Due: Thursday., 11 Sept. 2003 at noon.
Read the attached three contest problems carefully. After doing so, make an estimate for each of how long it would take you to write a working program to solve them. The constraints on your solution are that you want to write a program quickly that is good enough to produce results for the expected sorts of input in, say, 15-30 seconds.
After developing a solution, trade with your partner, familiarize yourself with your partner's solution, and trade suggestions for improvement. I do want everyone to do the problem individually, however,
Select at least two of the problems and develop solutions (in Java, C/C++, or Python), keeping track (be honest!) of how long it takes you. Compare these times with your estimates. What took more (or less) time than you expected, and why?
Hand in your solutions electronically. Here's how.
Page was last modified on Fri Sep 5 19:02:00 2003.