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Final Report from Lewis Lab to NIDCD
Grant DC-00112
Overall project period-- July 1, 1975 to June 30, 2001
Final project period-- July 1, 1996 to June 30, 2001
The project "Morphology and Physiology of the Inner Ear," supported by grant DC-00112 began in 1975 as grant NS-12359 from the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke. It was transferred to the National Institute of Deafness and Communicative Disorders when that institute was founded. Pilot studies for the project were begun in 1970, supported in part by a grant from NSF (GK-3845) and in part by a program project grant (GM-17523) from the National Institute of General Medical Science. Since 1961 I had been attempting, through modeling, to understand the operation of small invertebrate neural networks known as central pattern generators. In 1967 I was invited to continue those studies as a member of the Berkeley faculty. The NSF grant supported that continuation. As a neural modeler, I had been keenly interested in the roles and limitations of models in science. I had been thinking especially in terms of formal circuit theory-- a metamodel that is astoundingly broadly applicable. By 1969, it was clear to me that the metamodel imposed profound limitations on my own work-- the sort of reductionist understanding of neural networks that I had been hoping to achieve was not possible. I presented my findings to the very best of the neural modeling community-- which was unable to refute them, and turned my attention to finding a new area of research. The NIGMS program project was very helpful in that regard. It supported new research by three faculty members (Everhart, Lewis, Sakrison) on development of biomedical applications for the scanning electron microscope. My role was to develop techniques for SEM studies of neural tissue-- including techniques for mapping small invertebrate networks. Because of their accessibility, however, the ciliated sensory receptors were especially attractive for this work, and I began to focus on them. For the next ten years my work in neurobiology was largely morphological and largely aimed at the receptors of the amphibian inner ear.
In our pilot studies for NS12359/DC00112, my students (P.S. Nemanic and C.W. Li) and I had noted an amazing array of hair bundle types, distributed largely in discrete populations over the various inner-ear sensory surfaces (Lewis and Nemanic, 1972; Lewis and Li, 1975). It seemed reasonable to suspect corresponding distribution of function (e.g., see Lewis, 1972). We also had noticed that considerable hair-cell proliferation occurred along specific edges of the various sensory surfaces and that it continued in adult frogs (Lewis and Li, 1973). We found a full range of intermediate forms between the ciliated supporting cell and the juvenile hair-cell form that was common to all of the sensory surfaces. The morphogenetic sequence implied by these studies (see Lewis and Li, 1973) was verified subsequently by the Corwin group and the Baird group. Although these observations were new at the time, and I was fascinated by their implications, I was even more fascinated by what the frog's fully-formed hair bundles might be sensing. I decided to focus on the hypothetical relationships between hair-bundle form and hair-cell function.
In my application for the initial funding of "Morphology and Physiology of the Inner Ear," I proposed to penetrate individual eighth-nerve afferent neurons with glass-micropipette electrodes, identify key features of their receptive fields, then inject an intracellular marker that would allow me to trace each afferent axon to its origin. This way, I proposed to develop precise functional overlays for the detailed maps of hair-bundle distributions that we already had produced. With considerable help from two doctoral students (R.A. Baird and E.L. Leverenz) and two postdocs (H. Koyama and S.F. Myers), this goal was achieved (e.g., see Lewis 1979; Lewis, Baird and Leverenz, 1980; Lewis, Leverenz and Koyama, 1980). Although two other laboratories (Liberman, Honrubia) were soon to follow, we were the first to do this, and the results were satisfying indeed. Whereas, for example, Fernandez and Goldberg had strong circumstantial evidence for the distributions of phasic and tonic sensitivities over vertebrate vestibular maculae, we now had definitive evidence of those distributions-- and it was the first. We were working in an amphibian, Fernandez and Goldberg had worked in mammals. Subsequently, R.A. Baird joined the Fernandez and Goldberg laboratory as a postdoc and transferred the techniques to the mammalian preparation. ***We had obtained definitive functional maps for the frog's acoustic sensors as well as its vestibular sensors, and we suddenly were confronted with questions at two levels-- the system level and the cellular level. The former concerned the sensory images conveyed by the eighth nerve to the brainstem and the signal-processing strategies sculpted by evolution for acoustic and vestibular sensors; the latter concerned the cellular devices and mechanisms giving rise to the functional variations we had observed. My experience with the circuit-theory metamodel made the decision easy. The system level was full of promise. At the cellular level, on the other hand, I would be confronted by the same fundamental limitations that had brought an end to my neural modeling career.
