Accounting for Wire Delays and Cross Talk
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- Optimizing dominant time constants in RC circuits
- Wire planning instead of floor planning
- Clustering and technology mapping to aleviate wire delays
- Creating tight islands of logic computation - using large libraries
and advanced technology mapping.
- On-the-fly construction of highly compact cells - possibly using
pass transistor, domino logic or cascode logic.
- Iterating synthesis and layout - approximating/abstracting the layout process
(1. DAC 1994, p327 - Methodology and Algorithms for Post-placement Delay Optimization
2. book - Circuits, Interconnections, and Packaging for VLSI - H.B. Bakoglu)
- Controlling noise problems in deep submicron
(1. Bakoglu's book 2. Ken Shepard and Vinod Narayanan - (tutorial-ICCAD 96))
- Using advanced delay models and the false path problem
- New methods for on-chip communication - e.g.
a) replacing buses with switching networks or
b) using small-swing signalling to speed communication or
c) introducing local high speed clocks with flexible intercomponent communication
d) locally synchronous - globally asynchronous synthesis or
e) synthesis of externally synchronous internally asynchronous circuits
- simultaneous buffer and wire optimization
(work by Jason Cong and Larry Pillagi)
- transistor sizing (1. TLOS - Alfred Dunlap (appeared in TCAD, DAC)
2. Convex Optimization - Sachin Sapetnekar (TCAD a couple of years ago))
Robert K. Brayton
Fri Dec 20 14:46:20 PST 1996