Lecture #27-- Thu, Nov. 29, 2007.

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Warm-up Exercise on "3D Thinking"

Consider a cube suspended from one of its corners.
Slowly lower it towards a surface of water, and let it dip in more and more, until it is finally fully immersed.
Draw the various types of cross-sectional shapes that the water surface forms around the cube for various levels of immersion.
(-> solution)

What "mental scaffolding" did you use to assist you in this task ?

How can symmetry considerations be of any help ?

Would a 3D model help ?

Bisection of "striated cube" ...

Thinking in 3D is hard -- and error prone:

Cluster of 11 ten-segment ring tiles:

How many ring-tiles need to be split ?
Can the cluster assembly be completed ?

The shape of the three-segment ring-tile in the triamond lattice:

Sometimes making a 3D paper model is most effective !

Questions on how to turn your Prototype Parts into injection-moldable parts ?

The constraints associated with injection-moldable parts:

Results of Feedback Questionnaires on the papers studied in this course

Organizing the formal "Project Presentation Talks"

Presentation Format:

Formal 15-20 minute review with few interruptions ( Think of a NSF or DARPA review panel! )
Presentation should be confident, polished, with nice visuals.
It should not just be an "advertisement/sales-talk", but describe some technical accomplishment.
Since your projects may only be half-way done at this point, also present a concrete task list of what you still plan to do.

We will follow these presentations with a 5-10 minutes of Q&A period, and an opportunity for feedback and suggestions.

Suggested Presentation Schedule:

Tue Dec. 4:
Mark Howison  (15 min)
James Andrews + Ming-Hay Luk
  (20 min)

Thu Dec. 6:
Mike Hamada  (15 min)
Bryan Klingner  (15 min)
Adam Megacz  (15 min)

Hands-on Project Demonstrations:

Dec. 19-20, or by special appointment.

Analogies from 2D to 3D (and to 4D ?)

Discussion of "Analogies from 2D to 3D"

"Homage to Hilbert" by Nelson Max

HKN Course Survey

Last Homework Assignment: Make your design injection-moldable.

Phase 5 - due Saturday, Dec. 1, 2007:  Produce  .STL and .SML files.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin