Alfredo De Goyeneche

Ph.D. Student
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley

Short Bio

I am a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley, where I work with Professor Miki Lustig and Professor Stella Yu on machine learning for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). I am a part of the Berkeley Artifical Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab. I am broadly interested in deep learning, computer vision, reinforcement learning, robotics, and medical imaging & MRI.

Previously, from 2018 to 2020, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at a startup, Heartvista, where we developed models and software for self-driving MRIs. I did my undergraduate at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC), where I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and I did deep learning research with Professors Alvaro Soto from PUC and Juan Carlos Niebles from Stanford University.