Kumar Krishna Agrawal

I'm a PhD student in AI at UC Berkeley, where I'm affiliated with BAIR and UCSF. I am incredibly fortunate to be advised by Prof. Adam Yala and Prof. Trevor Darrell. I also work closely with Sky Computing Lab at Berkeley, and Prof. Blake Richards at MILA.

My current research interests broadly lie in building data and compute-efficient algorithms and systems for human-centric AI. In particular, I'm interested on deep multimodal representation learning and its applications in healthcare and robotics.

Previously, I was an AI resident at Google Brain, where I helped build fast, simple AI algorithms. Among others, I worked on off-policy robot learning for robot manipulation and deep generative models for high-fidelity audio synthesis and program synthesis.

Before Berkeley, I studied mathematics and computer science at IIT Kharagpur, and was advised by Prof. Pabitra Mitra and Prof. Somesh Kumar. I have also been fortunate to spend time at MILA, advised by Prof. Yoshua Bengio.

about / github / gscholar

Jun 2024: Excited to be a Bakar Innovation Fellow, 2024
Mar 2023: humbled to be awarded Outstanding GSI for 2022/2023
Oct 2022: Computer Vision in Practice Lecture at CS282 Deep Learning
Attribute diversity determines the systematicity gap in VQA
Ian Berlot-Attwell, KKA, Annabelle M. Carrell, Yash Sharma, Naomi Saphra
Harnessing small projectors and multiple views for efficient vision pretraining
KKA, Arna Ghosh, Shagun Sodhani, Adam Oberman, Blake Richards
Pangolin: Live video analytics without profiling
Gur-Eyal Sela, KKA, Bharath Balaji, Joseph Gonzalez, Ion Stoica
On Different Faces of Model Scaling in Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning
Matteo Gamba, Arna Ghosh, KKA, Blake Richards, Hossein Azizpour, Mårten Björkman
selected publications
Neural population geometry across model scale: a tool for cross-species functional comparison of visual brain regions
Arna Ghosh, KKA, Zahraa Chorghay, Arnab Kumar Mondal, Blake Richards
Cosyne, 2023
Assessing representation quality in ssl by measuring eigenspectrum decay
Arna Ghosh, KKA, Arnab Kumar Mondal, Blake Richards
Neurips, 2022
Octopus : Low-latency & adaptive perception pipelines
Gur-Eyal Sela, Ionel Gog, Justin Wong, KKA, Sukrit Kalra, Peter Schafhalter, Xiangxi Mo, Xin Wang, Bharath Balaji, Ion Stoica, Joseph Gonzalez
ECCV, 2022
Learning from an exploring demonstrator: Optimal reward estimation for bandits
Wenshuo Guo, KKA, Aditya Grover, Vidya Muthukumar, Ashwin Pananjady
Discrete flows: invertible generative models for discrete data
Dustin Tran, Keyon Vafa, KKA, Laurent Dinh, Ben Poole
Neurips, 2019
Gansynth : Adversarial Neural Audio Synthesis
Jesse Engel, KKA, Shuo Chen, Ishaan Gulrajani, Chris Donahue, Adam Roberts
ICLR, 2019
Discriminator actor critic: Addressing sample inefficiency and reward bias in adversarial imitation learning
Ilya Kostrikov, KKA, Debidatta Dwibedi, Sergey Levine, Jonathan Tompson
ICLR, 2019
Towards Mixed Optimization for Reinforcement Learning with Program Synthesis
Surya Bhupatiraju, KKA, Rishabh Singh
Workshop on NAMPI, ICML, 2018
Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks
fall 2022 @ ucberkeley
Introduction to Machine Learning
spring 2022, spring 2021 @ ucberkeley
Foundations of Machine Learning to Interact with a Dynamic World
fall 2021 @ ucberkeley
Depth First Learning : Learning to Understand Machine Learning
fellowship / whitepaper