Lecture notes for "Applied Numerical Linear Algebra", Fall 2020
All the lectures will be prerecorded and posted on
in .mp4 (video) format.
These lectures will be recordings of me speaking, writing on a "virtual whiteboard", and
occasionally displaying prepared figures, powerpoint, or doing live Matlab demonstrations.
One "lecture" will consist of a single topic, or set of closely related topics.
But it will not necessarily take exactly 80 minutes to present. Instead, each
lecture will be broken into several shorter recordings, each one covering a subtopic.
For example, Lecture 1 is broken into 5 segments, labelled Ma221_Fall20_Lecture_01_01
through Ma221_Fall20_Lecture_01_05. These should be visible in
under Media Gallery.
We will also post below two kinds of notes for each lecture: typed notes (in .txt and .pdf formats),
and the complete virtual whiteboard of the prerecorded lecture (in .pdf).
These notes should cover all the material in all the shorter recordings constituting one lecture.
If I notice any minor mistakes in the virtual whiteboard after recording,
I will correct them before posting, using red ink to make changes easier to see.
I will also indicate below the relevant sections of the textbook to read.