Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library 1.37

Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators

Generators for keys, key pairs and password based encryption algorithms.


Class Summary
BaseKDFBytesGenerator Basic KDF generator for derived keys and ivs as defined by IEEE P1363a/ISO 18033
This implementation is based on ISO 18033/P1363a.
DHBasicKeyPairGenerator a basic Diffie-Helman key pair generator.
DHKeyPairGenerator a Diffie-Helman key pair generator.
DSAKeyPairGenerator a DSA key pair generator.
DSAParametersGenerator generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with FIPS 186-2.
ElGamalKeyPairGenerator a ElGamal key pair generator.
GOST3410KeyPairGenerator a GOST3410 key pair generator.
GOST3410ParametersGenerator generate suitable parameters for GOST3410.
KDF1BytesGenerator KDF1 generator for derived keys and ivs as defined by IEEE P1363a/ISO 18033
This implementation is based on ISO 18033/IEEE P1363a.
KDF2BytesGenerator KFD2 generator for derived keys and ivs as defined by IEEE P1363a/ISO 18033
This implementation is based on IEEE P1363/ISO 18033.
MGF1BytesGenerator Generator for MGF1 as defined in PKCS 1v2
NaccacheSternKeyPairGenerator Key generation parameters for NaccacheStern cipher.
OpenSSLPBEParametersGenerator Generator for PBE derived keys and ivs as usd by OpenSSL.
PKCS12ParametersGenerator Generator for PBE derived keys and ivs as defined by PKCS 12 V1.0.
PKCS5S1ParametersGenerator Generator for PBE derived keys and ivs as defined by PKCS 5 V2.0 Scheme 1.
PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator Generator for PBE derived keys and ivs as defined by PKCS 5 V2.0 Scheme 2.
RSABlindingFactorGenerator Generate a random factor suitable for use with RSA blind signatures as outlined in Chaum's blinding and unblinding as outlined in "Handbook of Applied Cryptography", page 475.
RSAKeyPairGenerator an RSA key pair generator.

Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators Description

Generators for keys, key pairs and password based encryption algorithms.

Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library 1.37