Package javax.xml.crypto

Common classes for XML cryptography.


Interface Summary
AlgorithmMethod An abstract representation of an algorithm defined in the XML Security specifications.
Data An abstract representation of the result of dereferencing a URIReference or the input/output of subsequent Transforms.
KeySelectorResult The result returned by the method.
NodeSetData An abstract representation of a Data type containing a node-set.
URIDereferencer A dereferencer of URIReferences.
URIReference Identifies a data object via a URI-Reference, as specified by RFC 2396.
XMLCryptoContext Contains common context information for XML cryptographic operations.
XMLStructure A representation of an XML structure from any namespace.

Class Summary
KeySelector A selector that finds and returns a key using the data contained in a KeyInfo object.
KeySelector.Purpose The purpose of the key that is to be selected.
OctetStreamData A representation of a Data type containing an octet stream.

Exception Summary
KeySelectorException Indicates an exceptional condition thrown by a KeySelector.
MarshalException Indicates an exceptional condition that occured during the XML marshalling or unmarshalling process.
NoSuchMechanismException This exception is thrown when a particular XML mechanism is requested but is not available in the environment.
URIReferenceException Indicates an exceptional condition thrown while dereferencing a URIReference.

Package javax.xml.crypto Description

Common classes for XML cryptography. This package includes common classes that are used to perform XML cryptographic operations, such as generating an XML signature or encrypting XML data.

Package Specification
