Class CompositeName

  extended by javax.naming.CompositeName
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Object>, Name

public class CompositeName
extends Object
implements Name

Disabled: no SafeJ information.

This class represents a composite name -- a sequence of component names spanning multiple namespaces. Each component is a string name from the namespace of a naming system. If the component comes from a hierarchical namespace, that component can be further parsed into its atomic parts by using the CompoundName class.

The components of a composite name are numbered. The indexes of a composite name with N components range from 0 up to, but not including, N. This range may be written as [0,N). The most significant component is at index 0. An empty composite name has no components.

JNDI Composite Name Syntax

JNDI defines a standard string representation for composite names. This representation is the concatenation of the components of a composite name from left to right using the component separator (a forward slash character (/)) to separate each component. The JNDI syntax defines the following meta characters: Any occurrence of a leading quote, an escape preceding any meta character, an escape at the end of a component, or a component separator character in an unquoted component must be preceded by an escape character when that component is being composed into a composite name string. Alternatively, to avoid adding escape characters as described, the entire component can be quoted using matching single quotes or matching double quotes. A single quote occurring within a double-quoted component is not considered a meta character (and need not be escaped), and vice versa.

When two composite names are compared, the case of the characters is significant.

A leading component separator (the composite name string begins with a separator) denotes a leading empty component (a component consisting of an empty string). A trailing component separator (the composite name string ends with a separator) denotes a trailing empty component. Adjacent component separators denote an empty component.

Composite Name Examples

This table shows examples of some composite names. Each row shows the string form of a composite name and its corresponding structural form (CompositeName).

String Name CompositeName
"" {} (the empty name == new CompositeName("") == new CompositeName())
"x" {"x"}
"x/y" {"x", "y"}
"x/" {"x", ""}
"/x" {"", "x"}
"/" {""}
"//" {"", ""}
"/x/" {"", "x", ""}
"x//y" {"x", "", "y"}

Composition Examples

Here are some composition examples. The right column shows composing string composite names while the left column shows composing the corresponding CompositeNames. Notice that composing the string forms of two composite names simply involves concatenating their string forms together.

String Names CompositeNames
"x/y" + "/" = x/y/ {"x", "y"} + {""} = {"x", "y", ""}
"" + "x" = "x" {} + {"x"} = {"x"}
"/" + "x" = "/x" {""} + {"x"} = {"", "x"}
"x" + "" + "" = "x" {"x"} + {} + {} = {"x"}

Multithreaded Access

A CompositeName instance is not synchronized against concurrent multithreaded access. Multiple threads trying to access and modify a CompositeName should lock the object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new empty composite name.
protected CompositeName(Enumeration<String> comps)
          Constructs a new composite name instance using the components specified by 'comps'.
  CompositeName(String n)
          Constructs a new composite name instance by parsing the string n using the composite name syntax (left-to-right, slash separated).
Method Summary
 Name add(int posn, String comp)
          Adds a single component at a specified position within this composite name.
 Name add(String comp)
          Adds a single component to the end of this composite name.
 Name addAll(int posn, Name n)
          Adds the components of a composite name -- in order -- at a specified position within this composite name.
 Name addAll(Name suffix)
          Adds the components of a composite name -- in order -- to the end of this composite name.
 Object clone()
          Generates a copy of this composite name.
 int compareTo(Object obj)
          Compares this CompositeName with the specified Object for order.
 boolean endsWith(Name n)
          Determines whether a composite name is a suffix of this composite name.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Determines whether two composite names are equal.
 String get(int posn)
          Retrieves a component of this composite name.
 Enumeration<String> getAll()
          Retrieves the components of this composite name as an enumeration of strings.
 Name getPrefix(int posn)
          Creates a composite name whose components consist of a prefix of the components in this composite name.
 Name getSuffix(int posn)
          Creates a composite name whose components consist of a suffix of the components in this composite name.
 int hashCode()
          Computes the hash code of this composite name.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Determines whether this composite name is empty.
 Object remove(int posn)
          Deletes a component from this composite name.
 int size()
          Retrieves the number of components in this composite name.
 boolean startsWith(Name n)
          Determines whether a composite name is a prefix of this composite name.
 String toString()
          Generates the string representation of this composite name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected CompositeName(Enumeration<String> comps)
Class is disabled.

Constructs a new composite name instance using the components specified by 'comps'. This protected method is intended to be to be used by subclasses of CompositeName when they override methods such as clone(), getPrefix(), getSuffix().

comps - A non-null enumeration containing the components for the new composite name. Each element is of class String. The enumeration will be consumed to extract its elements.


public CompositeName(String n)
              throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Constructs a new composite name instance by parsing the string n using the composite name syntax (left-to-right, slash separated). The composite name syntax is described in detail in the class description.

n - The non-null string to parse.
InvalidNameException - If n has invalid composite name syntax.


public CompositeName()
Class is disabled.

Constructs a new empty composite name. Such a name returns true when isEmpty() is invoked on it.

Method Detail


public String toString()
Class is disabled.

Generates the string representation of this composite name. The string representation consists of enumerating in order each component of the composite name and separating each component by a forward slash character. Quoting and escape characters are applied where necessary according to the JNDI syntax, which is described in the class description. An empty component is represented by an empty string. The string representation thus generated can be passed to the CompositeName constructor to create a new equivalent composite name.

toString in class Object
A non-null string representation of this composite name.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Class is disabled.

Determines whether two composite names are equal. If obj is null or not a composite name, false is returned. Two composite names are equal if each component in one is equal to the corresponding component in the other. This implies both have the same number of components, and each component's equals() test against the corresponding component in the other name returns true.

equals in class Object
obj - The possibly null object to compare against.
true if obj is equal to this composite name, false otherwise.
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Class is disabled.

