Class JMXProviderException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JMXProviderException
extends IOException

Disabled: no SafeJ information.

Exception thrown by JMXConnectorFactory and JMXConnectorServerFactory when a provider exists for the required protocol but cannot be used for some reason.

See Also:
JMXConnectorFactory.newJMXConnector(, java.util.Map), JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(, java.util.Map,, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a JMXProviderException with no specified detail message.
JMXProviderException(String message)
          Constructs a JMXProviderException with the specified detail message.
JMXProviderException(String message, Throwable cause)
          Constructs a JMXProviderException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
Method Summary
 Throwable getCause()
          Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JMXProviderException()
Class is disabled.

Constructs a JMXProviderException with no specified detail message.


public JMXProviderException(String message)
Class is disabled.

Constructs a JMXProviderException with the specified detail message.

message - the detail message


public JMXProviderException(String message,
                            Throwable cause)
Class is disabled.

Constructs a JMXProviderException with the specified detail message and nested exception.

message - the detail message
cause - the nested exception
Method Detail


public Throwable getCause()
Description copied from class: Throwable
Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown. (The cause is the throwable that caused this throwable to get thrown.)

This implementation returns the cause that was supplied via one of the constructors requiring a Throwable, or that was set after creation with the Throwable.initCause(Throwable) method. While it is typically unnecessary to override this method, a subclass can override it to return a cause set by some other means. This is appropriate for a "legacy chained throwable" that predates the addition of chained exceptions to Throwable. Note that it is not necessary to override any of the PrintStackTrace methods, all of which invoke the getCause method to determine the cause of a throwable.

getCause in class Throwable
the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.