Class SortKey

  extended by javax.naming.ldap.SortKey

public class SortKey
extends Object

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A sort key and its associated sort parameters. This class implements a sort key which is used by the LDAPv3 Control for server-side sorting of search results as defined in RFC 2891.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
SortKey(String attrID)
          Creates the default sort key for an attribute.
SortKey(String attrID, boolean ascendingOrder, String matchingRuleID)
          Creates a sort key for an attribute.
Method Summary
 String getAttributeID()
          Retrieves the attribute ID of the sort key.
 String getMatchingRuleID()
          Retrieves the matching rule ID used to order the attribute values.
 boolean isAscending()
          Determines the sort order.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SortKey(String attrID)
Class is disabled.

Creates the default sort key for an attribute. Entries will be sorted according to the specified attribute in ascending order using the ordering matching rule defined for use with that attribute.

attrID - The non-null ID of the attribute to be used as a sort key.


public SortKey(String attrID,
               boolean ascendingOrder,
               String matchingRuleID)
Class is disabled.

Creates a sort key for an attribute. Entries will be sorted according to the specified attribute in the specified sort order and using the specified matching rule, if supplied.

attrID - The non-null ID of the attribute to be used as a sort key.
ascendingOrder - If true then entries are arranged in ascending order. Otherwise there are arranged in descending order.
matchingRuleID - The possibly null ID of the matching rule to use to order the attribute values. If not specified then the ordering matching rule defined for the sort key attribute is used.
Method Detail


public String getAttributeID()
Class is disabled.

Retrieves the attribute ID of the sort key.

The non-null Attribute ID of the sort key.


public boolean isAscending()
Class is disabled.

Determines the sort order.

true if the sort order is ascending, false if descending.


public String getMatchingRuleID()
Class is disabled.

Retrieves the matching rule ID used to order the attribute values.

The possibly null matching rule ID. If null then the ordering matching rule defined for the sort key attribute is used.