Computes the hash code of this composite name. The hash code is the sum of the hash codes of individual components of this composite name.

hashCode in class Object
An int representing the hash code of this name.
See Also:


public int compareTo(Object obj)
Class is disabled.

Compares this CompositeName with the specified Object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this Name is less than, equal to, or greater than the given Object.

If obj is null or not an instance of CompositeName, ClassCastException is thrown.

See equals() for what it means for two composite names to be equal. If two composite names are equal, 0 is returned.

Ordering of composite names follows the lexicographical rules for string comparison, with the extension that this applies to all the components in the composite name. The effect is as if all the components were lined up in their specified ordered and the lexicographical rules applied over the two line-ups. If this composite name is "lexicographically" lesser than obj, a negative number is returned. If this composite name is "lexicographically" greater than obj, a positive number is returned.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<Object>
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Name
obj - The non-null object to compare against.
a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this Name is less than, equal to, or greater than the given Object.
ClassCastException - if obj is not a CompositeName.
See Also:


public Object clone()
Class is disabled.

Generates a copy of this composite name. Changes to the components of this composite name won't affect the new copy and vice versa.

Specified by:
clone in interface Name
clone in class Object
A non-null copy of this composite name.
See Also:


public int size()
Class is disabled.

Retrieves the number of components in this composite name.

Specified by:
size in interface Name
The nonnegative number of components in this composite name.


public boolean isEmpty()
Class is disabled.

Determines whether this composite name is empty. A composite name is empty if it has zero components.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Name
true if this composite name is empty, false otherwise.


public Enumeration<String> getAll()
Class is disabled.

Retrieves the components of this composite name as an enumeration of strings. The effects of updates to this composite name on this enumeration is undefined.

Specified by:
getAll in interface Name
A non-null enumeration of the components of this composite name. Each element of the enumeration is of class String.


public String get(int posn)
Class is disabled.

Retrieves a component of this composite name.

Specified by:
get in interface Name
posn - The 0-based index of the component to retrieve. Must be in the range [0,size()).
The non-null component at index posn.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if posn is outside the specified range.


public Name getPrefix(int posn)
Class is disabled.

Creates a composite name whose components consist of a prefix of the components in this composite name. Subsequent changes to this composite name does not affect the name that is returned.

Specified by:
getPrefix in interface Name
posn - The 0-based index of the component at which to stop. Must be in the range [0,size()].
A composite name consisting of the components at indexes in the range [0,posn).
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If posn is outside the specified range.


public Name getSuffix(int posn)
Class is disabled.

Creates a composite name whose components consist of a suffix of the components in this composite name. Subsequent changes to this composite name does not affect the name that is returned.

Specified by:
getSuffix in interface Name
posn - The 0-based index of the component at which to start. Must be in the range [0,size()].
A composite name consisting of the components at indexes in the range [posn,size()). If posn is equal to size(), an empty composite name is returned.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If posn is outside the specified range.


public boolean startsWith(Name n)
Class is disabled.

Determines whether a composite name is a prefix of this composite name. A composite name 'n' is a prefix if it is equal to getPrefix(n.size())--in other words, this composite name starts with 'n'. If 'n' is null or not a composite name, false is returned.

Specified by:
startsWith in interface Name
n - The possibly null name to check.
true if n is a CompositeName and is a prefix of this composite name, false otherwise.


public boolean endsWith(Name n)
Class is disabled.

Determines whether a composite name is a suffix of this composite name. A composite name 'n' is a suffix if it it is equal to getSuffix(size()-n.size())--in other words, this composite name ends with 'n'. If n is null or not a composite name, false is returned.

Specified by:
endsWith in interface Name
n - The possibly null name to check.
true if n is a CompositeName and is a suffix of this composite name, false otherwise.


public Name addAll(Name suffix)
            throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Adds the components of a composite name -- in order -- to the end of this composite name.

Specified by:
addAll in interface Name
suffix - The non-null components to add.
The updated CompositeName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
InvalidNameException - If suffix is not a composite name.


public Name addAll(int posn,
                   Name n)
            throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Adds the components of a composite name -- in order -- at a specified position within this composite name. Components of this composite name at or after the index of the first new component are shifted up (away from index 0) to accommodate the new components.

Specified by:
addAll in interface Name
n - The non-null components to add.
posn - The index in this name at which to add the new components. Must be in the range [0,size()].
The updated CompositeName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
InvalidNameException - If n is not a composite name.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If posn is outside the specified range.


public Name add(String comp)
         throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Adds a single component to the end of this composite name.

Specified by:
add in interface Name
comp - The non-null component to add.
The updated CompositeName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
InvalidNameException - If adding comp at end of the name would violate the name's syntax.


public Name add(int posn,
                String comp)
         throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Adds a single component at a specified position within this composite name. Components of this composite name at or after the index of the new component are shifted up by one (away from index 0) to accommodate the new component.

Specified by:
add in interface Name
comp - The non-null component to add.
posn - The index at which to add the new component. Must be in the range [0,size()].
The updated CompositeName, not a new one. Cannot be null.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If posn is outside the specified range.
InvalidNameException - If adding comp at the specified position would violate the name's syntax.


public Object remove(int posn)
              throws InvalidNameException
Class is disabled.

Deletes a component from this composite name. The component of this composite name at position 'posn' is removed, and components at indices greater than 'posn' are shifted down (towards index 0) by one.

Specified by:
remove in interface Name
posn - The index of the component to delete. Must be in the range [0,size()).
The component removed (a String).
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If posn is outside the specified range (includes case where composite name is empty).
InvalidNameException - If deleting the component would violate the name's syntax.