Ahmad R S Bahai
Professor of
Electrical Engineering.

Wireless Communications
VLSI for Mixed signal
Adaptive/mixed signal processing
Research Interests
Statistical Signal processing in wireless communications
Algorithm specific VLSI design
Wireless sensor networks
Adaptive algorithms and processor design
OFDM techniques for 4G Communications systems
Publications (2003/04)
- Complexity Based Design
for Iterative Joint Equalization and Channel Coding comp.pdf
- Effect of Frame
Synchronization Error in OFDM sync.pdf
- A New Approach for
Evaluating Clipping Distortion
in Multicarrier Systems clipping.pdf
- Blind Maximum Likelihood
Channel and Data Recovery in OFDM BML.pdf
- Iterative Decoding and
Blind Channel Estimation for Coded OFDM iterative.pdf
- Turbo Coding Performance
in OFDM Packet Transmission
- A LMS Approach to Channel
Identification and Equalization in OFDM LMS.pdf
#511 Cory Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
(510) 643 0155
Bahai received his MS degree from Imperial
College, University
of London in 1988 and Ph.D. degree
from University of California at Berkeley
in 1993, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1992 to 1994 he worked as a member
of technical staff in the wireless communications division of TCSI. He joined
AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1994 where he was Technical Manager of Wireless
Communication Group in Advanced Communications Technology Labs until 1997. He
was involved in research and design of several wireless standards such as PDC,
IS-95, GSM, and IS-136 terminals and Base stations, as well as ADSL and Cable
modems. He is one of the inventors of Multi-carrier CDMA (OFDM) concept and
proposed the technology for high speed wireless data systems. He was the
co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of ALGOREX Inc. and currently is a
Fellow and the Chief Technologist of National Semiconductor
He is an adjunct/consulting professor at Stanford University
and UC Berkeley. His research interest includes adaptive signal processing and
communication theory. He is the author of more than 50 papers and reports and
his book on "Multi-carrier Digital Communications" is published by
Kluwer/Plenum. Dr. Bahai holds five patents in Communications and Signal
Processing field and served as an editor of IEEE Communication Letters.