
use of microseismic cues for navigation by the Namib golden mole. J Acoust Soc Am 119
1260-1268. open pdf file
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER, Narins PM, Moore SW, Lopez PT (1985) Seismic sense and seismic signals of a frog. J Acoust Soc Am 77 S52.
Cortopassi KA, Lewis ER (1992) Further evidence of seismic communication in the white-lipped frog. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Neuroethology, abstract 150.
Evolution of the Vertebrate Ear
Lewis ER (1977) Structural correlates of function in the anuran amphibian papilla. Scan Electr Microscp (II) 1977 429-436.
Lewis ER (1978) Comparative studies of the anuran auditory papillae. Scan Electr Microscp (II) 1978 633-642.
Lewis ER (1981) Evolution of inner ear auditory apparatus in the frog. Brain Res 219 149-155. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1981) Suggested evolution of tonotopic organization in the frog amphibian papilla. Neurosci Let 21 131-136. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1987) Speculations about noise and the evolution of vertebrate hearing. Hearing Res 25 83-90. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Lombard RE (1988) The amphibian inner ear. In B Fritsch (ed) The Evolution of the Amphibian Auditory System, Wiley, New York, pp 93-123.
Lewis ER (1991) Convergence of design in vertebrate acoustic sensors. In RR Fay, AN Popper, DB Webster(eds) The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 163-184.
Lewis ER, Hecht EI, PM Narins (1992) Diversity of form in the amphibian papilla of Puerto Rican frogs. J Comp Physiol A 171 421-435. open pdf file
Cortopassi KA, Lewis ER (1996) High-frequency tuning properties of bullfrog lagenar vestibular afferent fibers. J. Vestibular Res 6 105-119.
Cortopassi KA, Lewis ER (1998). A comparison of the linear tuning properties of two classes of axons in the bullfrog lagena. Brain Behav Evol 51 331-348. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Fay RR (2004) Environmental variables and the fundamental nature of hearing.
In G Manley, A Popper, R Fay (eds) Evolution of Hearing, Springer Verlag,
New York, pp 27-54.
Lewis ER (2004) Useful concepts from circuit theory. In G Manley, A Popper,
R Fay (eds) Evolution of Hearing, Springer Verlag, New York, pp 369-400. open pdf file
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER (1977) Comparative scanning electron microcopy study of the anuran basilar papilla. Proc Electron Microsc Soc Amer 35 632-633.
Lewis ER (1985) Comparative issues in hearing. ARO Abstr vol 8 p 159.
Reverse Engineering of the Vertebrate Ear
Lewis ER, Leverenz EL (1983) Morphological basis for tonotopy in the anuran amphibian papilla. Scan. Electr. Microscp. (I) 1983 189-200.
Lewis ER (1984) On the frog amphibian papilla. Scan Electr Microscp (IV) 1984 1899-1913.
Lewis ER (1984) High-frequency rolloff in a cochlear model without critical-layer resonance. J Acoust Soc Am 76 779-786.
Lewis ER (1984) Inertial motion sensors. In L Bolis, RF Keynes (eds) Comparative Physiology of Sensory Systems, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 587-610.
Lewis ER (1986) Adaptation, suppression and tuning in amphibian acoustical fibers. In BCJ Moore, RD Patterson (eds) Auditory Frequency Selectivity, New York, Plenum, pp 129-136.
Lewis ER (1988) Tuning in the bullfrog ear. Biophys J 53 441-447. open pdf file
Henry KR, Lewis ER (1988) Offset AP masker tuning curve and the FFT of the stimulus. J Acoust Soc Am 84 1354-1362.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1988) Cochlear axon responses to tonal offsets: near linear effects. In Basic Issues in Hearing, J.W. Horst, H.P. Wit and H. Duifhuis (Eds.), Academic, London, 177-184.
Henry KR, Lewis ER (1989). Cochlear nonlinearities implied by the differences between transient responses to onsets and offsets of a tone burst. In J.P. Wilson and D.T. Kemp (Eds.), Mechanics of Hearing, Plenum, New York, 251?257.
