Prof John Kubiatowicz: Recent Talks

John Kubiatowicz is a Professor in Computer Science at UC Berkeley. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this material for educational purposes only, provided that the complete bibliographic citation and following credit line is included: "Copyright XXXX UCB." Where XXXX is the year of the talk. Permission is granted to alter and distribute this material provided that the following credit line is included: "Adapted from (complete bibliographic citation). Copyright XXXX UCB."

This material may not be copied or distributed for commercial purposes without express written permission of the copyright holder. 

Here are recent talks that I have given:

Secure Fog Robotics and the Global Data Plane:

Faculty address to 2014 Graduates of L&S CS:

Tessellation Operating System:

Quantum Computing: 


Introspective Computing:


Miscellaneous Talks: