CS 61B
Data Structures

Prof. Jonathan Shewchuk
(But send class-related mail to cs61b@cory.eecs so the TAs can respond too.)

Spring 2013
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 5:30–6:30 pm
155 Dwinelle Hall

Please congratulate Kevin Casey, Kara Gieseking, and Serena Liu, who as the team DERPARCHER slaughtered the opposition and drank the blood of their enemies in the Network Tournament! They win gift certificates to Amoeba Records.

The Final Exam took place Friday, May 17 at 11:30 am in 100 Haas Pavilion. Students in the Disabled Students' Program who requested extra time reported to 320 Soda Hall at the same time.

The exam is open book, open notes, and closed electronics: if we catch you with electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, or iPods on your person, you will get zero on the exam. Leave them at the front of the room. If your cell phone rings at the front of the room, you lose a point. Please keep your notes under your seat so people passing in front of you don't trip over them.

Review questions for the Final Exam are available. Here are the solutions.





The following schedule is tentative. There may be changes as the semester progresses, so check here periodically. You are responsible for knowing and keeping up with the readings listed below; there won't be reminders in class.

Labs, homeworks, and projects that are currently available can be accessed by clicking on them. Sadly, there will be no webcasts this semester, but you can access the webcasts from my Autumn 2006 offering of CS 61B through the Webcast Berkeley page provided by Berkeley's Educational Technology Services.

Some lecture notes can be obtained by clicking on the lecture titles (for ASCII) or the PostScript or PDF links (which save paper). Please understand that they are lecture notes, and that they were written so that I would have something to say in class. I write them for me, not you, and I make them available as a courtesy to you. I edit them after class to make sure they say the same thing I said in class. If I receive complaints that my lectures and lecture notes do not differ, I will stop making lecture notes available. For related reasons, I will not make the lecture notes for a class available until after the class has taken place.

Topic Reading Due
1: January 23 Course overview Sierra & Bates, pp. 1–9, 18–19, 84 .
2: January 25 Using objects S & B, Chapter 2; pp. 54–58, 154–160, 661, 669 .
3: January 28 Defining classes S & B, pp. 71–74, 76, 85, 240–249, 273–281, 308–309 .
4: January 30 Types; conditionals S & B, pp. 10–14, 49–53, 75, 78–79, 86, 117, 286–287, 292, 660 Lab 1
5: February 1 Iteration & arrays I S & B, pp. 59–62, 83, 114–116, 293–300, 670 Homework 1
6: February 4 Iteration & arrays II S & B, pp. 282–285 .
7: February 6 Linked lists I Goodrich & Tamassia, Section 3.2 Lab 2
8: February 8 Linked lists II G & T, Section 3.3 Homework 2
9: February 11 Stack frames Sierra & Bates, pp. 77, 235–239, 258–265, 663 .
10: February 13 Testing S & B, pp. 95–109, 662 Lab 3
11: February 15 Inheritance S & B, Chapter 7; pp. 28–33, 250–257 Homework 3
February 18 President's Day . .
12: February 20 Abstract classes S & B, Chapter 8 Lab 4
13: February 22 Java packages S & B, pp. 154–160, 587–591, 667–668 Project 1
14: February 25 MIDTERM I covers Lectures 1–12 .
15: February 27 Exceptions S & B, pp. 315–338 Lab 5
16: March 1 More Java S & B, pp. 189, 283 Homework 4
17: March 4 Game Trees . .
18: March 6 Encapsulation S & B, pp. 80–84 Lab 6
19: March 8 Encapsulated lists S & B, p. 664 Homework 5
20: March 11 Asymptotic analysis Goodrich & Tamassia, Chapter 4 .
21: March 13 Algorithm analysis G & T, Chapter 4 Lab 7
22: March 15 Dictionaries & hash tables G & T, Sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.5–9.5.1 .
23: March 18 Hash codes; Stacks & queues G & T, Chapter 5 .
24: March 20 Trees and traversals G & T, Chapter 7 Lab 8
25: March 22 Priority queues G & T, Sections 8.1–8.3 Homework 6
March 25–29 Spring Recess
26: April 1 Binary search trees G & T, Section 10.1 .
27: April 3 Balanced search trees G & T, Section 10.4 Lab 9
28: April 5 Graphs G & T, Sections 13.1–13.3 Project 2
29: April 8 Weighted graphs G & T, Sections 13.5.1, 13.6–13.6.1 .
30: April 10 Four sorting algorithms G & T, Sections 8.2.2, 8.3.5, & 11.1 Lab 10
31: April 12 Quicksort G & T, Section 11.2 Homework 7
32: April 15 MIDTERM II covers Lectures 1–29 .
33: April 17 Disjoint Sets G & T, Section 11.4 Lab 11
34: April 19 Sorting & selection G & T, Section 11.3.1 & 11.5 Homework 8
35: April 22 Radix sort G & T, Section 11.3.2 .
36: April 24 Splay trees G & T, Section 10.3 Lab 12
37: April 26 Amortized analysis . Homework 9
38: April 29 Randomized analysis . .
39: May 1 Garbage collection G & T, Sections 14.1.2–14.1.3 Lab 13
40: May 3 Augmenting data structures . Project 3
41: May 6 Sorting video . .
42: May 8 Review . Lab 14
May 10 . . Homework 10

The FINAL EXAM will take place on Friday, May 17, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in 100 Haas Pavilion. (CS 61B is in Exam Group 18.)

Course Description (from the catalogue)

Fundamental dynamic data structures, including linear lists, queues, trees, and other linked structures; arrays, strings, and hash tables. Storage management. Elementary principles of software engineering. Abstract data types. Algorithms for sorting and searching. Introduction to the Java programming language.

Prerequisites: CS 61A or Engineering 7. (The catalogue says “with a grade of B– or better,” but I've never seen this rule enforced.)


“Let's see if I remember this. Do I splay the pineapple pizza through the Ted Nugent tea cozies? Or should I zig-zig the Versace laptops through Katy Perry first?”