Note: This page exists only for historical documentation. I am no longer looking for a faculty position; I joined the EECS department at UC Berkeley in 2009.

Björn Hartmann

Gates Computer Science Building 3B #376
Stanford, CA 94305-9035
tel +1 650 353 1972  fax +1 650 723 0033

I'm a fifth-year doctoral student in the Human Computer Interaction Group in the Computer Science Department at Stanford. My advisor is Professor Scott Klemmer. I'll be graduating in June 2009, and I am currently applying for tenure-track positions as an assistant professor.


CV · Research Statement · Teaching Statement

Selected Publications

Björn Hartmann, Loren Yu, Abel Allison, Yeonsoo Yang, and Scott R. Klemmer. Design as Exploration: Creating Interface Alternatives through Parallel Authoring and Runtime Tuning. In Proceedings of UIST 2008: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Monterey, CA, 2008. (best student paper award)

Björn Hartmann, Leith Abdulla, Manas Mittal and Scott R. Klemmer. Authoring Sensor Based Interactions Through Direct Manipulation and Pattern Matching. In Proceedings of CHI 2007: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Jose, CA, 2007. (best paper award)

Björn Hartmann, Scott R. Klemmer, Michael Bernstein, Leith Abdulla, Brandon Burr, Avi Robinson-Mosher, and Jennifer Gee. Reflective physical prototyping through integrated design, test, and analysis. In Proceedings of UIST 2006: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Montreux, Switzerland, 2006. (best paper award)


Scott R. Klemmer, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Stanford University
Terry Winograd, Professor, Computer Science, Stanford University
Andrew D. Wilson, Researcher, Microsoft Research Redmond
James Landay, Associate Professor, Computer Science & Enigneering, University of Washington; Strategic Advisor, Intel Research Seattle