Yu X, Lewis ER (1989) Studies with spike initiators: linearization by noise allows continuous signal modulation in neural networks. IEEE Trans Biomed Engrg 36 pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1989) Transient responses to tone bursts. Hearing Res 37 219-240. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1989) Cochlear nerve responses to waveform singularities and envelope corners. Hearing Res 39 209-224. open pdf file
Sneary M, Lewis ER (1989) Response properties of turtle auditory afferent nerve fibers: evidence for a high-order tuning mechanism. In JP Wilson, DT Kemp (eds), Mechanics of Hearing, Plenum, New York, pp 235-240.
Lewis ER (1990) Electrical tuning in the ear. Comm Theoret Biol 1 253-273. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Yu X, Sneary M (1990) Further evidence for tuning mechanisms of high dynamic order in lower vertebrates. In P Dallos, CD Geisler, JW Matthews, MA Ruggero, CR Steele (eds), Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing, Springer-Verlag, New York. pp 129-136.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1993) Intensity-dependent changes in revcor functions are very fast. In Duifhuis D, Horst JW, van Dijk P, van Netten SM (eds), Biophysics of Hair Cell Sensory Systems, Singapore, World Scientific, pp 377-383.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1994) Dynamic changes in tuning in the gerbil cochlea. Hearing Res 79 183-189. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Parnas B (1994) Theoretical bases for short-latency vestibular evoked response. Vestib Res 4 189-202.
Egert D, Lewis ER (1995) Temperature dependence of saccular nerve fiber response in the North American bullfrog. Hearing Res 84 72-80. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1995) Nonlinear effects of noise on phase-locked nerve responses to sinusoidal stimuli. Hearing Res 92 1-16. open pdf file
Lewis ER (1995) Further computation involving time. In HL Hawkins, TA McMullen, AN Popper, RR Fay (eds), Auditory Computation, New York, Springer Verlag, pp 469-503.
Bonham BH, Lewis ER (1995) Performance of two models without explicit neuronal delay for binaural localization in the medial superior olive. In GA Manley, C Koppl, H Oeckinghaus, GM Klump, H Fastl (eds), Advances in Hearing Research, Singapore, World Scientific, pp 324-333.
Wolodkin G, Yamada WM, Lewis ER, Henry KR (1997) Spike rate models for auditory fibers. In ER Lewis et al (eds) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 104-110.
Yamada WM, Wolodkin G, Lewis ER, Henry KR (1997) Wiener kernel analysis and the singular value decomposition. In ER Lewis et al (eds) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 111-118.
Lewis ER, Long GR, Lyon RF, Narins PM, Steele CR, Hecht-Poinar E (eds) (1997) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore.
Stiber BZ, Lewis ER, Stiber M, Henry KR (1999). Categorization of gerbil auditory responses. Neurocomputing 26-27 277-283.
Yamada WM, Lewis ER (1999) Predicting the temporal responses of non-phase-locking bullfrog auditory units to complex acoustic waveforms. Hearing Res 130 155-170. open pdf file
Bonham BH, Lewis ER (1999) Localization by interaural time difference (ITD): effects of interaural frequency mismatch. J Acoust Soc Am 106 281-290. open pdf file
Yamada WM, Henry KR, Lewis ER (2000) Tuning, suppression and adaptation in auditory
afferents, as seen with second-order Wiener kernels. In H Wada, T Takasaka,
K Ikeda, K Ohyama, T Koike (eds) Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics,
World Scientific, Singapore, pp 419-425.
Yamada WM, Lewis ER (2000) Demonstrating the Wiener kernel description of tuning and
suppression in an auditory afferent fiber: Predicting the AC and DC response to
a complex novel stimulus. In H Wada, T Takasaka, K Ikeda, K Ohyama, T Koike (eds)
Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, pp 506-512.
Stiber B, Lewis ER, Stiber M, Henry KR (2000) Auditory singularity detection by a gerbil
cochlear model. Neurocomputing 32-33: 537-543.
