Human-Centered Computing SeminarSpring 2001, 202 South Hall, Tuesday 4-5:30pm.CS 298-31, ccn 26843, 1 unit |
Instructors: John Canny, 529 Soda Hall, x2-9955,, office hours W 2-3pm, Th 3-4pm
Nancy Van House, 307A South Hall, x2-0855,
The seminar will continue to address topics at the boundary between computer science and disciplines studying human behavior. Topics include education and development, collaboration, knowledge creation, design and cognition, and computers as tools and mediators of those activities.
Archive: Previous semester's speakers and abstracts.
HCC Readings: Here is a list of HCC-related books. Please feel free to suggest additions to it.
The seminar web page is while the general HCC project page is
To add yourself to the course mailing list, send an email to and in the body of the message put "subscribe hcc-talks". Don't put anything in the subject line.
Schedule for Spring 2001