CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #23 -- Thu 11/08, 2012.
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Preparation: Study: Isosurface
Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles
Warm-Up: On the provided
do a 2D adaptively graded isosurface
stuffing within the outline of the Stanford Bunny.
Use the outlined hierarchical grid to
emulate the described 3D technique as best possible.
Michael leads
the discussion on: Isosurface
Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles
1.) Two sets of bounds on the angles of the tetrahedra
are given in the abstract. What determines which set of bounds
2.) Why is the angle guarantee different for the
outside and the inside of a specified shape (page 2, line 11)?
3.) If we try to do a similar isosurface stuffing with
only hexahedra (deformed cubes), what are the difficulties?
4.) How should one deal with boundary tetrahedra that
have all four vertices on the isosurface?
Assignments for Tue. Nov. 13, 2012:
Study: EV'10:
Exploded view diagrams of complex mathematical surfaces
and then answer the following three questions, sending me
e-mail before 5pm on Monday, Nov. 12, 2012.
1.) How does the described system
choose an explosion axis?
2.) How are the locations and orientations for the cutting
planes determined?
3.) How does the system deal with surfaces that
self-intersect, e.g. a Klein bottle?
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Page Editor: Carlo
H. Séquin