Interface RowSetInternal

public interface RowSetInternal

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The interface that a RowSet object implements in order to present itself to a RowSetReader or RowSetWriter object. The RowSetInternal interface contains methods that let the reader or writer access and modify the internal state of the rowset.


Method Summary
 Connection getConnection()
          Retrieves the Connection object that was passed to this RowSet object.
 ResultSet getOriginal()
          Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original value of this RowSet object.
 ResultSet getOriginalRow()
          Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original value of the current row only.
 Object[] getParams()
          Retrieves the parameters that have been set for this RowSet object's command.
 void setMetaData(RowSetMetaData md)
          Sets the given RowSetMetaData object as the RowSetMetaData object for this RowSet object.

Method Detail


Object[] getParams()
                   throws SQLException
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Retrieves the parameters that have been set for this RowSet object's command.

an array of the current parameter values for this RowSet object's command
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


Connection getConnection()
                         throws SQLException
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Retrieves the Connection object that was passed to this RowSet object.

the Connection object passed to the rowset or null if none was passed
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


void setMetaData(RowSetMetaData md)
                 throws SQLException
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Sets the given RowSetMetaData object as the RowSetMetaData object for this RowSet object. The RowSetReader object associated with the rowset will use RowSetMetaData methods to set the values giving information about the rowset's columns.

md - the RowSetMetaData object that will be set with information about the rowset's columns
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


ResultSet getOriginal()
                      throws SQLException
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Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original value of this RowSet object.

The cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set. Only rows contained in the result set returned by the method getOriginal are said to have an original value.

the original value of the rowset
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


ResultSet getOriginalRow()
                         throws SQLException
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Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original value of the current row only. If the current row has no original value, an empty result set is returned. If there is no current row, an exception is thrown.

the original value of the current row as a ResultSet object
SQLException - if a database access error occurs or this method is called while the cursor is on the insert row, before the first row, or after the last row