- Prof. Bernhard Boser,
- Efthymios Papageorgiou,
Design of robust, optimized analog circuits with special emphasis on CMOS amplifiers.
Analog circuit analysis including small and large signal models. Frequency response. Feedback analysis and stability. EE 240A or equivalent.
Gray, Hurst, Lewis, Meyer Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Wiley.
Grades & Exams
- The midterm is in-class. Notify the GSI by the end of the second week of classes if you have a conflict for the midterm or final exam or if you need special accommodations.
- Scores are kept on bCourses. Please check regularly for accuracy and immediately notify the GSI of any errors or omissions.
- Your grade will be computed from a weighted average of
- Homework (20%)
- Project (25%)
- Midterm (25%)
- Final (30%)