Lewis ER, Henry KR, Yamada WM (2000) Essential roles of noise in neural coding and in
studies of neural coding. Biosystems 58 109-115. open pdf file
Henry KR, Lewis ER (2001) Cochlear nerve acoustic envelope response detection is
improved by the addition of random-phased tonal stimuli. Hearing Res 155 pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR, Yamada WM (2002) Tuning and timing of excitation and inhibition
in primary auditory nerve fibers. Hearing Res 171 13-31. open pdf file
Lewis ER, Henry KR, Yamada WM (2002) Tuning and timing in the gerbil ear: Wiener kernel
analysis. Hearing Res 174 206-221. open pdf file
Lewis ER, van Dijk P. (2003) New variations on the derivation of spectro-temporal
receptive fields for primary auditory afferent axons. Hearing Res 186 30-46. open pdf file
Sneary MG, Lewis ER (2007) Tuning properties of turtle auditory nerve fibers: Evidence
for suppression and adaptation. Hearing Res 228 22-30. open pdf file
Selected short conference papers
Lewis ER (1987) Ion channels and contractile elements may combine with tectorial and fluid elements to form multicellular tuning networks in the ear. ARO Abstr 10 185.
Sneary MG, Lewis ER (1988) Phase shift in turtle auditory units, evidence for a high-order tuning mechanism. ARO Abstr 11 242.
Lewis ER, Myers SF (1989) Jerk detectors in the bullfrog utricle evidently use gravity to sense rotational velocity. ASGSB Bull 2 20.
Feld D, Eisenberg J, Lewis ER (1989) A passive shared element analog electric cochlea. In DS Touretzky (ed) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems I, Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, pp 662-670.
Rieke F,Yamada W, Moorgat K, Lewis ER, Bialek W (1992) Real-time coding of complex sounds in the auditory nerve. In Y Cazals, L Demany, K Horner (eds) Auditory Physiology and Perception, Pergamon, New York, pp 315-322.
Rieke F, Yamada W, Lewis ER, Bialek W (1993) Non-phase-locked auditory cells and envelope detection. In F Eeckman (ed) Analysis and Modeling of Neural Systems 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp 255-263.
Parnas BR, Lewis ER (1993) A neuronal modeling system for generating brainstem maps of auditory space. In FH Eeckman, JM Bower (eds) Computation and Neural Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp 241-245.
Parnas BR,Lewis ER (1993) The effects of neuronal modeling parameters on the auditory nerve image: an exploration of parameter space. CNS*93, p 23.
Bonham BH, Lewis ER (1993) Self-organization and properties of receptive fields in the auditory brainstem- a modeling approach. CNS*93, p 5.
Lewis ER, Henry KR (1993) Intensity-dependent changes in REVCOR functions are very rapid. In Biophysics of Hair Cell Sensory Systems, World Scientific Press, London pp 377-383.
Mozingo HN, Klein O, Lewis ER (1969) Scanning electron microscope studies on Sphagnum imbricatum. The Bryologist 72 484-488.
Mozingo HN, Klein P, Lewis ER (1970) Scanning electron microscope observations on Tillandsia usneoides scales. Trans Amer Microsc Soc 89 259-263.
Mozingo, HN, Klein P, Lewis ER (1970) Venus's flytrap observations by scanning electron microscopy. Amer J Bot 57 593-598.
Lewis ER (1971) Education in Biomedical Engineering. Proc IEEE 59 868-879.
Lewis ER, Nemanic MK (1973) Critical point drying techniques. Scan Electr Microscp 1973 767-774.
Lewis ER (1974) A note on transfer and driving-point functions of iterated ladder networks. IEEE Trans Circ Syst 21(3) 334-338.
Lewis ER, Jackson L, Scott T (1975) Comparison of miscibilities and critical-point drying properties of various intermediate and transitional fluids. Scan Electr Microscp 1975 317-324.
Lewis ER (1978) Network theory models of biological processes. Circuits and Systems 12(3) 2-11.
Kovacs GTA, Storment CW, Halks-Miller M, Belczynski CR Jr, Della Santina CC, Lewis ER, Maluf NI (1992) Silicon-substrate microelectrode arraya for parallel recording of neural activity in peripheral and cranial nerves. IEEE Trans Biomed Engrg 41 567-577.
Lewis ER (1995) Network thermodynamics revisited. Biosystems 34 47-63. open pdf file
Berger SA, Goldsmith W, Lewis ER (eds) (1996) Introduction to Bioengineering, New York, Oxford University Press, 526 pp.
Lewis ER (1996) A brief introduction to network theory. In SA Berger, W Goldsmith, ER Lewis (eds) (1996) Introduction to Bioengineering, New York, Oxford University Press, pp 261-338.
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