Computing Course
Fall '00, 405 Soda Hall, TuTh 11-12:30pm.
CS 294-4, CCN 26762 |
Instructor: John Canny, 529 Soda Hall, 642-9955, jfc at cs, office hours W-Th 2-3pm
Course Contents
Recommended books
Project Suggestions
Project Presentation Schedule
This is a regular 3-unit graduate course. There is also a seminar in
human-centered computing this semester. The seminar page is http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jfc/hcc/seminar.html
Course Overview
This course adopts a human-centered approach to the design of
information systems. Information systems are evolving away from loose collections of
applications toward integrated "digital assistants" and "context-aware
systems". Those visions of computing assume a high-level understanding of human
activity. HCC gathers together knowledge from several fields that lay the groundwork for
design goals and principles for future computing systems. The topics presented here were
selected because of their importance for the activities that computers mediate today.
Several have already led to big ideas in computing: e.g. Mark Weiser's original vision of
ubiquitous computing was inspired by the theory of situated activity that we will be
discussing. The objective of the course is to give students in computing a broad
understanding of human behavior in learning and working (two kinds of knowledge ecology).
Ideally, a deep understanding of these topics can lead to new ways of thinking about and
integrating computing in human activities.
There is a flip side to including other disciplines, especially
social sciences, in HCC. Today, some large-scale systems provide an unprecedented (and
perhaps fleeting) opportunity to those disciplines for studies of human behavior.
Automated data gathering supports new kinds of study at very large scale or at unusually
fine detail. We have such an opportunity in the term projects this semester.
The course contents gives a breakdown of lectures by topic. The
topics are:
- Learning and Development:
- Although they may not seem immediately relevant, learning and
development readings framed much of the discussion for the entire course last
semester. This is probably because a lot of "knowledge work" is a kind of
learning (micro-genesis) which shares many traits with other kinds of learning and
development. This section discusses the two most influential theories of learning.
- Cognitive Science:
- Cognitive science is a tricky to cover, since there's no obvious
core, and in fact there is contention between many of the important theories. This section
takes a dialectic approach. Contentious theories are presented back-to-back in the same
week, so we will hopefully get some mileage from those conflicts. This is prime discussion
- Personality, Emotion, Persuasion...:
- Its important to remember that much (perhaps most) knowledge work is
about influence, trust-building, and persuasion. This section gives some basic concepts
that are fundamental to understanding and modeling those situations. The concepts here are
surprisingly quantitative.
- Activity theory and relatives:
- Vygotsky and Leontev's theories (activity theory) have had a big
influence in contemporary education, anthropology and HCI theory. These lectures give a
short introduction to it.
- Social Networks:
- Social networks are graphical models of relationships between groups
of people. They can model communication, exchange, influence, trust etc. There is a
mature set of core algorithms, and they have traditionally been applied (by hand) to
analyse small groups or organizations. Now they are increasingly being used in computer
applications like "knowledge networks" and "tacit information
- Design and Knowledge Creation:
- The design community has established a good set of human-centered
design principles. They begin with studies of existing practice through ethnography etc.,
and include a high-level of participation by the user community during the design process.
Knowledge creation is a popular concept today to describe even more general knowledge
work. Tricky concepts like tacit knowledge and knowledge networks have been bandied about
for a while, but are now becoming concrete as implemented in some new information
Lecture Format
Classes are held from 11-12:30pm Tuesday and Thursday in 405 Soda.
The new format is based on feedback from last year's class. Each class will have:
- A student-led presentation on the reading(s).
- Some commentary by me with additions and talking points.
- Class discussion on the readings in small groups, possibly followed
by group summaries to the rest of the class.
- A short description by me of the important points to look for in the
*next* lecture's readings.
Once I know the numbers, each enrolled student will get a small
wirelessly-networked pen computer to be used for live, collaborative note-taking. The
class with experiment with this technology during the semester.
Every enrolled student needs to hand in a list of two or three main
points from each reading at the beginning of class.
Projects can be computer programs, designs for information
appliances, user studies and analysis, or papers that combine ideas from another
discipline with computer science. More information will follow.