In the application for "Morphology and Physiology of the Inner Ear," I had noted those limitations, and I had also noted the possibility of bi-directional interaction between the cellular and acellular components of the inner-ear sensory structures. With respect to the sort of physical understanding that I would seek, that interaction (i.e., bi-directional transduction) would combine the cellular and acellular components into a single, irreducible entity. Therefore, my stated intention was to leave the otic capsule intact, so as not to alter the milieu of the acellular components, and to leave physiological or biophysical exploration of the components inside the otic capsule to others. My laboratory research would focus on the physiological properties of the ear as observed in eighth-nerve afferent axons emerging from the intact otic capsule. My collaborators and I have remained faithful to that strategy throughout the 25-year history of this project.***return to Bullfrog Sacculus
Lewis ER (1972) Structural-functional correlations in inner-ear receptors. Ann Proc Electron Microsc Soc Am 6:64-65.
Lewis ER, Nemanic P (1972) Scanning electron microscope observations of saccular ultrastructure in the mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus). Z. Zellforschung 123:441-457.
Lewis ER, Li CW (1973) Evidence concerning the morphogenesis of saccular receptors in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). J. Morphol 139:351-361.
Lewis ER, Li CW (1975) Hair cell types and distributions in the otolithic and auditory organs of the bullfrog. Brain Res 83: 35-50.
Lewis ER, Leverenz EL (1979) Direct evidence for an auditory place mechanism in the frog amphibian papilla. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 5:25.
Lewis ER, Baird RA (1980) Vibration sensitivity in the bullfrog inner ear. J Acoust Soc Am 68(suppl 1): 65-66.
Lewis ER, Baird RA, Leverenz EL (1980) Functional overlays for morphological maps of auditory and vestibular sensory surfaces. ARO Abstr. 3: 16.
Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Koyama H (1980) Mapping functionally identified auditory afferents from their peripheral origins to their central terminations. Brain Res 197:223-229.
Koyama H, Lewis ER, Leverenz EL, Baird RA (1982) Acute seismic sensitivity in the bullfrog ear. Brain Res 250: 168-172.
Specific Aims. The specific aims of the project remain unchanged throughout this period. We planned to continue our previous research in two areas: (1) Adjustments of tuning and sensitivity in inner-ear sensors in response to changing ambient stimulus levels. (2) Natural spectrographs and the role of axonal spike triggering in multiaxonal representations of temporal events in acoustic stimuli. Hypotheses to be tested included the following: (i) The phenomenon known as adaptation is fundamentally different in auditory and equilibrium sensors-- being a nonlinearity akin to automatic gain control in the former, a linear operator akin to differentiation in the latter. (ii) In acoustic sensors, the combination of filters with tuning band edges made steep by high dynamic order and spike triggers with rate-sensitive thresholds makes possible the coding of subtle temporal events, such as waveform singularities, as conspicuous spike volleys.
Studies and Results. We were able to complete our research plan for area (2) and the final paper, presenting the principal results, will be submitted to Hearing Research in January, 2002. In area (1), we completed our plan for auditory sensors (frog amphibian papilla and gerbil cochlea), but not for vestibular sensors. The principal analytical tool that we have employed over the past five years is the Volterra/Wiener series. It has allowed us to use a single, very general stimulus-- broad-band white noise to explore both tuning and sensitivity in acoustic and vestibular units. The single parameter of this spectrally-rich, temporally-complex stimulus is root-mean-square (rms) amplitude. We have accumulated data from hundreds of units and are continuing to apply the Volterra/Wiener analysis to it. We expect this work to continue for at least another year.
Familiar to auditory physiologists is the REVCOR function, introduced by E. deBoer in the 1960s. It also happens to be the kernel for the first-order term of the Wiener series. For vestibular units and for low-frequency auditory units, this first-order Wiener kernel provides a succinct picture of tuning. Taken as the unit's filter function (in the sense of modern filter theory), in fact, it can predict with remarkable fidelity the unit's spike rate response (as given in a peri-stimulus time histogram, or PSTH) to a repeated stimulus of arbitrary complexity. For units with strong adaptation, however, this predictive ability is limited to stimuli presented at approximately the same rms amplitude as the noise stimulus used to derive the kernel. A continuing problem with the REVCOR approach has been its inapplicability to units with best excitatory frequencies above the limit for phase locking. The solution turned out to be the kernel for second-order term of the Wiener series. We found a way to extract not only the high-frequency unit's filter function from this kernel, but also the tuning and timing of adaptation and suppression (as in two-tone suppression) of units of all frequencies. Although we've been applying this tool for several years, we've just gotten around to presenting it in a formal way to the hearing-research community (Lewis, Henry and Yamada, in press). We also have shown that the filter function extracted from the second-order Wiener kernel is able to predict, again with remarkable fidelity, the PSTH in response to a repeated (high-frequency) stimulus of arbitrary complexity. We conclude that while the spike responses of low-frequency cochlear axons tend to be phase locked to filtered versions of the stimulus waveforms, spike responses of high-frequency cochlear axons tend to be phase locked to the squares of the envelopes of filtered versions of the stimulus waveforms. The filter functions in each case are those given by Volterra/Wiener analysis. Units responsive to intermediate frequencies show both kinds of phase-locking. These results were presented at ARO in 2001, and will appear in Lewis, Henry and Yamada (to be submitted in January, 2002).
From first- and second-order Wiener kernels we were able to extract the filter functions for several hundred gerbil cochlear units. For many units this was done for several amplitude levels. Our research in area (2) has involved organizing these filter functions tonotopically in parallel and thus constructing from them a model of the cochlea. Applying a signal simultaneously to the inputs of all of these parallel filter channels and presenting the parallel outputs graphically, one can construct an estimate of the sprectrographic image conveyed by the auditory nerve from the cochlea to the brainstem. In attempting to do this, we learned two special lessons: (1) the phase coherence provided by the traveling-wave mechanism in the cochlea is crucially important to the ability of the sprectrographic image to display the effects of subtle temporal events; (2) the density of channels (several hundred per octave) also is crucially important in that regard. Another crucial phenomenon, the importance of which we hadn't predicted, is adaptation in the form of rapidly-deployed gain control. Through our Volterra/Wiener analysis, we have found gain changes (in cochlear units) in the neighborhood of 20 dB, unfolding in a few milliseconds. These results are presented together in our final paper on this topic (Stiber, Lewis, Stiber and Henry, to be submitted in January, 2002).
Applied to a vestibular organ (the bullfrog lagena), the first-order Wiener kernel has allowed us to track the tuning of vestibular units to frequencies far above those achieved by any previous investigators. Our purpose was not to achieve some sort of record; it was to deduce the order of the dynamics involved in the tuning of vestibular sensors-- in order to compare it with that of the tuning of acoustic sensors. Our results confirmed that, as we expected, tuning in the two types of sensors is profoundly different, which in turn has profound implications with respect to the evolution of the ear. The results are presented and explained in two papers: Cortopassi and Lewis (1996, 1998). We have yet to pursue Wiener analysis of our vestibular data for implications regarding adaptation.
There has been a single theme underlying our research since approximately 1985. We know that acoustic signals of importance to an animal usually are embedded deeply in a background of noise and interference. It seems clear that the ability to extract these signals from such a background would have huge selective advantage. We also know, from human psychophysical studies and animal behavioral studies that the nervous system has that ability. In fact it is remarkably good at extracting signals from background. What we have focussed on for the past sixteen years is identification of the signal-processing properties at the periphery (in the ear) that make that possible. Even our recent studies of vestibular physiology have been motivated by that issue. I have no doubt that we have contributed substantially to knowledge of the properties in question, as well as to knowledge of the nature of the biophysical processes (including random, or noisy processes) that must underlie them. Thus, we have contributed substantially to the general understanding of what peripheral hearing is and, therefore, what should be incorporated into the designs of ideal prosthetic devices for peripheral hearing.
Related to our laboratory research….
Journal articles
Cortopassi KA, Lewis ER (1996) High-frequency tuning properties of bullfrog lagenar vestibular afferent fibers. J Vestib Res 6 105-119.
Della Santina CC, Kovacs TA, Lewis ER (1997) Multi-unit recording from regenerated bullfrog eighth nerve using implantable silicon-substrate microelectrodes. J Neurosci Meth 72 71-86.
