Class NumericShaper

  extended by java.awt.font.NumericShaper
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class NumericShaper
extends Object
implements Serializable

Disabled: no SafeJ information.

The NumericShaper class is used to convert Latin-1 (European) digits to other Unicode decimal digits. Users of this class will primarily be people who wish to present data using national digit shapes, but find it more convenient to represent the data internally using Latin-1 (European) digits. This does not interpret the deprecated numeric shape selector character (U+206E).

Instances of NumericShaper are typically applied as attributes to text with the NUMERIC_SHAPING attribute of the TextAttribute class. For example, this code snippet causes a TextLayout to shape European digits to Arabic in an Arabic context:

 Map map = new HashMap();
 FontRenderContext frc = ...;
 TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(text, map, frc);
 layout.draw(g2d, x, y);

It is also possible to perform numeric shaping explicitly using instances of NumericShaper, as this code snippet demonstrates:
   char[] text = ...;
   // shape all EUROPEAN digits (except zero) to ARABIC digits
   NumericShaper shaper = NumericShaper.getShaper(NumericShaper.ARABIC);
   shaper.shape(text, start, count);

   // shape European digits to ARABIC digits if preceding text is Arabic, or
   // shape European digits to TAMIL digits if preceding text is Tamil, or
   // leave European digits alone if there is no preceding text, or
   // preceding text is neither Arabic nor Tamil
   NumericShaper shaper =
      NumericShaper.getContextualShaper(NumericShaper.ARABIC |
   shaper.shape(text, start, count);

Bit mask- and enum-based Unicode ranges

This class supports two different programming interfaces to represent Unicode ranges for script-specific digits: bit mask-based ones, such as NumericShaper.ARABIC, and enum-based ones, such as NumericShaper.Range.ARABIC. Multiple ranges can be specified by ORing bit mask-based constants, such as:

 NumericShaper.ARABIC | NumericShaper.TAMIL
or creating a Set with the NumericShaper.Range constants, such as:
 EnumSet.of(NumericShaper.Scirpt.ARABIC, NumericShaper.Range.TAMIL)
The enum-based ranges are a super set of the bit mask-based ones.

If the two interfaces are mixed (including serialization), Unicode range values are mapped to their counterparts where such mapping is possible, such as NumericShaper.Range.ARABIC from/to NumericShaper.ARABIC. If any unmappable range values are specified, such as NumericShaper.Range.BALINESE, those ranges are ignored.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class NumericShaper.Range
          A NumericShaper.Range represents a Unicode range of a script having its own decimal digits.
Field Summary
static int ALL_RANGES
          Identifies all ranges, for full contextual shaping.
static int ARABIC
          Identifies the ARABIC range and decimal base.
static int BENGALI
          Identifies the BENGALI range and decimal base.
static int DEVANAGARI
          Identifies the DEVANAGARI range and decimal base.
          Identifies the ARABIC range and ARABIC_EXTENDED decimal base.
static int ETHIOPIC
          Identifies the ETHIOPIC range and decimal base.
static int EUROPEAN
          Identifies the Latin-1 (European) and extended range, and Latin-1 (European) decimal base.
static int GUJARATI
          Identifies the GUJARATI range and decimal base.
static int GURMUKHI
          Identifies the GURMUKHI range and decimal base.
static int KANNADA
          Identifies the KANNADA range and decimal base.
static int KHMER
          Identifies the KHMER range and decimal base.
static int LAO
          Identifies the LAO range and decimal base.
static int MALAYALAM
          Identifies the MALAYALAM range and decimal base.
static int MONGOLIAN
          Identifies the MONGOLIAN range and decimal base.
static int MYANMAR
          Identifies the MYANMAR range and decimal base.
static int ORIYA
          Identifies the ORIYA range and decimal base.
static int TAMIL
          Identifies the TAMIL range and decimal base.
static int TELUGU
          Identifies the TELUGU range and decimal base.
static int THAI
          Identifies the THAI range and decimal base.
static int TIBETAN
          Identifies the TIBETAN range and decimal base.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Returns true if the specified object is an instance of NumericShaper and shapes identically to this one, regardless of the range representations, the bit mask or the enum.
static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(int ranges)
          Returns a contextual shaper for the provided unicode range(s).
static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(int ranges, int defaultContext)
          Returns a contextual shaper for the provided unicode range(s).
static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(Set<NumericShaper.Range> ranges)
          Returns a contextual shaper for the provided Unicode range(s).
static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(Set<NumericShaper.Range> ranges, NumericShaper.Range defaultContext)
          Returns a contextual shaper for the provided Unicode range(s).
 int getRanges()
          Returns an int that ORs together the values for all the ranges that will be shaped.
 Set<NumericShaper.Range> getRangeSet()
          Returns a Set representing all the Unicode ranges in this NumericShaper that will be shaped.
static NumericShaper getShaper(int singleRange)
          Returns a shaper for the provided unicode range.
static NumericShaper getShaper(NumericShaper.Range singleRange)
          Returns a shaper for the provided Unicode range.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this shaper.
 boolean isContextual()
          Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this shaper shapes contextually.
 void shape(char[] text, int start, int count)
          Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count.
 void shape(char[] text, int start, int count, int context)
          Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count, using the provided context.
 void shape(char[] text, int start, int count, NumericShaper.Range context)
          Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count, using the provided context.
 String toString()
          Returns a String that describes this shaper.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int EUROPEAN
Class is disabled.

Identifies the Latin-1 (European) and extended range, and Latin-1 (European) decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ARABIC
Class is disabled.

Identifies the ARABIC range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EASTERN_ARABIC
Class is disabled.

Identifies the ARABIC range and ARABIC_EXTENDED decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEVANAGARI
Class is disabled.

Identifies the DEVANAGARI range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BENGALI
Class is disabled.

Identifies the BENGALI range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GURMUKHI
Class is disabled.

Identifies the GURMUKHI range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GUJARATI
Class is disabled.

Identifies the GUJARATI range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORIYA
Class is disabled.

Identifies the ORIYA range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAMIL
Class is disabled.

Identifies the TAMIL range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TELUGU
Class is disabled.

Identifies the TELUGU range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KANNADA
Class is disabled.

Identifies the KANNADA range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MALAYALAM
Class is disabled.

Identifies the MALAYALAM range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THAI
Class is disabled.

Identifies the THAI range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LAO
Class is disabled.

Identifies the LAO range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TIBETAN
Class is disabled.

Identifies the TIBETAN range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MYANMAR
Class is disabled.

Identifies the MYANMAR range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ETHIOPIC
Class is disabled.

Identifies the ETHIOPIC range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KHMER
Class is disabled.

Identifies the KHMER range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MONGOLIAN
Class is disabled.

Identifies the MONGOLIAN range and decimal base.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ALL_RANGES
Class is disabled.

Identifies all ranges, for full contextual shaping.

This constant specifies all of the bit mask-based ranges. Use EmunSet.allOf(NumericShaper.Range.class) to specify all of the enum-based ranges.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static NumericShaper getShaper(int singleRange)
Class is disabled.

Returns a shaper for the provided unicode range. All Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits are converted to the corresponding decimal unicode digits.

singleRange - the specified Unicode range
a non-contextual numeric shaper
IllegalArgumentException - if the range is not a single range


public static NumericShaper getShaper(NumericShaper.Range singleRange)
Class is disabled.

Returns a shaper for the provided Unicode range. All Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits are converted to the corresponding decimal digits of the specified Unicode range.

singleRange - the Unicode range given by a NumericShaper.Range constant.
a non-contextual NumericShaper.
NullPointerException - if singleRange is null


public static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(int ranges)
Class is disabled.

Returns a contextual shaper for the provided unicode range(s). Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits are converted to the decimal digits corresponding to the range of the preceding text, if the range is one of the provided ranges. Multiple ranges are represented by or-ing the values together, such as, NumericShaper.ARABIC | NumericShaper.THAI. The shaper assumes EUROPEAN as the starting context, that is, if EUROPEAN digits are encountered before any strong directional text in the string, the context is presumed to be EUROPEAN, and so the digits will not shape.

ranges - the specified Unicode ranges
a shaper for the specified ranges


public static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(Set<NumericShaper.Range> ranges)
Class is disabled.

Returns a contextual shaper for the provided Unicode range(s). The Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits are converted to the decimal digits corresponding to the range of the preceding text, if the range is one of the provided ranges.

The shaper assumes EUROPEAN as the starting context, that is, if EUROPEAN digits are encountered before any strong directional text in the string, the context is presumed to be EUROPEAN, and so the digits will not shape.

ranges - the specified Unicode ranges
a contextual shaper for the specified ranges
NullPointerException - if ranges is null.


public static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(int ranges,
                                                int defaultContext)
Class is disabled.

Returns a contextual shaper for the provided unicode range(s). Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits will be converted to the decimal digits corresponding to the range of the preceding text, if the range is one of the provided ranges. Multiple ranges are represented by or-ing the values together, for example, NumericShaper.ARABIC | NumericShaper.THAI. The shaper uses defaultContext as the starting context.

ranges - the specified Unicode ranges
defaultContext - the starting context, such as NumericShaper.EUROPEAN
a shaper for the specified Unicode ranges.
IllegalArgumentException - if the specified defaultContext is not a single valid range.


public static NumericShaper getContextualShaper(Set<NumericShaper.Range> ranges,
                                                NumericShaper.Range defaultContext)
Class is disabled.

Returns a contextual shaper for the provided Unicode range(s). The Latin-1 (EUROPEAN) digits will be converted to the decimal digits corresponding to the range of the preceding text, if the range is one of the provided ranges. The shaper uses defaultContext as the starting context.

ranges - the specified Unicode ranges
defaultContext - the starting context, such as NumericShaper.Range.EUROPEAN
a contextual shaper for the specified Unicode ranges.
NullPointerException - if ranges or defaultContext is null


public void shape(char[] text,
                  int start,
                  int count)
Class is disabled.

Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count.

text - an array of characters to convert
start - the index into text to start converting
count - the number of characters in text to convert
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if start or start + count is out of bounds
NullPointerException - if text is null


public void shape(char[] text,
                  int start,
                  int count,
                  int context)
Class is disabled.

Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count, using the provided context. Context is ignored if the shaper is not a contextual shaper.

text - an array of characters
start - the index into text to start converting
count - the number of characters in text to convert
context - the context to which to convert the characters, such as NumericShaper.EUROPEAN
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if start or start + count is out of bounds
NullPointerException - if text is null
IllegalArgumentException - if this is a contextual shaper and the specified context is not a single valid range.


public void shape(char[] text,
                  int start,
                  int count,
                  NumericShaper.Range context)
Class is disabled.

Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count, using the provided context. Context is ignored if the shaper is not a contextual shaper.

text - a char array
start - the index into text to start converting
count - the number of chars in text to convert
context - the context to which to convert the characters, such as NumericShaper.Range.EUROPEAN
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if start or start + count is out of bounds
NullPointerException - if text or context is null


public boolean isContextual()
Class is disabled.

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this shaper shapes contextually.

true if this shaper is contextual; false otherwise.


public int getRanges()
Class is disabled.

Returns an int that ORs together the values for all the ranges that will be shaped.

For example, to check if a shaper shapes to Arabic, you would use the following:

if ((shaper.getRanges() & shaper.ARABIC) != 0) { ...

Note that this method supports only the bit mask-based ranges. Call getRangeSet() for the enum-based ranges.

the values for all the ranges to be shaped.


public Set<NumericShaper.Range> getRangeSet()
Class is disabled.

Returns a Set representing all the Unicode ranges in this NumericShaper that will be shaped.

all the Unicode ranges to be shaped.


public int hashCode()
Class is disabled.

Returns a hash code for this shaper.

hashCode in class Object
this shaper's hash code.
See Also:


public boolean equals(Object o)
Class is disabled.

Returns true if the specified object is an instance of NumericShaper and shapes identically to this one, regardless of the range representations, the bit mask or the enum. For example, the following code produces "true".
 NumericShaper ns1 = NumericShaper.getShaper(NumericShaper.ARABIC);
 NumericShaper ns2 = NumericShaper.getShaper(NumericShaper.Range.ARABIC);

equals in class Object
o - the specified object to compare to this NumericShaper
true if o is an instance of NumericShaper and shapes in the same way; false otherwise.
See Also:


public String toString()
Class is disabled.

Returns a String that describes this shaper. This method is used for debugging purposes only.

toString in class Object
a String describing this shaper.