Interface RenderedImage

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public interface RenderedImage

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RenderedImage is a common interface for objects which contain or can produce image data in the form of Rasters. The image data may be stored/produced as a single tile or a regular array of tiles.

Method Summary
 WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster raster)
          Computes an arbitrary rectangular region of the RenderedImage and copies it into a caller-supplied WritableRaster.
 ColorModel getColorModel()
          Returns the ColorModel associated with this image.
 Raster getData()
          Returns the image as one large tile (for tile based images this will require fetching the whole image and copying the image data over).
 Raster getData(Rectangle rect)
          Computes and returns an arbitrary region of the RenderedImage.
 int getHeight()
          Returns the height of the RenderedImage.
 int getMinTileX()
          Returns the minimum tile index in the X direction.
 int getMinTileY()
          Returns the minimum tile index in the Y direction.
 int getMinX()
          Returns the minimum X coordinate (inclusive) of the RenderedImage.
 int getMinY()
          Returns the minimum Y coordinate (inclusive) of the RenderedImage.
 int getNumXTiles()
          Returns the number of tiles in the X direction.
 int getNumYTiles()
          Returns the number of tiles in the Y direction.
 Object getProperty(String name)
          Gets a property from the property set of this image.
 String[] getPropertyNames()
          Returns an array of names recognized by getProperty(String) or null, if no property names are recognized.
 SampleModel getSampleModel()
          Returns the SampleModel associated with this image.
 Vector<RenderedImage> getSources()
          Returns a vector of RenderedImages that are the immediate sources of image data for this RenderedImage.
 Raster getTile(int tileX, int tileY)
          Returns tile (tileX, tileY).
 int getTileGridXOffset()
          Returns the X offset of the tile grid relative to the origin, i.e., the X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0).
 int getTileGridYOffset()
          Returns the Y offset of the tile grid relative to the origin, i.e., the Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0).
 int getTileHeight()
          Returns the tile height in pixels.
 int getTileWidth()
          Returns the tile width in pixels.
 int getWidth()
          Returns the width of the RenderedImage.

Method Detail


Vector<RenderedImage> getSources()
Class is disabled.

Returns a vector of RenderedImages that are the immediate sources of image data for this RenderedImage. This method returns null if the RenderedImage object has no information about its immediate sources. It returns an empty Vector if the RenderedImage object has no immediate sources.

a Vector of RenderedImage objects.


Object getProperty(String name)
Class is disabled.

Gets a property from the property set of this image. The set of properties and whether it is immutable is determined by the implementing class. This method returns java.awt.Image.UndefinedProperty if the specified property is not defined for this RenderedImage.

name - the name of the property
the property indicated by the specified name.
See Also:


String[] getPropertyNames()
Class is disabled.

Returns an array of names recognized by getProperty(String) or null, if no property names are recognized.

a String array containing all of the property names that getProperty(String) recognizes; or null if no property names are recognized.


ColorModel getColorModel()
Class is disabled.

Returns the ColorModel associated with this image. All Rasters returned from this image will have this as their ColorModel. This can return null.

the ColorModel of this image.


SampleModel getSampleModel()
Class is disabled.

Returns the SampleModel associated with this image. All Rasters returned from this image will have this as their SampleModel.

the SampleModel of this image.


int getWidth()
Class is disabled.

Returns the width of the RenderedImage.

the width of this RenderedImage.


int getHeight()
Class is disabled.

Returns the height of the RenderedImage.

the height of this RenderedImage.


int getMinX()
Class is disabled.

Returns the minimum X coordinate (inclusive) of the RenderedImage.

the X coordinate of this RenderedImage.


int getMinY()
Class is disabled.

Returns the minimum Y coordinate (inclusive) of the RenderedImage.

the Y coordinate of this RenderedImage.


int getNumXTiles()
Class is disabled.

Returns the number of tiles in the X direction.

the number of tiles in the X direction.


int getNumYTiles()
Class is disabled.

Returns the number of tiles in the Y direction.

the number of tiles in the Y direction.


int getMinTileX()
Class is disabled.

Returns the minimum tile index in the X direction.

the minimum tile index in the X direction.


int getMinTileY()
Class is disabled.

Returns the minimum tile index in the Y direction.

the minimum tile index in the X direction.


int getTileWidth()
Class is disabled.

Returns the tile width in pixels. All tiles must have the same width.

the tile width in pixels.


int getTileHeight()
Class is disabled.

Returns the tile height in pixels. All tiles must have the same height.

the tile height in pixels.


int getTileGridXOffset()
Class is disabled.

Returns the X offset of the tile grid relative to the origin, i.e., the X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). (Note that tile (0, 0) may not actually exist.)

the X offset of the tile grid relative to the origin.


int getTileGridYOffset()
Class is disabled.

Returns the Y offset of the tile grid relative to the origin, i.e., the Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). (Note that tile (0, 0) may not actually exist.)

the Y offset of the tile grid relative to the origin.


Raster getTile(int tileX,
               int tileY)
Class is disabled.

Returns tile (tileX, tileY). Note that tileX and tileY are indices into the tile array, not pixel locations. The Raster that is returned is live and will be updated if the image is changed.

tileX - the X index of the requested tile in the tile array
tileY - the Y index of the requested tile in the tile array
the tile given the specified indices.


Raster getData()
Class is disabled.

Returns the image as one large tile (for tile based images this will require fetching the whole image and copying the image data over). The Raster returned is a copy of the image data and will not be updated if the image is changed.

the image as one large tile.


Raster getData(Rectangle rect)
Class is disabled.

Computes and returns an arbitrary region of the RenderedImage. The Raster returned is a copy of the image data and will not be updated if the image is changed.

rect - the region of the RenderedImage to be returned.
the region of the RenderedImage indicated by the specified Rectangle.


WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster raster)
Class is disabled.

Computes an arbitrary rectangular region of the RenderedImage and copies it into a caller-supplied WritableRaster. The region to be computed is determined from the bounds of the supplied WritableRaster. The supplied WritableRaster must have a SampleModel that is compatible with this image. If raster is null, an appropriate WritableRaster is created.

raster - a WritableRaster to hold the returned portion of the image, or null.
a reference to the supplied or created WritableRaster.