Cortopassi KA, Lewis ER (1998) A comparison of the linear tuning properties of two classes of axons in the bullfrog lagena. Brain Behav Evol 51 331-348.
Stiber BZ, Lewis ER, Stiber M, Henry KR (1999) Categorization of gerbil auditory responses. Neurocomputing 26-27 277-283.
Yamada WM, Lewis ER (1999) Predicting the temporal responses of non-phase-locking bullfrog auditory units to complex acoustic waveforms. Hearing Res 130 155-170.
Bonham BH, Lewis ER (1999) Localization by interaural time difference (ITD): effects of interaural frequency mismatch. J Acoust Soc Am 106 281-290.
Lewis ER, Henry KR, Yamada WM (2000) Essential roles of noise in neural coding and in studies of neural coding. Biosystems 58 109-115.
Stiber BZ, Lewis ER, Stiber M, Henry KR (2000) Auditory singularity detection by a gerbil cochlea model. Neurocomputing 32-33: 537-543.
Lewis ER, Henry KR, Yamada WM (in press) Tuning and timing of excitation and inhibition in primary auditory nerve fibers. Hearing Res.
Conference Proceedings
Wolodkin G, Lewis ER, Poolla K, Henry KR (1996) An input-output model for the gerbil cochlea. Proc. IEEE Conf Decision and Control 34 3857-3862.
Wolodkin G, Yamada WM, Lewis ER, Henry KR (1997) Spike rate models for auditory fibers. In ER Lewis et al (eds) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 104-110.
Yamada WM, Wolodkin G, Lewis ER, Henry KR (1997) Wiener kernel analysis and the singular value decomposition. In ER Lewis et al (eds) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 111-118.
Yamada WM, Lewis ER (2000) Demonstrating the wiener kernel description of tuning and suppression in an auditory afferent fiber: Predicting the AC and DC responses to a complex novel stimulus. In: Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, edited by H. Wada, T. Takasaka, K. Ikeda, K. Ohyama, T. Koike, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 506-512.
Yamada WM, Henry KR, Lewis ER (2000) Tuning, suppression and adaptation in auditory afferents, as seen with second-order Wiener kernels. In: Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics,edited by H. Wada, T. Takasaka, K. Ikeda, K. Ohyama, T. Koike, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 419-425.
Book Chapters
Lewis ER (1996) A brief introduction to network theory. In SA Berger, W Goldsmith, ER Lewis (eds) Introduction to Bioengineering, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 260-338.
Lewis ER, Narins PM (1998) The acoustic periphery of amphibians: anatomy and physiology. In AN Popper, RR Fay (eds) Comparative Hearing: Fish and Amphibians, Springer Verlag, New York, pp 101-154.
Lewis ER (1999). Neural nets, modeling. In G Adelman, B Smith (eds) Encyclopedia of
Neuroscience, Elsevier, New York, pp 1316-1317.
Books Edited
Berger SA, Goldsmith W, Lewis ER (eds) (1996) Introduction to Bioengineering, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Lewis ER, Long GR, Lyon RF, Narins PM, Steele CR, Hecht-Poinar E (eds) (1997) Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, World Scientific, Singapore.
Related to our field research….
Journal articles
Narins PM, Lewis ER (1996) Extended call repertoire of a Madagascar frog. Biogéographie de Madagascar 1996 403-410.
Narins PM, Lewis ER, Jarvis JJUM, O'Riain J (1997) The use of seismic signals by fossorial Southern African mammals: a neuroethological goldmine. Brain Res Bull 44 641-646.
Randall JA, Lewis ER (1997) Seismic communication between the burrows of kangaroo rats Dipodomys spectabilis. J Comp Physiol 181 525-531.
Narins PM, Lewis ER, McClelland BE (2000) Hyperextended call note repertoire of the endemic Madagascar treefrog Boophus madagascariensis (Rhacophoridae). J Zool 250 283-298.
Narins PM, Lewis ER, Purgue AP, Bishop PJ, Minter LR, Lawson DP (2001) Functional consequences of a novel middle ear adaptation in the Central African frog Petropedetes parkeri (Ranidae). J Exp Biol 204 1123-1232.
Lewis ER, Narins PM Cortopassi KA, Yamada WM, Poinar EH, Moore SW, Yu XL (2001) Do male white-lipped frogs use seismic signals for intraspecific communication? Am Zool 41(5) in press.