Interface X509TrustManager

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public interface X509TrustManager
extends TrustManager

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Instance of this interface manage which X509 certificates may be used to authenticate the remote side of a secure socket. Decisions may be based on trusted certificate authorities, certificate revocation lists, online status checking or other means.


Method Summary
 void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
          Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for client SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
 void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
          Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for server SSL authentication based on the authentication type.
 X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers()
          Return an array of certificate authority certificates which are trusted for authenticating peers.

Method Detail


void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,
                        String authType)
                        throws CertificateException
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Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for client SSL authentication based on the authentication type.

The authentication type is determined by the actual certificate used. For instance, if RSAPublicKey is used, the authType should be "RSA". Checking is case-sensitive.

chain - the peer certificate chain
authType - the authentication type based on the client certificate
IllegalArgumentException - if null or zero-length chain is passed in for the chain parameter or if null or zero-length string is passed in for the authType parameter
CertificateException - if the certificate chain is not trusted by this TrustManager.


void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,
                        String authType)
                        throws CertificateException
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Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return if it can be validated and is trusted for server SSL authentication based on the authentication type.

The authentication type is the key exchange algorithm portion of the cipher suites represented as a String, such as "RSA", "DHE_DSS". Note: for some exportable cipher suites, the key exchange algorithm is determined at run time during the handshake. For instance, for TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5, the authType should be RSA_EXPORT when an ephemeral RSA key is used for the key exchange, and RSA when the key from the server certificate is used. Checking is case-sensitive.

chain - the peer certificate chain
authType - the key exchange algorithm used
IllegalArgumentException - if null or zero-length chain is passed in for the chain parameter or if null or zero-length string is passed in for the authType parameter
CertificateException - if the certificate chain is not trusted by this TrustManager.


X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers()
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Return an array of certificate authority certificates which are trusted for authenticating peers.

a non-null (possibly empty) array of acceptable CA issuer certificates.