Interface IIOWriteProgressListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IIOWriteProgressListener
extends EventListener

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An interface used by ImageWriter implementations to notify callers of their image writing methods of progress.

See Also:
ImageWriter.write(javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata, javax.imageio.IIOImage, javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam)

Method Summary
 void imageComplete(ImageWriter source)
          Reports that the image write operation has completed.
 void imageProgress(ImageWriter source, float percentageDone)
          Reports the approximate degree of completion of the current write call within the associated ImageWriter.
 void imageStarted(ImageWriter source, int imageIndex)
          Reports that an image write operation is beginning.
 void thumbnailComplete(ImageWriter source)
          Reports that a thumbnail write operation has completed.
 void thumbnailProgress(ImageWriter source, float percentageDone)
          Reports the approximate degree of completion of the current thumbnail write within the associated ImageWriter.
 void thumbnailStarted(ImageWriter source, int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
          Reports that a thumbnail write operation is beginning.
 void writeAborted(ImageWriter source)
          Reports that a write has been aborted via the writer's abort method.

Method Detail


void imageStarted(ImageWriter source,
                  int imageIndex)
Class is disabled.

Reports that an image write operation is beginning. All ImageWriter implementations are required to call this method exactly once when beginning an image write operation.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.
imageIndex - the index of the image being written within its containing input file or stream.


void imageProgress(ImageWriter source,
                   float percentageDone)
Class is disabled.

Reports the approximate degree of completion of the current write call within the associated ImageWriter.

The degree of completion is expressed as an index indicating which image is being written, and a percentage varying from 0.0F to 100.0F indicating how much of the current image has been output. The percentage should ideally be calculated in terms of the remaining time to completion, but it is usually more practical to use a more well-defined metric such as pixels decoded or portion of input stream consumed. In any case, a sequence of calls to this method during a given read operation should supply a monotonically increasing sequence of percentage values. It is not necessary to supply the exact values 0 and 100, as these may be inferred by the callee from other methods.

Each particular ImageWriter implementation may call this method at whatever frequency it desires. A rule of thumb is to call it around each 5 percent mark.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.
percentageDone - the approximate percentage of decoding that has been completed.


void imageComplete(ImageWriter source)
Class is disabled.

Reports that the image write operation has completed. All ImageWriter implementations are required to call this method exactly once upon completion of each image write operation.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.


void thumbnailStarted(ImageWriter source,
                      int imageIndex,
                      int thumbnailIndex)
Class is disabled.

Reports that a thumbnail write operation is beginning. All ImageWriter implementations are required to call this method exactly once when beginning a thumbnail write operation.

source - the ImageWrite object calling this method.
imageIndex - the index of the image being written within its containing input file or stream.
thumbnailIndex - the index of the thumbnail being written.


void thumbnailProgress(ImageWriter source,
                       float percentageDone)
Class is disabled.

Reports the approximate degree of completion of the current thumbnail write within the associated ImageWriter. The semantics are identical to those of imageProgress.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.
percentageDone - the approximate percentage of decoding that has been completed.


void thumbnailComplete(ImageWriter source)
Class is disabled.

Reports that a thumbnail write operation has completed. All ImageWriter implementations are required to call this method exactly once upon completion of each thumbnail write operation.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.


void writeAborted(ImageWriter source)
Class is disabled.

Reports that a write has been aborted via the writer's abort method. No further notifications will be given.

source - the ImageWriter object calling this method.