Interface WindowConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
JDialog, JFrame, JInternalFrame

public interface WindowConstants

Disabled: no SafeJ information.

Constants used to control the window-closing operation. The setDefaultCloseOperation and getDefaultCloseOperation methods provided by JFrame, JInternalFrame, and JDialog use these constants. For examples of setting the default window-closing operation, see Responding to Window-Closing Events, a section in The Java Tutorial.

See Also:
JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(int), JDialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(int), JInternalFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(int)

Field Summary
          The dispose-window default window close operation.
          The do-nothing default window close operation.
static int EXIT_ON_CLOSE
          The exit application default window close operation.
static int HIDE_ON_CLOSE
          The hide-window default window close operation

Field Detail


static final int DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE
Class is disabled.

The do-nothing default window close operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int HIDE_ON_CLOSE
Class is disabled.

The hide-window default window close operation

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
Class is disabled.

The dispose-window default window close operation.

Note: When the last displayable window within the Java virtual machine (VM) is disposed of, the VM may terminate. See AWT Threading Issues for more information.

See Also:
Window.dispose(), JInternalFrame.dispose(), Constant Field Values


static final int EXIT_ON_CLOSE
Class is disabled.

The exit application default window close operation. Attempting to set this on Windows that support this, such as JFrame, may throw a SecurityException based on the SecurityManager. It is recommended you only use this in an application.

See Also:
JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(int), Constant Field Values