Interface MBeanServerForwarder

All Superinterfaces:
MBeanServer, MBeanServerConnection

public interface MBeanServerForwarder
extends MBeanServer

Disabled: no SafeJ information.

An object of this class implements the MBeanServer interface and wraps another object that also implements that interface. Typically, an implementation of this interface performs some action in some or all methods of the MBeanServer interface before and/or after forwarding the method to the wrapped object. Examples include security checking and logging.


Method Summary
 MBeanServer getMBeanServer()
          Returns the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded.
 void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer mbs)
          Sets the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded after treatment by this object.
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, addNotificationListener, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, createMBean, deserialize, deserialize, deserialize, getAttribute, getAttributes, getClassLoader, getClassLoaderFor, getClassLoaderRepository, getDefaultDomain, getDomains, getMBeanCount, getMBeanInfo, getObjectInstance, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, instantiate, invoke, isInstanceOf, isRegistered, queryMBeans, queryNames, registerMBean, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, setAttribute, setAttributes, unregisterMBean

Method Detail


MBeanServer getMBeanServer()
Class is disabled.

Returns the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded.

the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded, or null if there is none.
See Also:


void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer mbs)
Class is disabled.

Sets the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded after treatment by this object.

mbs - the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded.
IllegalArgumentException - if this object is already forwarding to an MBeanServer object or if mbs is null or if mbs is identical to this object.
See Also: